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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Have no idea what or how Hawthorn were attempting to resolve their issues, but their un Hawthorn like handling of incoming player salaries has got the treatment from the screwees. Bloody great , been sickened for years by the family club crap that they have pedalled. If Jordan Lewis wants to come to us , that's terrific as her has a lot of experience to offer. But it did seem apparent to me in the finals that he was slowing up, his age is against him and I don't think he equates to a second rounder. Also, after being as unthinking as this to its champions, I don't think it would be particularly smart to try and engage in sharp practice and further player aggravation, by not helping Lewis get to his destination. I mean they made the Mitchell thing work painlessly for him, doesn't Lewis deserve the same respect? 4 th Rounder would at least claw back a bit of respect for them I would suggest notwithstanding what cards they hold.
  2. Would be horrified. Refer Mitchell deal.
  3. Mitchell won the best and fairest was captain and went to Eagles for essentially pick 88. Lewis was second in the best and fairest and is no better player than Mitchell. So anything less than 80 for Lewis would be a complete scam. Our people aren't silly.
  4. At what cost? Where does he play? Whose spot does he take? Are Hawthorn keeping a straight with this? Re engineering their list with sweeping changes of old legs, with A grade youngsters , freed up cap space and other clubs falling for it. As for potentially wasting a second rounder for a year to year proposition, just don't think it will happen. Hope not anyhow.
  5. Sorry but what am I missing. He started in 2005. He's a free agent isn't he? Escapes me why we would want an ageing , slowish type when we have an urgent need for speed.
  6. I suppose I agree with you if he is an unrestricted free agent and costs us nothing. Otherwise a pick in the eighties if we have one. Leave it to other clubs to be retirement homes if they want to thanks.
  7. In life you are either honest or dishonest. There is no grey area.
  8. Don't think they can possibly let him keep it and what's more they know it. Be like letting Lance Armstong keeping his Tour de France awards. They are cooked IMO.
  9. Essendon should seriously consider taking next years 2nd rounder for Hibberd the way things are unfolding..
  10. Lewis made his debut in 2005. Maybe we would take him as a free agent but why on earth would we want to cough up anything for a 30y.o on the downside? Only as a Cross type situation surely?
  11. Were also soft targets for Ward and Griffin but got bold and smart with Boyd. They made their own luck and have shown other clubs what's possible buy rejecting helplessness,
  12. As for dreaming, I have just been reflecting on what happened in the three years after the Bulldogs won their last premiership. May history repeat itself.
  13. Relentless fast outside run pls. Very good grand final.
  14. Couple of our wins this year tell me we are on the rise. Taking on challenges and improving our record seems like a good idea to me. Why fear anyone?
  15. Was thrown to the Lions once. Hope he might get together with them again.
  16. Completely pounded in the ruck. Rather have Minson than Spence and if your 184 or under you need to have a tank and be quick. We have slow moving midgets and have had them for years. Memo to Goodwin the game is now a super quick running game.
  17. Not the only player out of contract next year in this never ending process. Surely the list management team has plans ( short, medium ,long) opinions, and several strategies on all of the players as part of this, just as they would have had for Jesse when he previously signed. In team management we trust, otherwise we are all going to go nuts.
  18. Good kid who doesn't get pushed around. We've got so much to look forward to with him and so many others.
  19. Well if we aren't going to do better than quite well then the contact could play out which would also allow another year of development into Weideman and Huelett .Where Jessie would go after that would be in the hands of the system. Seems to make a lot of sense that he would stick around with us for a number of reasons and I'm sure the club would be compassionate in terms of family matters.
  20. Would be massive unders for a "once in a lifetime'' player. Forget Clarke. If Jesse wants to go, we will feel enormous of pain to the whole enterprise and Freo should too. Otherwise its simply an unfair trade.
  21. Moves with the speed of a Glacier like Thompson.
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