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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Hopefully once Norm is resurrected at the G in the parade of champions next year and welcomed back home the curse will be lifted. Would love for the Pies to be handed the curse but even with being reigning premiers and pinching one in 1990, I'd hope our next 50 years is more successful than their last 50 years let alone ours.
  2. Are you serious mate? Yes I uunderstand where you're coming from but geez the club can't win with some of you blokes. The club needs to roll the dice and back themselves to get some success and hope that leads to generating greater income. It's on the supporters as well to buy memberships, turn up to home games, back the club and get others along to games or convince lapsed members to sign up again. Pay extra for a reserved seat membership, by some merchandise from the Demon Shop, whatever but you can't expect to compete with Collingwood, Geelong, Hawthorn, West Coast, Adelaide, Carlton & Essendon if the club and supporters aren't willing to do their part as well.
  3. Intensity was unbelievable especially from the Hawks and Mitchell, Lewis and Sewell in particular. Neeld should sit our boys down and make them watch that from start to finish before the pre-season starts so they know what level of intensity and gut-running is required to be the best.
  4. No mention yet of Mahoney & Choco Royal? Hopefully they're next out the door.
  5. Preferred the old version on the IP communities app for the iPhone. The new version doesn't seem to be any difference between the app and just using a browser. Anyway just some feedback.
  6. I was an AFL Gold Member for 10 years but at the end of the day all it got me was access to a few Richmond games when I went with my cousin and one final every two years when I went with my girlfriend (who barracks for Geelong). There was no point trying to get Grand Final tickets because none of my mates are AFL members so I'd rather sit around a BBQ with some beers watching that than sitting by myself at the 'G. I thought I'd regret giving up my AFL ticket but I haven't missed it one iota. At the end of the day I'd much rather give ~$500 to the MFC guaranteeing me a GF ticket should we ever make it and depriving the AFL of my ~$500 (when you take my family into account as well this is closer to ~$2000-$2500). MFC only gets about ~$150 from the AFL membership. It's all well and good to say people are kidding themselves if they think you'll give up an AFL membership and at the end of the day it's your choice, but I think if you want to truly support the MFC and not the AFL (who would like nothing better than to see clubs like MFC, NMFC, Footscray etc either merge or relocate) then there is only one option. As for the AFL Record I stopped buying those when they went over $2.50-$3. Seriously what are they now $5-$6? What a joke. Bring back the mini newspaper version that cost 99 cents.
  7. Let's weigh the scales; 6 Premierships >>>>>>>>>>>> 31 games Yep not even close.
  8. Yep the system is stuffed, the game is all about money but I can't help but love the club. My dilemma; how do you hurt the AFL without hurting the MFC? Don't buy a membership? Don't turn up to games? What would the AFL care? I decided a few years ago to give up my Gold AFL Membership and spend the $500 per year on a premium MFC Membership so the money would go to the club rather than bankrolling the organisation that wants to see clubs like us and North go under. Other than this though what can we Common Fans really do to let our anger and dissatisfaction known to the AFL?
  9. Thought Garry's response on Footy Classified was weak as. Don't hate the kid, hate the system? 95% of players would have taken the payday? What about Bartel, Swan, Thomas, Dustin Martin? It's bad enough to get screwed but I'm sick of this club bending over and handing the AFL the lube.
  10. We beat Brisbane after some Jurrah magic. Oh, and $cully left early so he could come home and speak to GWS.
  11. We did do what we had to to "win at all costs". We took short term pain for long term gain. Winning at all costs means making the hard and sometimes unpopular decisions. Securing the priority pick was an example of doing what it takes to win at all costs.
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