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Everything posted by McQueen

  1. Just a reminder that if you are thinking about getting Foxtel connected in time for the launch, you better book now. There is a 4 week backlog of orders now.... In the West anyways..
  2. You've taken me back again DC. An old boss of mine used to say it as: "It's too high off the ground to eat grass and too low to eat leaves but it still has to be fed".
  3. - Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. - He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
  4. Opinions and feelings are frequently a personal triumph over good thinking. You should try the latter more often.
  5. What an old classic. You can even do it with your eyes closed. Haha!
  6. Cheers for the report everyone. As always, much appreciated by us interstate Dee's. waynewussell, can you please clarify who the illustrious Demon Daniher was? Is it the old coach now at the Weagles?
  7. You've missed the point of the thread, rolly. However if you insist on Jones being the best candidate, give some points or details as to why he has the creds. Cheers
  8. Maybe you would prefer someone like Sheedy? Maybe the ambiguity of Mark Harvey's pressers would be better. Neeld is straight down the line, no [censored]. Just what the club and players need. Who cares how he presents to the media circus.
  9. Leadership traits of an AFL club Captain Without wanting to start another ‘who should be captain this year’ thread, I thought it would be interesting to get posters views on what they think the captain's role and responsibilities in the modern game now are. With so many coaching staff and a beefed up Football Department this year, there are plenty of role models for the whole team to look up to and learn from to improve behaviours and actions, principles and values. With this is mind, is it fair to assume the captain's job is becoming more field/game only related, or is it still an all encompassing role that is integral to the footy department? But first, on last season … I’ve found it interesting that many posters are so quick to give opinions on the club captain's leadership ability – namely Brad Green. Fair to say that Brad didn’t have too many admirers during 2011 in this regard and given he had a shocker of a year performance-wise and the club did not live up to expectations, he’s found himself in the gun, labelled as ineffective, and the wrong choice for captain. Becoming captain more often than not means that the majority of your focus is now on your team-mates and their overall performance as opposed to your own individual output. It’s quite possible this may have been the catalyst for Brad’s mediocre year, coupled with some other distracting issues. However, on the other side of the coin, is the case with Jack Grimes being awarded the RBJ Leadership award for 2011. After managing only 6 games before succumbing to injury, how can this be so given that on-field performance is the most common variable to go by in regards to leadership credentials? In fact, he and Trengove now have similar games under their belt, albeit JT more consistently. I for one do not believe in the theory that there are “born leaders”. For me, leadership is something that is learnt, it’s a skill that needs to be practiced regularly to become effective at it. But in saying that, I also believe there are certain characteristics and traits possessed by individuals that allow them to be better leaders than others. When looked at in a sporting sense, and in this case Australian Rules Football, these traits and characteristics are witnessed mostly on the field during a match and I believe this is where most supporters opinions are formed on who would be the most suitable captain at MFC. Then of course are Mark Neeld’s comments about the leadership group that suggest he will make a decision based upon training and pre-season competition. “It will be determined by their behaviours and actions over the pre-season," he said. Obviously he has a set of criteria that will be met by individuals that would indicate their suitability as captain/s. So, what is it that is so important for an AFL club captain to show on and off the field? What does leadership look like? What does it feel and sound like in the heat of a game? The traits I value most in no specific order are: • Good communicator, clear and concise; • Great motivator that can energise you even when getting flogged; • Constant feedback, good or bad so you knew “where you were”; • Selfless acts of courage; • Passion and a will for the team to succeed at any cost; Feel free to portray it in a story from a personal account from your own coaching or playing days if that’s more suitable to you.
  10. Support bacteria - they're the only culture some people have. - Unknown
  11. Everybody repeat after me....."We are all individuals."
  12. "On the other hand, you have different fingers".
  13. The photo's in the OP links were of Cale with a tennis racquet. Assuming exerting force whilst swinging your arm to hit a ball would increase blood flow and possibly make your arm appear bigger than it is.... That's what I was trying to allude to. Hope that helps.
  14. If he has just finished swinging a tennis racquet around then I suspect that would offer the best explanation. Rafa Nadal size would be preferable.
  15. Would it be fair to say that players on the PTT list at the particular clubs that are obviously interested in them are also sometimes decoys in rookie draft?
  16. A good article from the BBC on different AT options. ALTITUDE TRAINING - THE FACTS The key to successful training at altitude is to live high and train low 2,000m-2,500m: The optimum altitude for acclimatisation 28 days: Number of days required for noticeable increase in red blood cell count 22 hours: Daily exposure sufficient to boost performance http://news.bbc.co.u...ams/9432880.stm
  17. "And of course not only have they already got players but next year under the eagle eye of Phil Scully, the $100,000 recruiting man, they'll have even more young talent." Crackers taking the urine. Love it.
  18. Dead right. When I had it installed the other week the technician said come feb / march next year it will be hectic and new subscribers should expect to wait for a month minimum, before installation takes place. If anyone's thinking about hanging out a few months, keep this in mind.
  19. Causes minor conflict with available time for Dream Team analysis before bed. Otherwise, who cares.
  20. If I could grasp and maintain just a portion of Jims energy and enthusiasm, and just some of his teachings and philosophies then I, the people I come into contact with and the community would be much richer.
  21. Thanks JCB. Fingers crossed on the Monday as I get in late on the Friday. Will keep an eye on the website. Cheers
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