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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. Dean did say that he likes to get 2 full pre seasons in his draft picks. He said that look at a player in Jack Watts after 2 full pre seasons and basically we should be looking at finals then. It's a shame he wasn't on for longer. He is a funny guy. I thought they may have asked a bit more about the game tomorrow but I guess they didn't have much time.
  2. In the main news they had a story on the team and Dean Bailey visiting the Shrine to learn more about ANZAC Day and learn about Melbourne players who went ot war. James McDonald read out we will remember them reading then they showed them watching soem films then they stood for the last post. Brad Miller said he was moved by it and couldn't imagine having to go to war at age 16. What a great initative by Dean Bailey to get the club together and learn about ANZAC Day.
  3. Did Moloney get injured? They said on the radio he was off and had ice on his calf. Not good news. He was playing well and is aplayer who kicks long and goes hard at the ball. I didn't hear anything on Foxtel.
  4. Can we have our first win next week? I give us a slight chance. Apart from when we play freo at the mcg later on this season this could be our only other chance. If our mid field can get on top and our fowards kick goals hopefully we can win. I'd keep Meesen in for next week. I know he got beaten around the ground but he actually won some taps and hit them down to our midfielders. Just not sure who to put on Riho. Maybe Warnock when he plays foward and Bruce when he runs around the ground. Next week should be interesting.
  5. Can we get an update please. How did Robbo and Wheels go?
  6. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...658-661,00.html Just saw on ch10 news then that the 24 year old has been released on bail. Apparently he admitted using ecstasy during the day. He shed a tear as the magistrate put him on strict conditions where he can't attend any sporting events. He said his 5 days in custody had put the fear of god into him. Your not so tough when you don't have your mates there are you. Twit.
  7. Demons appoint Tim Harrington It's good to see we can afford to put more staff on to help the club improve. I thought he was still at the Roos. Hopefully he cna do some good work.
  8. 27,128 is a very good total. It's great they we are a head of some other clubs. If somehow we manage to beat the pies i'm sure it will go up even more. Keep it up
  9. 27,128 is the total on the MFC Website which is pretty good.
  10. On channel 7 news just then they showed it on the sport segment. Tim Watson found it very amusing. He said its on the club website. It looked funny especially seeing them in th eshower and even jim and bails getting in on the ad
  11. At the end of the breakfast show this morning andy maher said join us tomorrow when we speak to, then he names some guests and one of them was jim stynes. If he isn't on don't blame me blame andy. But why is everyone so interested in us suddenly. Anyway tune in. I'm not sure if he will be in the studio or on the phone
  12. I have never heard a 17 year old speak with so much maturity. He was on fox sports on the draft show and said they asked him if it was true that when he was young he got beaten by a girl in a match and he came off the field and cried. He admitted it was true. He talked about melbourne's history and how they have some good young players in Cale Morton and Nathan Jones and he couldn't wait to get to the club. Can't wait to see him play
  13. Who went. Did all the players show up including the former players. I believe Bailey apoligised for melbournes appalling effort. Howe long did it go for? Details please
  14. Obviously he is in awesome form at the moment. I doubt junior would be able to take him especially him missing the last 3 with a groin injury. Dunn has been pretty good as a tagger and collected some scalps. So is he the obvious choice and if Harvey gets on top of him then do we look at bruce?
  15. He is leading our goalkicking and hasn't even played all the games this season, he is exciting, media journalists and commentators are in love with him and I think he is a bit of a cult figure at melbourne. I know these things don't get you the reward but for a young fella to come off the rookie list and lead your clubs goalkicking throughout the season is a huge achievement. I reckon he is getting the most out of his footy in a team that is going pretty average. Palmer from freo is the favourite at them moment but if Aussie keeps going like he is he has to be a chance
  16. There isn't much in the media about last nights dinner so I just wanted to know from people who went what did the players say especially the old ones. I heard Garry Lyon gave an excellent speech and told all the current players to stand up and told them they are in charge to lead this club foward. What did the ox say. On tv today he said this was the 1st time he'd been back to the club in 6 years said it was a great night and sounds like he has embraced melbourne again. Also was neale daniher there?
  17. http://wwos.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=573413 McNamee admitted he was "mortified" when he learned six weeks ago that the current players were not invited to the dinner. Having addressed that oversight, he was hopeful the players could listen and learn from their predecessors' camaraderie and achievements, and forge their own history. Sorry can't get the link going, but my god what in the hell are we running here. Imagine people paying to go on saturday night and being told sorry no current players are here. They weren't invited. Get Jim Stynes in there now. Not inviting the current players to the dinner. If the players are ever going to learn about the legends we had at melbourne especially from the older players who played in the 50's and 60's it will be this weekend. They need to learn about the history and all the success we had back then. McNamee must be thinking who in the hell runs this club. He has a lot of work to do. Imagine Collingwood having a night like this and not inviting there cureent team. get it together melbourne!!
  18. I don't really want to go because im not sure i could sit there and watch us get a hiding considering what collingwood has done to geelong and west coast but i will go because i want to see all the pre game stuff. The legends doing a lap around the ground and see how we respond after todays insipis performance. For some reason we always find a way to beat the pies on queens birthday. Please let it happen again
  19. In Hutchy's Herald Sun column yesterday it said that Chris talks about playing games at Casey in a segment called beat the press. He talks about other stuff as well. Not sure who else is with him. This segment usually gets heated so it will be intersting to watch seeing how passionate Chris always is. No doubt they will attack Caro like all them men do. They never say anything to Hutchy. Caro and Damien Barratt cop it.
  20. I reckon we are a chance next week. Our midfield is faster there is no Gehrig this time to carve us up and we are slowly beginning to play good football. If we can hold kosi and roo we should be alright. If we play with the intensity we played with yesterday we will do well. The only thng is its a TD. Our record there isn't great.
  21. I agree. Everyone is going to be watching us fellow supporters on sunday to see if we turn out. If we don't we will be bagged and I'm sick of people bagging our team. Neitz deserves to be farewelled in style. Neitz will want to be waving to melbourne supporters not hawthorn. So turn up. It's also our home game. Quite clearly we need the money.
  22. Tarkyn Lockyer im pretty sure was a melbourne supporter
  23. I reckon 10,000 or less. I remember in 1997 playing west coast at optus and there were like 6000 people there and we got thrashed. I never thought we'd be in that position again. Everyone will have a crack at us in the media for not turning up and I bet the snow jokes come out. Does anyone give us a chance? I know freo did well against the cats but that was on there ground. I for one will be there. Not sure why exactly, maybe cause I've played for the membership
  24. I will be there junior to clap you on your 200th game. You have been a one club player who has played many magnificent games for us. The 2 best and fairests show what a great player you have been. Every week you go in hard. Well done and hopefully the boys can be motovated to win for you.
  25. He got locked up at 2am this morning after being caught urinerating on the stkilda rd police complex. What an idiot. Didn't he learn anything from fev. Worst thing is he's a captain of the team. Anyway hopefully that story manages to keep melbourne off the back pages.
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