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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. How does picking up Riley via free agency have nothing to do with free agency?
  2. Congrats on the baby mate. Will have to give this Montecristo business a run, never gone classier than pusser's for rums so pretty curious what a decent one tastes like. If you jump back on the whiskey bandwagon, have a go at Oban, it's all I drink at the moment, which was a lot after we crashed Enright's party.
  3. I love how in the Garland article it says we've been hit the hardest by free agency. Whatever mate. Last two years: Vince for Sylvia. Brayshaw for Frawley. Cross and Riley for nothing at all. Sam Blease off to run around in the VFL for Geelong. Definitely winning at losing our players.
  4. Can we swap out his shaved head in the banner? Doesn't even look like him.
  5. http://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/bring-back-bernie.1101596/ I'm terrible.
  6. Oh man, totally forgot about that. We were so bad.
  7. Always thought Bernie was handy and Jonesy inspirational, but this dreamteam in the middle with Viney and Brayshaw is mental. Where has this come from?!
  8. Side note: when did they become such bloody reliable kicks of the football? Ridiculous!
  9. Maxy seems to be getting more and more confident about the state of his knees. Took some excellent jumping grabs today.
  10. Seriously, were they just a bunch of made up quotes? What the [censored]? They weren't even funny, just normal quotes that no one actually said. Why? Why would you do this thing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgzhxebpDew
  11. Thanks for sharing mate, lovely story. All the best to your family.
  12. Geez Stefan Martin is a unit these days. Miss that guy.
  13. Love how brutal our midfield is becoming. We seriously have some of the best tacklers in the league in Viney, Riley and Brayshaw. Whoever has coached this new hard mindset into the players this year, most evident in the player that Bernie's become, thank you.
  14. Brutal. No idea how people can directly correlate this with Misson's performance though, definitely not a position people should be baying for blood outside the club. Go watch some of the other clubs' injury list videos (I've watched them because of bloody AFL fantasy) and see if you want to trade them in. Even if we can do better, it's no point wasting energy considering it now, it won't be changing and it'll look a whole lot different in hindsight at the end of the year.
  15. One of the highlights of the game for me was seeing how amped ANB was after the Toump kicked one his goals. Toumpas was high-fiving all chilled then ANB ran in beaming and then Toump let it all out. Was so good seeing the two youngsters pumped and celebrating together. On a side note, ANB out of his depth today, but looks a footballer. Reckon he'll be something.
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