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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. I'm hoping we can trade/recruit for at least 6 players. 4 of them goal to goal line. 1: A tall brute of a FB, able to cover similar sized/bruising forwards Freeing up Frawley a little or at least allowing him to play on next biggest bodied and/or 'quicker on lead' match up. 2. At least 2 strong bodied elite mids, super quick with their reflexes and effective by both hand and foot. By strong bodied, i'd want them to be capable of moving their opponents off the ball, hold the ball up (McKenzie style) when they can't and a great chase/tackling/2nd 3rd effort ethic. Taking on the likes of chappy, Mitchel, Swan,Watson etc head on. They'll both need super quick reflexes to feed the ball off quickly to other strong outside runners (gut runners who can spread like crazy all day if needed) and further if required, until we have it in the hands of great finish/delivery players going inside 50. If this means we go around the ground (wide) and cutting back inside 50 using the angles....so be it (Filth style). With the aim to improve our scoring effectiveness when winning the clearances. 3. A class outside runner off half back who can finish with class (strong through the body though)....in a similar vein to Burgoyne. Could be Blease after a few more pre-seasons but too early to say. Maybe a Jetta as back up or 2nd go to outside runner. Again too early to say if he'll make the grade as he's only shown this in glimpses in the seniors. 4. A key forward with one touch marking skills. Either in a pack (overhead) and/or on the lead up. Grows into the role and learns to become a great finisher (Butcher?). I'd be happy to fill this role in the short term with a Fev (provided we get a good deal $ wise, and an appropriate performance based contract with an 'out clause' for non negotiables either on or off field) while this player and other young forwards develop/grow into their roles. Alternatively someone like Dawes although i have reservations about his ability to be as effective without another big body like Cloak alongside. 5. A tough as, quick assed small forward, who knows how to read a ball off the pack and work his way into spaces for a receive on hit up as well. Sneak, scrap, scrag, tackle and chase to help with forward press (pressure) and kick goals out of his bum from almost any angle from within 30. Oh yeah, and heapz of gym work and extra sandwhiches lol I realise this is a tough ask. Not expecting any overnight results. 2 - 3 years shouldn't be too big an ask to bring these through though eh? That's it Alastair....(oops sorry, bit of wishful thinking there)....i meant Mark of course. Good luck Choco
  2. 6 - Sylvia 5 - Garland 4 - Jones 3 - McKenzie 2 - Bartram 1 - Trengove Apologies ... Blease, Bennell, Morton, Rivers & Frawley
  3. Jeez guys. All this 'You Know Who' talk. Startin to freak me out. Can't we just SAY who it is for goodness sakes and stop [censored] footin around!? We all know you're talking about.... that most evil of evil doers. And if no one else has the guts to out him him, i will! Voldemort! ....Voldemort Voldemort!! There...i've said it!
  4. Seems plausible but only if both parties had something in place to ensure the transition IMO. Can't see the MFC/FD sitting on its hands for a whole season in hope that this might take place. Too risky. In addition Mick made it clear on the Footy Show a while back that he wasn't just going to just sit around and not contribute in some significant way as Footy Director, and that this would need sorting. He wanted it to be a win/win for both him and the club. This would smack in the face of the bolded point up there.
  5. FWIW..... Anyone else hear Scott West on SEN tonight? A Blues supporter called in and asked about the possibility of....low and behold you guessed it, Carlton re-drafting Fev After he was summarily dismissed, the talk then came around to....well....where is Fev at? What if? Westy was then asked (given the connection) about the possibility of Fev returning to the game generally. West said it was initially thought (early in the season) he was taking up someone else's space by being played in a key forward role. However, the view has changed somewhat, and it was now felt that things had gone better than the Demons expected. Fev was actually contributing and giving assistance to the other forwards there, both on and off the field, and a few injuries to some of the initial likely forwards had not seem them being able to press for that position as much as the Demons would have liked anyway. He now believes Fev is being wasted somewhat, as he still has all his attributes. He also said that he might be worth looking at for someone (didn't say us, but then Westy's out of contract so he doesn't know where he's at at the MFC either atm) provided he "bought in" to the forward press and all that it entails. Not trying to say anything folks.....just passing it on
  6. Todd made it clear he wont be coaching us next year. Therefore he wont be there as head coach to follow through with his desires/beliefs. I respect his right to express whatever he sees fit while in command, but whoever's coming in would surely want some say and oversight as to who he believes he needs (to suit his management style etc) going forward, wouldn't he? Also, i'm assuming by similar Todd means Cale is in a similar position career wise, as in having to work on things, rather than being of a similar ilk to Sylvia
  7. Lol....now now Dee. He was the one shining light against the Dawks last week. That has to say something. He might need some straightening up but i'm sure they'll work on all that with him. I've only seen last weeks game, and one game doesn't really mean much, but it was against the Hawks who are doing pretty well. And the you tube vid courtesy Watt & Howe up there. Love to secure this guy if we can. Maybe we can if Scully ends up getting poached. Hutchi (on SEN this morning) was saying (tongue in cheek) that he's homesick apparently and wants to come home. Almost a ready made CHF with a few pre-seasons under his belt. And at worst if we/he couldn't straighten up sufficiently i'd still love to have that contested marking skill and run off the half back line. Maybe our version of Scarlett! Yes please for mine.
  8. He's had 4 years at it now, and he's played 62 games. About 7 more than Garland and about 16 less than Frawley. He's no longer a rookie in his 1st, 2nd or 3rd year. And till this point he hasn't lived up to expectations. That's why he's being more closely looked at and scrutinised, hence this post and others before this about him. Discussing players, the playing list and how they're performing etc is allowed on this site last time i looked. At least i thought it was. Btw.... using FFS doesn't make your argument any stronger or more valid mate. Good try though.
  9. Come on WYL What are u trying to say here exactly? Just wish you'd get to the point and stop talking in riddles.......... I can't recall who posted this on another thread this week (maybe it was you WYL), but let me help you out re that first sentence mate..... WYL's "Theme for Digby" P.S. I've also been told by reliable sources this was also being used around the club the week before and after dark Saturday
  10. Good point dee I think that's basically what's happening down there. No point spilling all the dirty stuff at a time that key peeps are needing to focus. Especially with a caretaker coach and post dark Saturday. Wouldn't want the on field melt down to manifest itself off field shortly after. The on field (and the off field on field lol - eg., re-signing/trades etc) could've gone horribly pear shaped.
  11. I was hoping Gazza might shed some light on this after his review. At least that's what he mooted shortly after his appointment. My worry is that his review will also be buried in due course with a lot of spin being spun by those who have the most to lose. Heisn't planning to stay long so all the board has to do is hold out till Garry's review, and any scrutiny of it, is over. If the press push hard enough and for some reason Gazza doesn't release something himself (with the authority of the board), the board might release some sort of short form summary to the media and members, highlighting mostly positives and a few selective (but not knock out blow) negatives. Low and behold everything's honky dory and back to the way it was before Gazza. Having said that, this is only one scenario of course and i'm just pontificating and ranting. Lets face it, i have absolutely no idea what might happen
  12. +1 on this I also don't think he'll come across. Although prior to our dark Saturday meltdown at Kardinia, i think our chances might have been somewhat better, having been able to offer a more settled administration without all the perceived (or maybe real) shyte hitting the fan. I also think that our off field problems will make it hard to snare any of the main contenders now, unless we up the $$ stakes on offer. Which may well be the case from what's being speculated on in the media. Then again, this is the footy media that's speculating. No self interest there of course
  13. I wouldn't mind if it was the FD saying something like...."well it's the last role of the dice in our opinion for Cale, lets see what he's got in these last 4 games (including West Coast last week)". Unfortunately, the next 3 are against teams lower than us on the ladder, and two of them on the bottom. Not really a true test for anyone in this team, let alone someone who needs to be well scrutinised prior to the draft. And the big worry for me is he just might be let off the leash a little by weaker opponents in these last 3 and "show something". The sadder part of that would be the FD getting suckered in lol. FWIW I think the true showing for him was the season prior to this week, including the West Coast game where for all but about 15 minutes of the game, he showed little to convince me he's turning things around. We had one of our easiest/better draws for quite some time too this year and he failed more often than not to make the grade. He wasn't alone. But your post is about Cale.
  14. I wouldn't even bother with Lethal. He was asked just after the sacking shinanigans and he just laughed and said "No no no". That was the Channel 7 Footy Show on the Sunday afterwards. Then on 3aw about a week later, he was asked again about the vacant position and he said "you'd have to be an imbecile to take that up given the mess off the field at the moment. They would need to sort that first which will take some time" or something very close to those words. Definitely used the word imbecile though lol.
  15. Good case there Wolf. Pretty convincing CV and references. Although i'd like to hear what Bomber has to say about him given how closely and how long they worked together. Anybody know Bomber on here lol? Not that anything we post here makes a difference i realise. I just found this article on him which you've probably already seen. It's got some of those references from Bomber and Harley you were referring to etc. Looks like a fair candidate, although he has no VFL/AFL playing history which could make it a hard sell as Head Coach...... McCartney Age Article
  16. Until his position is settled at the Pies, i'd say he's still a slim possibility. Eddie will no doubt try his hardest to prevent it. In his words "we aint gonna let 10 years experience and $20 million invested, just walk out the door". Reading between the lines, Eddie doesn't want any other club taking Malthouse under their wing and having him go up against Buckley, at least in the first year or two i'd say. So Eddie's probably prepared to pay a very handsome Director of Coaching figure in order to insure this it would seem. Might be hard for Mick to refuse that if the work load isn't too crazy. In addition, Mick made it pretty clear on the footy show that he wouldn't mind a break from the coaching scene. However, he didn't say that would be as Director of coaching at the Filth. Maybe just a year out of the game entirely. 27 years in the coaching caper is a mighty long time. Can't blame him eh. Best bet for mine is Mick becomes available for a 2013 coaching job...if it fits his personal situation and footy criteria/expectations i guess. Oh and the $$/contract terms are attractive of course.
  17. Good point. Although i'd think you might have an interesting discussion with the Cats and Hawks as to their credentials as well. Albeit with somewhat lessor resources maybe. I'd love to grab Neeld too for these reasons, but not as coach. Assistant would be nice.
  18. Of course it's the VFL. And many against the Fev argue that Fev is taking another younger potential talent's place. But my point on including Bate was that it's not just Fev doing this. I don't feel Bate is up to it anywhere forward of center anymore either (and maybe no where else). But he's still there kicking a few goals and taking up someone else's space as others would say. Point being there's always going to be the odd player or 2 (or more) in this club and any club that peeps will say.. "Oooo.....he shouldn't be at this club or in the magoos, he's stifling another younger talent from getting experience" etc. Every club has had this supposed problem for decades and will continue to do so for as long as there's players who don't quite make the grade and get sent back for another chance at showing some form. And there's always going to be someone. So build a bridge gang. In defence of Bate (and it's not a strong defence as personally i think he's gawn), at least he's doing something down there. More than i can say we got from Sylvia and Davey when they had a stint....yet back in the seniors they went....the very next week. Fev hasn't done anything for 2 years agreed. So he's on a downer. That's his own fault, not ours. Doesn't mean he cant reproduce form though. It's been done before. That's why we don't just let him walk in on any contract. Short and performance based only. This club is full of ghosts, skeletons and cancers and has been for decades. That's why we get the occasional melt down like we saw a few weeks ago. Doesn't need Fev to instill that culture mate. It's already well and truly ingrained in every dark crivece and dusty corner. As a result of this long term cancer, we've got an outsider in Garry (as in wasn't employed by the MFC in any official capacity prior to taking on the consultancy) to try and flush it all out and sort it because as a club, we couldn't and failed. Well good luck with that Gazza. We're sure as hell gonna need it (with no Fev in sight!)
  19. A minor point. He isn't 31 yet. He's 30. Turns 31 in January next year. If he's managed well.....who knows. Might play till 33 / 34. Robert Harvey played till 37. that's an extreme i know. But with today's scientific and fitness programs being so advanced and with a little luck on his side injury wise. Who knows. Spitting in Jmac's face? Mate, The Jmac issue walked out the door with Bailey. A new coach and his assistants etc will decide on the best mix of youth experience from here. And they certainly wont be worried in the least about past player's noses being outta joint if the right senior player is on offer, be it Fev or someone else ...maybe Pav! Maybe they'll get both, and we'll have a PEVLOVA combo forward line. Nor did Fev cause the 'youth policy' Jmac issue either. It would seem that from your side of the fence, It's almost like everything bad that did happen and is likely to happen at the MFC past present and future, is already, and would be the fault of Mr B Fevola.... were he to ever come near our precious club rooms and delicate forwards. Maybe you'd prefer we return to our former lovely name of Melbourne Fuschias to further instill the delicate nature of our boys. Hopefully they can then grow and bloom a little without such a nasty Fev weed around to constrict them! Stifling the development of Howe, Jurrah and Watts? Are you sure you aren't related to RR by any chance lol? How exactly would he do this were he to even get a contract at the MFC (something that is highly doubtful anyway)? Howe is getting plenty of opportunity right now and he certainly isn't of similar ilk or style of player in comparison to fev. That wont change if Fev happened to enter. Same goes for Air Jurrah (AJ), whom may i add is where at the moment? Yep, you guessed it, playing in the magoos (or the equivalent at Casey) with Fev as AJ was doing so well at developing in the seniors recently without Fev alongside him! Reality is AJ's isn't developing as the FD would have liked him to. Otherwise he wouldn't be there. This includes things that some peeps on here believe Fev wont be doing much of either, like not putting enough pressure on his opponents when he doesn't have the ball inside 50 (a deeflator for our young forwards you think?) and looking disinterested if things aren't going his way (a great example for our young developing forwards eh). AJ also loves to try and dribble the ball through the goals when it's completely unnecessary and he could just as well kick it straight through for a certain goal, instead of just 1 point at crucial times during a match (deemoralising our young developing forwards maybe?). Something i'm sure Fev would also do alot surely you think? Umm...well....no. Generally he's goal kicking is very effective. Hence all the Coleman medals. Many forget what Fev was like when he was starring. He had an excellent all round game both defensively and offensively for a while there. Sure it wasn't very consistent i'll admit. But the potential for it is there and when it is, believe me, his tackles will stick. As for Watts. Well Watts is playing 'bit part' roles in the forward line at the moment. And his bod just isn't ready to take the big hits on a full time basis as a key forward in a role similar to Fev. That and the fact that he's so versatile, an excellent ball user/link man, and that he's able to get to so many contests, makes him a prime candidate for Jack of all trades wherever the FD sees fit atm. And atm, a good percentage of that time is down back. He's probably 2 pre-seasons away at least from holding down or being able to compete in a key forward role full time. Which may well be the time that Fev departs, were he to be drafted, which again is 98% unlikely (at least by the MFC anyway). In addition.....Fev has a strong distast for the Filth, similar to us...... He also hits hard if you get in his way in a marking contest...but in a fair way ie., just going hard at the contest. Might be handy in taking out opposition loose men in defence, like Nick Maxwell......and low and behold....this might make things a tad easier for other smaller bodied forwards therafter, like Howe, Jurrah and Watts. In addition, by having Fev there and so dangerous to the opposition, they may well double team him. Again this frees up our younger brigade as a potential option when this happens. He also shows some sportsman like conduct at the end of this clip... Maybe his best days are behind him..... but gee he was awesome wasn't he.... an excitement machine and match winner on his day....and this was pre Judd and Kruezer cup days..... Fev Show vs The Bombres And boy, could he kick straight...and from any angle. Oh, he also kicks goals at grounds that we usually suck on, from any angles . Like deep in the pockets at footy park (ok so that's going). But seems to love Etihad too! Basically it doesn't matter. He's a goal scoring machine if he's in form and fit. He also chases, tackles, causes turnovers (forward press) and goals from them when he's fit and in form. And, if he's on, and we're getting the best out of our group even as they stand now, we can beat anyone on our day...how exciting would that be while our young rookies grow and develop. Wow, we start to develop a winning culture at the MFC a little earlier as a result...god forbid.... Yeah, i know, there's gonna be a heap of you clamoring to post your 20 or more "Fev's worst" in order to hit me over the head with many bad Fev examples. Fire away peeps. I've seen it. I know the ugly 'off field" side lol. Heyy i don't particularly like the guy in that regard. Like i said earlier....this is about hypothesizing and 'what ifs'. And in my case 'Subject to' a whole lot of things being done correctly from a management and contract side. Before i finish on this. And i mean finish. I don't wish to spend any more time on something that has a 2% or less chance of happening lol. You may want to check out the KC review of the match against Coburg. 1 match doesn't make a season or a player or a potential returning veteran/draftee....but it's worth a look just to see what's taking place. I've included a few excerpts. Oh, for those who hate Fev, or the thought of him coming anywhere near the MFC...look away now!! .... The Casey Scorpions missed out on the perfect opportunity to secure a top four position on Saturday when they capitulated for the second time this year against a more determined Coburg Tigers. The defeat came despite a strong performance by full forward Brendan Fevola who was in fine form with his marking, leading and kicking to finish with seven goals. Matthew Bate struck a purple patch with two goals within minutes to restore the lead. Bate had an opportunity to further extend the lead but the redhead's rushed snap from 15 metres missed everything and went out of bounds on the full. From this point onwards it was mainly all Coburg for the remainder of the term with Fevola the only Casey forward who looked like kicking goals. Fevola was always the danger man and he added two more goals to easily stamp himself as his team's best player.
  20. Lol....and you are We already self imploded off the field and on this year....with absolutely no help from Fev. The Brands looking just great without him....oh yeah. Funniest post of seen in a while, but i knew it was coming.....
  21. Yep, +1. At least Brad will teach the young boys how to be good upstanding young citizens off the field!! I don't care if he doesn't score much and help us win a few games....as long as we stay a nice club with nice boys playing a nice happy game
  22. Good point, but like peeps keep saying it's only the VFL. You expect him to kick more with the quality or lack thereof he's got around him?? (generally i mean....not every player is of lessor quality in the VFL compared to AFL and i'm sure there's some players who are better in this league than their counterparts upstairs. But they would be few and far between in comparison). For everyone who says...."big deal, it's only the VFL", well you can't have it both ways. The quality of delivery and general footy is probably a leveler for anyone going in there. As would be the general atmosphere or lack thereof on many occasions. You wanna gimme some stats on other top AFL players (in particular key forwards...Pods excluded as he spent most of his career there) who've ended up there for one reason or other for more than a few weeks, kicking huge bags every other week? And anyway, it was 11 . How many you want him to kick in a lessor league to be happy? 15 ... 20 every other week? He kicked 7 against Coburg, yeah 3rd last, but it was in a losing side and he did make the best players. No these aren't necessarily a good indicator of his true form or likely form were he to move up a level, granted. But he's starting to show something. And, as others have said, he's a proven goal kicker at the highest level over many years, and a good deal of that prior to the machine man Judd came in to take the Blues to another level. We recalled Sylvia after one week down there and he did pretty much diddly squat in the VFL and followed up with same in the the seniors on Sunday. And, in one of his moments when he decided to contribute, he put in one of the most selfish plays i've seen when ignoring Dunn from the pocket and instead going for the glory goal. Wont get much more selfish/stupid than that from Fev i'd reckon. Fev aint the long term answer to our forward situation, but we sure aren't exactly killing them there atm. If it puts pressure on a Green/Jurrah/Dunn/Sylvia (a part time forward) etc AND he performs as asked without the antics under a rolling short term contract, i'm all for it (subject to my previous SUBJECT TO post up there). I tell you what else he does, he gives the boys who are inexperienced, and some of the more experienced as well down there....a little hope. They can now BOMB the ball like they tend to do so often and probably get a decent return with Howe, Fev & Petterd down there. Imagine the marking power fellas. Both in the air and in a one on one or pack dual. The opposition wouldn't know who to cover or how to with those kind of variations in style! Common demoniods (at least those who are against this)...fire up and wake up outta your slumber lol! You've been losing so long you're now accepting that everything's ok and will be. It's not. You gotta roll the dice sometimes. We need to explore all avenues in order to get that winning culture and help these boys on the road to success. They haven't tasted enough of it. And too much losing will ingrain itself on their Psyche. As often said by the greats, 80% of this game is played above the shoulders. It'll be extremely hard to reverse that 'losing feeling', no matter who or what you bring to this club if it goes on much longer. It's been 5 years now. That's half a decade, and we're coming into our 50 year anniversary without a premiership. It's time to get a bit more ruthless and adventurous. Way too conservative at this place right now supporter wise. No, FEV isn't the messiah to our long term forward line set up, and nor will he likely make our next GF team. But he just might help fill part of the puzzle in getting us there along the way.
  23. Kicked 11 against Frankston a few weeks back..... and afterwards he was pretty gracious about it on Twitter.... "Thanks guys, great day out at Frankston, great win by the boys," Named in the best against Coburg on Sat in losing team. Kicked 7.
  24. Had a quick glance through the posts on this thread and couldn't see any reference.....apologies in advance if i missed it guys. Excerpt from The Age , yesterday August 16th 2011.... THE economics of AFL clubs will change forever and dramatically following the AFL's commitment to force clubs to pay 100 per cent of money owed to footballers under the annual salary cap payments, this year set at $8.21m per club. AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou told The Australian yesterday that the league supported wholeheartedly a demand by the players' union, the AFLPA, that clubs be stopped from economising on payments to players so they could fund other football initiatives or pay off debt. The initiative is expected to be enshrined in the new collective bargaining agreement between the AFL and the players' union beginning next year..... 100% player payment article
  25. Well i was havin an ok night.... until. Thanks for that BB
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