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Everything posted by FarNorthernD

  1. Yes, Mitch White has been quite good. Looks like he isn't scared of contact and has nice hands
  2. If the footy gods have a sense of humour North will find themselves up by 13 points with 6 minutes to play. I would then like to see Coach Scott work his way through that conundrum
  3. Yes, it was a typical Melbourne and Bail moment
  4. I know everyone hated it inc our coach but I never really understood why. It was introduced to eliminate the clear advantage one team got when the other had a game ending injury. As far as I know it was successful in that regard. Not a valid enough reason to keep?
  5. Like many on here I was initially sad to hear that Cross was not to play on for another year. Who doesn't like a bloke who has obviously squeezed every last bit of talent out of his body? A bloke who was consistently "last off the track", a true professional and someone you could tell was giving everything for the club. No one wants to lose a person of that quality. But hopefully we won't have to There is every reason to believe that, if Daniel comes back to the club in a developmental role, he will apply the same dedication and single mindedness to his new job as he has done to his footy career. He could be a most valuable addition to the coaching staff
  6. And 25 + 28 = 53. Accidental too?
  7. I would love for Melbourne to be a club that was successful on the back of home grown talent where no players changed clubs. But changing teams for one reason or another is on the rise and I have to deal with that. The flip side is that we have Garlett, Dawes, Tyson, Vince, Michie, (the much loved) Cross etc running around in blue and red. Honestly eventually I end up wishing pretty much all ex Dees well, including Rivers, who was a favourite player of mine. The only player that I maintain the rage for is a former number 1 draft pick who currently wears orange.
  8. 1). Nathan is not immune to criticism 2). We have a think about if he is currently the best man to lead this club of the field. 3). He is
  9. Thankyou Biffen For what it is worth your namesake was a favourite player of mine as I was growing up. A true tough old school full back who was arguably even better at full forward. By memory he was another player who was a victim of lethal Leigh's thuggery? I have a vague recollection of Ray being felled behind play in the back pocket at one of the suburban grounds.
  10. Well that is a bottoms. Probably played one of his best games for the year last week.
  11. And he has got that natural football timing thing that you just can't teach. He instinctively knows when to body his opponent and how to give himself the advantage. He is sort of the anti Col Sylvia who was always half a beat behind most others whereas Jesse is has it sussed well before everyone else. Edit. And thanks for the clips HH. He is going to be making defenders look silly for a long time to come Edit 2. And whilst I would like to have Cripps in Red and Blue is there a supporter in the comp who would rather have him than Hogan? Jesse has had the number one defender play on him since the first round, the best, strongest and most experienced of every team and has lowered their colours more often than not. Honestly just call the press conference, apologise for the delay and give him the rising star
  12. Absolutely. The only thing that matters to us is mids, ones who can get the ball a lot and who can kick and handball with skill. The rest will sort itself out
  13. Absolutlely HH. Essendon and Carlton are gone and Collingwood currently have issues. If the Cats miss the eight and with us on the rise perhaps the football gods have decided 50 years is long enough
  14. Happy to hear this HB, thankyou for passing on. It was also a very clubman orientated thing Max did to come up with the Trenners banner idea and then to get it happening. It doesn't scream of someone who is planning an imminent departure.
  15. I like that after seven years of watching Melbourne teams being bullied here is a bloke who won't take a backward step in a red and blue jumper. He combines this with a once in a generation talent
  16. So you are saying we will play finals. Woo hoo!!
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