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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Pretty good player TMac but got towelled up yesterday .Imagine he wouldn't be too thrilled about it, nor the dopey non selection of Dunne to give he and Garland a 'chop out' against the Gorilla who held a tremendous one on one size advantage. Roos talks to the players about respecting your opponent, but the selectors didn't bother about this one too much. Looked plain stupid.
  2. You referring to players or supporters? Must admit after a nice game of golf today was contemplating more of the same after yesterday but your message resonates. Jacksons going to find it hard enough to put bums on seats after the football department's abject failure yesterday, so despite the best efforts of the players yesterday, think I'll stick with them a while longer.
  3. Maybe the coaching group would like to rethink it? They may also like to think about the 200cm Brown next week and an appropriate size match up.
  4. Dunne should get a letter of apology this week.
  5. If they don't get him firing we are destined for the 70 points a game crap. They have wrapped him in cotton wool, coaches are pandering to him and we wonder why some say he is sooking and has a big head. For Christ sake, we are the ones who have given it too him. He is just another bloody player, imagine how John Kennedy would be treating him. Time for a few home truths like earn your spot and you are required to kick 4 a game.
  6. Frost to hold Brown, T.Mc or Dunne to Petrie, Max is ok but will need to lift a knotch against Goldstein but I reckon he will be ok. Viney Vince NJones and Tyson will have to be totally on and I don't give a stuff who smashes Harvey as long as somebody gets it done, Jetta a reasonable option. But we need last years 'hard arse ' Hogan to function as he can , same for Garlett , so we don't do the worrying, they do.
  7. I think Frost is a must come in because we have no other match up for Ben Brown at 200cm. Think Garland goes. TMc simply cannot play on the Gorillas nor can Garland I think ANB comes in for Bugg Kent should go as 5 possessions doesn't cut it. Hunt may get the gig as he's quick . The rest might be bloody lucky and a few on last chance. Petracca and Trengove may be closer than you think. Not sure on Stretch. at least he has a crack.
  8. How can his head be in Perth if we trade him to Port Adelaide at the end of this year? Seriously however, what has happened to the pack crashing young tearaway of last season who couldn't give a stuff about who got in his way? The young bloke who took the game by storm and played with great flair and abandon? Coaching staff, football dept could you please advise?
  9. Just got home from the game. Truly momentum killing day for the club. I wonder if the playing group , coaching staff and whole football department truly understand the overall significance of the result today? I feel for the board and poor old Peter Jackson. His business model just got blown apart. I feel for the supporters who have stumped up again, to bet let down so badly yet again. The board puts everything in place and then this! I mean when does it stop? The silence on the train was deafening. Cant think of a much more unacceptable level of performance and surely Roos and Jones have to be carpeted first thing Monday morning for a please explain and the action plan complete with short term performance objectives. The football department can no longer be allowed to underperform to this magnitude. The playing list is supposedly good enough now. Could go on about individual players, team selection or players still holding guns to the clubs head on contracts etc but cant be bothered ,suffice to say, time for some tough love to sort out all these expectations nice and early and to get the train back on the rails pronto.
  10. Just got home from the game. Truly momentum killing day for the club. I wonder if the playing group , coaching staff and whole football department truly understand the overall significance of the result today? I feel for the board and poor old Peter Jackson. His business model just got blown apart. I feel for the supporters who have stumped up again, to bet let down so badly yet again. The board puts everything in place and then this! I mean when does it stop? The silence on the train was deafening. Cant think of a much more unacceptable level of performance and surely Roos and Jones have to be carpeted first thing Monday morning for a please explain and the action plan complete with short term performance objectives. The football department can no longer be allowed to underperform to this magnitude. The playing list is supposedly good enough now. Could go on about individual players, team selection or players still holding guns to the clubs head on contracts etc but cant be bothered ,suffice to say, time for some tough love to sort out all these expectations nice and early and to get the train back on the rails pronto.
  11. Wonder if Jack Viney can force himself into the Team of the Week this week?
  12. IMO and it seems those responsible for the appointment of the leadership group TMc is held in high esteem. Never gets easy assignments , is rarely beaten, has grown in the role. Sure he has a couple of weaknesses, he knows that and is working on them . Essentially mentions that in his missive today and also said on TV yesterday that the coaching is now more about defensive rebounding and creating opportunities and they are working their way through this. I think Tom is doing well with the transition ( as are the whole team) but I don't think you just flick a switch with this stuff. As for needing to have a good hard look at himself, ridiculous.
  13. If we're getting jumpy before this year has even started, should be totally suicidal 1/2 way through next year. Unlike some people who have left clubs , would be hard to 'just go along quietly' for a couple of years and I don't think he's that sort of kid anyhow. He has already shown commitment to us previously and very much looking forward to watching him go this year. Go for it Hoges.
  14. Tks for the Photos. Good article on Barrass on the MFC website. I couldn't help looking at the size and build of Christian Pettracca at 186cm. and then remembering the amazing concrete structure that was Barass at his prime at 179cm. Always dangerous to look for comparisons early in a young players career, but it would be lovely having a modern day tank like player who could grab a game by the neck as Barass so often did.
  15. Chuck in a couple of Blueys to boot. We all hope Oliver is going to be good and he appears to be doing all the right stuff, but Jonesy has the runs on the board.
  16. This is way off beam and I'm no lawyer, but I struggle with Essendon's ability to trade out players over the past few years in the knowledge that CAS could well come after them as they now have. I'll struggle to explain this , but was there a real 'clear title' situation available in order that a trade could be facilitated? I realise there is a buyer beware situation in these things or am I drawing a long bow? Seems to me like CAS hadn't exactly lifted their mortgage?
  17. Good on you P-man. You've nailed your flag to the mast. For what its worth I reckon Col has been very good overall for numerous seasons, when the majority of others haven't , always tries and has been a great clubman. Every club needs loyal foot soldiers and I believe Col's one of those.
  18. If you've got any stickers left over, back of Collingwood friends cars normally gets a great reaction.
  19. That's a decent Mozz if I ever heard one. Those sorts of things can become a lead weight and expectation. Forget that crap Jessie.
  20. Been done to death unfortunately and I too believe Dean Bailey was a very decent person . IMO we ended up the patsy, with DB vilified by a couple of young ''wet behind the ears"" self promoting types who were given far to much rope at a time when their knackers hadn't even dropped. Politically Gill came out of it ok didn't he? Still believe we were discriminated against in terms of other clubs in similar positions and still wrestle with why it wasn't pulled up by those at the top.
  21. Seen a lot worse highlight reels than 'wholet'. Found plenty of space, marked it ok, kicked it ok, seemed to run ok and decent size. Jury still on the amount of fight in the dog and desire to make it, but base foundations looked solid.
  22. Sounds like minor, immature, schoolies incident. Silly, but I still like the sound of him.
  23. Oh well its a forum so for what its worth I liked the Cameron Schwab effort and think the new one is boring and bland. We seem to have never been able to get it right and fully expect someone else will change it again in a couple of years. For the moment however its what we've got , so we live with it, like it or not.
  24. I hope its Parish and a big tall forward who can get the ball and kick goals as we don't kick enough. End of Christmas wishes.
  25. Very sad day. Magnificent player. Strong, highly skilled, could kick it a mile.
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