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Everything posted by McQueen

  1. Tell club senior management of your intentions. Let them deal with the handling of it. You're end of the bargain is to give 100% performance for the remainder of the season. If the club feels it is best to expose the situation then so be it. You're only comment for the rest of the year is, "I'm leaving at the end of the season, I have no further comments to make until then. The club and my manager will handle this from now on." I would've been satisfied if stupid had handled it this way.
  2. We can only hope that these factors plus the question hanging over the Pendlebury contract will unsettle them enough but I doubt it. As has been mentioned many times in many threads, a culture of professionalism and success is at the Filth. The biggest risk there now is FIGJAMs ego upsetting the apple cart. I also believe Pendlebury will handle the next twelve months much better than stupid did. He has seen how not to leave your club and his management will handle it accordingly.
  3. A bit like Mitch Clark maybe. Money talks and GWS will have the same amount as other clubs soon enough. Whether GWS turns out to be the basket case many are suggesting (or hoping) will determine who wants to stay and go more than coin I reckon. Interesting to see if their top players do in fact take a cut to get outta there. I know one for sure who will not!
  4. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? What have you been taking, Mephis?
  5. The only way I will ever feel vindicated in this whole sordid affair is if shithead turns out to be a dud and our 2 first rounders turn out to be very good players. Comparing this to the Ablett scenario is absolutley ridiculous. Geelong got massive value from him, his Dad is a legend of the game and of Geelong. We got nothing of what a number 1 draft pick is chosen for. Absolutley zilch in my eyes - no value.
  6. Will definitely be making the trip over from Perth for it.
  7. Gotta love live streaming on the net for us interstate Dee's. Interesting he indicated that Bartram has got a role play down back, I hope it has something to do with hitting other players on the [censored] with his passes. Nev Jetta mentioned as well. Overall pretty happy with the backs even if he was backed into a corner by Ox's questions/suggestions. Tappy seems certain to be moulded into a midfielder. Had an offer to join the filth too before coming to the Dee's.
  8. Wailing? Hardly. You're obviously in the minority Nasher but you still care to post about the topic.
  9. Let's see him talk his way out of this one. " It was the courageous thing to do, you know, shaft a lot of people and tell lies. It's got to do with character and integrity and I want to be a leader." I so want to be over this [censored] but this just stinks to high heaven.
  10. He wasn't on his lonesome in that regard this year. I think it has a fair bit to do with composure that you get from having a general confidence in the rest of your team mates and that of a structured game plan to play by. If you don't have these two critical things, you're always blazing away your kicks.
  11. Would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Brogan next year. Another reason to look forward to round 13.
  12. Daffy Duck... looney toons is my guess. Ed: Toons
  13. Money grabbing [censored]. Anyone know how much he would get for these [censored] articles?
  14. ''I'm only young and I'm going to be looking to our older guys for guidance, but most of the players here are new to the system and are looking to find out how to train or how to set standards,'' he said. ''I enjoy that, and I do want to be a leader. That was part of the challenge of coming up here and we're only a few days into pre-season but I'm enjoying it already and I do want to fast track my leadership skills." Hmmm... Considering that character and integrity are at the core of LEADERSHIP, you have got a long, long way to go. What a drip. Ed: oh, and honesty too....
  15. We nearly made the 8 this year with all of those wallopings. I have a much better feeling about next year and of securing a finals berth, rewarded through playing strong, accountable and structured footy. Dramatic turn-arounds can take place as we witnessed this year with WCE.
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