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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. They're playing a more run & carry style and closer to the flanks/middle rather than riding the boundary.
  2. Yep and Barry Hall said that the players were "knackered" as they came off the ground, a complete turnaround from earlier in the year against Port I think when he said they were hardly sucking oxygen at all.
  3. With Gawn, Fitzpatrick and Spencer fit and playing as they have the last two weeks I can't see Jamar playing again.
  4. Gawn was out on his feet and the Dogs had Boyd, Cooney and Griffin in the square at quite a few of the bounces, a midfield that wasn't far of successive GF's only a couple of years back.
  5. His first half last night was very good. He'll be a gun once he matures and has a season or 2 training in the AFL. He's one of our youngest on the ground and you can see him directing players where to run when he has the ball.
  6. I don't see why this would be the case - pretty sure the Swans never or rarely had a top 10 pick under Roos and his coaching style is about building the culture and systems for players to prosper rather than relying on early draft picks.
  7. How about this; 11 home games at the MCG and 11 away games at our opponents home grounds. Yep makes sense to me. Darwin, Tassie, Docklands etc can all GAGF.
  8. He may not be a "List Manager", he may be brought in as a "Contract Officer"
  9. How can you contest when you're relying on the AFL for survival? Just one of the drawbacks but one of necessity at this stage.
  10. It states Healy is in a "casual vacancy" role - can anyone elaborate on exactly what that means? He's only been there a short time so not sure he can be hung out to dry but if Leoncelli wants back in now that Schwab & McLardy have gone I'd be more inclined to have him there.
  11. I forgot to include Embley's penalty in my prior post - he dropped his knees into a defencless opponent (lying on his back) off the ball then pushes his head forcefully into the ground and only gets 1 week? The whole "competition" is an utter disgrace.
  12. I don't understand how Spencer could get weeks. I don't understand how Simpkin only gets 2. The Absolute Farce League strikes again.
  13. In fact it could be argued (and has been by Cats fans I know) that Thompson's LACK of tactical ability cost them the 2008 GF (well that and poor kicking for goal).
  14. I thought Trotter had gone as well?
  15. Don't forget 3 years each to Jamar and McKenzie also and 2 years to Dunn. Probably more but can't think of them off the top of my head.
  16. This is a good decision, our list management has been appalling.
  17. You mean the one where he was running back with the flight and was unable to get back quickly enough because the ball was kicked over his head so only stuck one arm in the air trying to get fingers to it? I don't think he "squibbed" it at all, I think he was trying to get back but the kick was so poor it looked like he dropped under the ball instead of keeping on running backwards.
  18. When the club went down to Sorrento earlier in the year a journo was vein interviewed on radio from Sorrento the same night. He was asked how he knew the Demons would be down there and he said with an audible smirk "everyone knows its impossible to keep a secret at Melbourne". I thought that had been fixed after Stynes came on board but hopefully Jackson can help put an end to it once and for all.
  19. This is the most disturbing part; hopefully they have genuine faith that this time the rebuild will come to fruition and they have not become disillusioned thinking "here we go again".
  20. We've got a year with a new coach/FD to convince him to stay. I wouldn't panic and back ourselves in to keep him. Sure if he wants to extend his contract I'll be ecstatic but if not I wouldn't give him away. I agree though that keeping Frawley is far more important than Sylvia and Watts.
  21. I agree wholeheartedly but think its a futile exercise to try and change people's perceptions - look at how many people still think Iraq had WMD. Th only way I could really see it changing is if a book or documentary on the whole saga came out. I always thought it would make a great doco in the vein of ESPN's 30 for 30 series especially considering the round 22 merger match. Would need more raw footage and news clips of the time than is currently publicly available though.
  22. Yes we can come back. It is still a member run club; the AFL will not be taking over our governance in perpetuity. It is a targeted response to our woeful off-field management (you can name your own timeframe as to how far this goes back) and once we are on the right track the AFL will get their beaks out. The AFL definitely have their own interests at heart but they coincide with ours at this point. I don't see them as some Mafiosi stand over gang trying to worm their way in and then never leaving like what Carlton tried to do to several clubs in the 80's and 90's. I have no doubt the AFL want us to be strong AND independent. The only issue for us until that time is that we will have a hard time speaking out against relevant issues that the clubs should have a say on but we are basically there at the moment with our reliance on the ASD or whatever they call it these days anyway. If we can become strong through their help we will become independent and able to have out say but until then we ahod just focus on getting our house in order.
  23. I thought that as well but his comments re: Gary March the other day made me think he's got no interest to get involved again.
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