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Everything posted by monoccular

  1. But just wait until he manages a full preseason. This is a novel way to miss out on it.
  2. Could have been, would liked to have been, but maybe didn't want to enough. Good luck. Lucky escape you the sound of it.
  3. Which Chris did, but.........
  4. Clearly, from these data, the draft order determination is seriously flawed. The AFL should consult Champion Data and use this to determine draft order. Can't understand how Gil doesn't understand this glaring fact. Wait for his decision on the run to reallocate this year's draft to assist those struggling clubs and cut down those so highly overstocked midfields. ?
  5. There was one short comment somewhere that his run up stutter has changed a bit. Have you had a chance to watch his set shot routine? Can you or anyone else comment on the efficiency of any change?
  6. Is it better to be an optimist who is sometimes wrong, or a pessimist who is always right?
  7. They are a bit difficult to find these days, and a wet Myki can be as harsh as a dry one - could, I guess even sting a bit more.
  8. May have been before Prince H8 became persona non grata.
  9. Seriously?? Do you think after all his self indulging precious carry on that he would be welcomed or trusted by any of the playing group? By the fans at large? He has burned his bridges as far as I am concerned. If I knew how to set up one of those polls I would.....my prediction is that he would be as welcome as a bacon and egg roll at a Barmitzva.
  10. S - I understand that he is still (1) a contracted player, (2) medically cleared to play and (3) says he is keen to extend his contract so I would say YES. Obviously at least one of those points must be incorrect - I suspect (3) Maybe he is meditating?
  11. All good sides have 'at least OK' players in the sidelines pressuring and providing depth, so if BK can even only reach that level on a regular basis then he is contributing. He may yet prove sceptics wrong and do more
  12. Accepted. I don't really think anyone wanted the detail of our round 1 lineup and interchange tactics, just a general feeling about a player's transition.
  13. Maybe he will throw Gil and his henchmen in the clink with Hilary.
  14. Or Liam moving from 48 to 24. Only half the player he was. FCS 8 should be quarantined - don't want a repeat of that.
  15. The highlights package shows just how good his best is: some fantastic, inspiring moves and his pace can be electrifying. IF he can gain some consistency could well be the A grader we so desperately want and need
  16. Eloquently stated, as usual, Ernest.
  17. Great to read that they are concentrating on skills NB non preferred kicking. For too long this time of year has been fully concentrated on getting fit.
  18. Whatever, he will be more useful than he whom he replaces ☹️️
  19. He may be burdening our list for a while yet https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=19&ved=0ahUKEwiYyYK9h9rQAhUKabwKHeWDD0AQFghZMBI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fmagazine-34198390&usg=AFQjCNFqs8Ud_lN9USaHYg-PZsUiAez-eA&sig2=ScuCcKovhH8KYeRDOod2dQ
  20. Unfortunately for the world, understanding is not a prerequisite for breeding.
  21. The list managers, who have done a bloody great job recently, obviously have more confidence than have you. The aforementioned list managers presumably do not.
  22. Great story WJ. Thanks for sharing.
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