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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Surely Harrington has to take some of the blame here as well. His role is List Manager and under him the management of the list has been deplorable.
  2. Why aren't they playing Blease and Strauss? They need to get games into these guys or if they think they're not good enough delist them at the end of the year. No use sitting on the fence and have them clog up the list (FWIW I think Blease will make a good player not sold yet on Strauss simply because I haven't seen enough of him).
  3. What leaders??? The only one we have is Jones.
  4. My conservative estimate just going over the list quickly says there at least 15 (more likely 17-18 plus another couple who are too inexperienced to jude) players there who simply aren't good enough. We have 1 good midfielder, a couple passable another couple too young and about 23 flankers on the list. This is our problem, we need players who can run through the midfield and be effective we have an abundance of guys like Strauss, Blease, Davey, Rodan, Byrnes, Bail, Tapscotr, Grimes, Nicholson, Dunn, Sylvia etc who either aren't up to scratch or can play well as flankers but not midfielders. You need at least 8 good midfielders these days and closer to 14 to compete for top 4. We have 1 with potentially another 2 more if you want to count Viney and M Jones.
  5. I agree the players need to bear a large part of the responsibility but while Neeld may not be THE problem as Striker said he is not part of the solution either. So Neeld is a hard arse who needs to beat the unprofessional players into line? A coach needs to be more than that and you can't even say he has done that particularly well. The club can't survive with this constant rubbish served up every week. I've been going week in week out for 25 years since I was 6 and I don't even want to go anymore not because its depressing but because its boring. It's just so bloody predictable what's the point?
  6. Only 2.5 years til his contract expires - Jordie Mac too.
  7. We'll be lucky if we get 50K to Queens Bday this year and the AFL will then strongly consider whether we should get it next year - quite rightly too. One of the marquee days of the year with one match and for the fifth time in six years it will be an absolute fizzer with the game over by half time.
  8. Still over 10 goals down at 3/4 time - pretty negative if you ask me.
  9. Oh god Matt Jones kicks into the back of Frawley's head - if Geelong are the Globetrotters we are the Generals. Pathetic excuse for a professional sports team.
  10. Lazy and stupid footballers, I'm sick of the bloody lot of them.
  11. If we put a fake beard on Hogan and put him in the no. 27 guernsey can we play him next week and just pretend he's Gillies?
  12. Neeld could take some pointers from Lyon about how to speak to journos without actually saying anything.
  13. Yeah fair call, Neitz looked like he would dominate CHB for us until Schwarz went down and Lyon's back went but considering he's our clubs all time leading goalkicker it's fair enough that I remember him as a forward not a defender. Ok so Frawley is our second best defender in the last 25 and probably 50 years.
  14. Only difference is the Pies play like that against the reigning premier we play like that against Gold Coast.
  15. Support publicly, critique privately it's fairly simple. The coach should be shielding the players from the media's rubbish not adding to it.
  16. If you need a way to fill the hours getting a job would be more productive instead of just racking up thousands of posts on here every day trying to do your best impersonation of the Iraqi defence minister.
  17. There's a difference between optimism and delusion and you my friend are all hepped up on the kool aid.
  18. Don't think so, he should have retired at least a year ago. If we're going to chase out of contract players there's quite a few others I'd go after first.
  19. He used to be then he got banned from memory. EDIT: What ever happened to Jose Mourinho & Artie Bucco anyway (there was another who I can't recall as well - posted fervently for about 6 months then stopped funnily enough just as Artie started posting - then Artie stopped and Jose began...)
  20. So who is the "one" who you have heard stuff that indicates they want out - if it's the one I'm thinking of it's the one of the three we can least afford to lose.
  21. Some of us want to hear what he's got to say and don't read every single thread on here so want him to keep posting. If you don't like it put him on ignore, simple.
  22. You seriously can't see the difference between clubs who lose A player and us who could potentially lose 5 of our top 10 (or at least starting 18) in 2 years plays a number 1 draft pick the year before?
  23. Supporters are for the most part realistic. They're not going to hang a coach for not making finals in his first year or a GF in his second but it's not too much to ask to see some improvement and an indication they are on the right track. That's all we ask is to see we are on the right track but nothing in the past 2 seasons shows that at all.
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