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Everything posted by McQueen

  1. You have taken this from my post out of context, mephis. It does in fact allude to the whole team under-performing.
  2. Please don't take offence to this post. I think you're being too sensitive and inadvertently supporting the stereo-typing you speak of. This forum, in the time I've been a member, has left no player unscathed from being labelled lazy, under-performing, slow, no second effort etc.. To me it seems that when the indigenous boys cop a bit of stick some people rush to their defence and play the race card. How do you expect them to be treated equally when you don't give them that opportunity to begin with. Along with Hardtack, I thought the comments on Aussie in the other thread were in poor taste but imagine if it was directed at a caucasion player? Would it have drawn the same criticism? Yes there is an obvious distinction between cultures and skin colours but FCS, I want to see the same effort by all players on the training track and on game day. 100%. I'm confident LJ will come out a much better player from this pre season and he will be consistently damaging next season.
  3. Holmes would get a far better package from spilling his guts to the media. Whatever truths and lies are being kept among a select few, they will eventually be made public. Anyone know Assange's ph number?
  4. I used to see a chick who was right into this. Rather short relationship that one. The players just need to improve their fitness, skills, desire for the pill and learn the game plan Neeld has for them. I don't think we have the time for 'soft skills' at the moment. Time is of the essence to deliver a premiership.
  5. I tend to agree. He appears to have quite skinny legs too. Would feel more comfortable calling him a big bodied forward with another 6 kilo on him.
  6. Because they thought he would most likely leg it after one contract. Win win.
  7. Yeah, can see right through it to the core of his arrogance.
  8. Sorry for posting this here because I can't find the original thread. Curious to know what happened to Waylen Manson? Did he go in the ND? Ed: Found answer in other post. Been 300kms south of Kununurra
  9. This is true, but the argument most posters have is that it is the 'on-field' leadership that the team is badly lacking. I rate Jack Grimes and hope he will make a great VC to Trengove.
  10. This is where it gets fuzzy. Grimes won the RBJ leadership award this year after playing only six games. Go figure.
  11. Garry Lyon once said on TFS, "Brad Green is the man to lead the Melbourne Footy Club, don't you worry about that." IIRC, it was when the wheels were beginning to fall off early in the season and the knockers were just beginning to scrutinise Brad's skipper credentials. Now that the season has finished and with all the new faces and direction the club is moving in, I wonder if Garry's opinion still stands. Would be interesting to know...
  12. Sorry DC should've explained it better. The minimum cost for 12 months will be $545... Given that you pay one month in advance (so the buggers have already taken one payment).
  13. Have just been on the phone to Foxtel and they said they will extend the $50 'get started' deal that was supposed to expire on 12th Nov. This includes 36 channels plus the Sports package which has 10 channels (covering all AFL) on a 12 month contract. Just went SD and only the one box. Multi room was another $20 per month. Total cost for the 12 months = $545.00 (basically ten bucks a week) I've never has Foxtel before but believe this is going to be fantastic value being in WA, and being able to watch the mighty Dee's every week, LIVE!
  14. I'd consider this the most plausible explanation to the situation. Given the depth of the draft this year though, he would be worth another gamble with one of our picks unless something has been arranged otherwise as you've suggested.
  15. Exactly. And I'm confident it's already well and truly under way.
  16. Gee, Jack Watts whored his support around... Hope that doesn't translate into playing career.
  17. A premiership player no less. A big fall from grace.
  18. A couple points.. AFL in WA is just as popular as in Vic. There just isn't the same volume of people. If your 5 mates follow soccer and think that Aussie Rules is a game played by poofs then you have my permission to slap them - hard.
  19. I remember he was heavily involved Aussie's welfare after he lost his Dad and Maurice. Maybe there won't be a replacement, if he was very good at what he did why would you replace him?
  20. Maybe you should practice this method yourself in future.
  21. I for one would not challenge for an arm wrestle.
  22. How about investing all the money on Junior and Country footy to begin with? Country footy is struggling like never before but the AFL seem intent on concentrating on the big smokes and assumptions! Munga, I understand your sentiment but I strongly disagree that Western Sydney is the most logical place to target for this crusade that Vlad and Co are on.
  23. Nothing like an MFC membership for Christmas.
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