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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. The only problem I have with this is it looks like Hogan could be one of the best key forwards of his generation - would we really want to do a Melbourne and play him at CHB? Am interested to see if Dawes could play back though, his set shot kicking and overhead marking may not be as much of an issue down there?
  2. Take the best available player with the first round picks. If that's Boyd then you take him, you don't pass on a potential superstar because we have a lot of players in that position already especially when they're B-grade or perennially injured. Our tall forward set up could theoretically be Boyd FF, Hogan CHF, Dawes/Fitzpatrick 3rd tall, Clark ruck switching with Fitzpatrick/Boyd forward. You could also look at having one (Dawes?) playing back or using them as depth. Yes we need midfielders but you have to take best available with those early picks.
  3. Well it did cost him his job. His argument is based on the fact we were investigated for tanking not based on the formula which would surely see us given at the very least an after first round PP.
  4. I agree - I'm stoked that we signed him and am still happy, but the 2+1 deal definitely left me a bit hollow. I can only hope its due to wanting to see how the admin holds up and make sure we don't become the Dysfunctional Demons again hamstringing any chance he has at success. Why would a club get rid of a star/gun/A-grade/whatever player for a draft pick that they can hope to use on a player who may become a star/gun/A-grade/whatever player? Will never happen, the only way it would is if said player told the club he's off (like Judd) otherwise you're not going to entice the club to give up their player for a draft pick even if it is a top 3 pick. You have to convince the player to come first and then deal with the club, not the other way round. Yeah, will probably want to see who the next CEO will be as well, assuming PJ doesn't extend his contract.
  5. No surprise they both come from outside the MFC from professionally run clubs and both know what it takes to succeed in the AFL. Checker kickstarted the Demon culture imported from Richmond and even Norm Smith was from the other (I prefer to say better) side of the river.
  6. that was the reading I got as well - all along he has been all about having a stable board/admin so I'd say he wants to see that we can keep our [censored] in order before signing on for half a decade. MFC balls in your court.
  7. Same here - when people on here were first talking about Roos earlier in the year I laughed it off and couldn't imagine he would ever come to the shambles that is/was the MFC. Very very happy to be proven wrong and he'll be coaching up our next coach as well. The culture has started to turn - could it be the MFC is finally entering the era of professionalism? I'm hoping he helps institute a "Demon" culture similar to the "Bloods" culture at the Swans.
  8. Jesus what a punch to the balls.
  9. Barrett does know jack [censored], don't know why anyone bothers listening to ambulance chasers like him & Hutchy. They just dribble their own opinions dressed up as fact based on rmours they've heard, anyone here could do the same.
  10. Isn't Lynch a player manager? How could he take on a job as a list manager of a club if that is the case?
  11. It would also allow us to shift Clark into the ruck (should he get back on the field) which bolsters our midfield anyway. If he doesn't get back on the field then we'll need another forward anyway. Initially I was totally opposed to getting Boyd if we do get a PP1 but reading this thread has changed my mind, especially if we can trade in a mid or two anyway.
  12. Yeah we re-signed Gawn a few weeks ago - we also re-signed Jamar for 3 seasons last year. If ones up for grabs the other should be too. Look don't get me wrong if we can off-load a bad contract and injury prone player coming to the end of his career for some value I'm all for it, I just think its an utter waste of time to go down that path and will be met with scorn by the clubs you're trying to work with. And if you think opposition analysts, list managers, recruiters etc pay less attention to our players than some supporters on a fan forum you're deluded.
  13. Luke Darcy is that you? I tend to agree but isn't that the same reason we gave Junior the flick and he went on to play a decent season with GWS.
  14. It's a risk, you'd consider it depending on who our delistings are this year. I'd probably prefer Cross if we only went one near to retirement player (less risk, can run through the middle) but its worth consideration.
  15. Did you see Jamar play this year? He couldn't jump more than a few centimetres off the ground. Not to mention he has had 1 good year in 10 and that was over 3 seasons ago. Sure see what bites but don't be surprised if other clubs scoff at you for wasting their time (look at Essendon's recent trading history to see how far overvaluing your players gets you). A ruckman they may want is Gawn. Still young, plenty of potential but also a risk for us due to his injury history. Don't get me wrong I'd love to keep Maxy I love the guy but if Clark is able to ruck with either Spencer or Fitzpatrick and we can get another back up on the rookie list it's something worth considering especially if we can inject some hardness and quality into our sub-Saharan midfield.
  16. 1) Bellchambers is better than Jamar 2) Jamar is finished but thanks to the knobs formerly running the joint were lumped with him for 2 more years (probably paying ~$350k for the pleasure as well).
  17. Perhaps he's just buying time - if he says by Friday the media will work themselves into a frenzy by Wednesday. all week.
  18. It's not that I'M concerned with what other clubs think, I'm saying the AFL will have to play the diplomat/mediator role as they do in all things. Do you not understand this?
  19. I thought that as well. Say next Tuesday to buy you time then Friday or Monday.
  20. It made me think he was already heavily considering it when that quote came out - nothing like tempering expectations for your new shareholders.
  21. Why not, there's still decent players to be got from picks 15-20, look at West Coast or Collingwoods drafting over the last 5 years. FWIW on Gox the other night they were talking about us getting PP1 if we were able to land Roos - I don't understand how it could be conditional on that but this is the AFL we're talking about and logic doesn't come into it. The interesting thing though is when they raised it Eddie got his back up a bit and said something like "why would that be?" There would plenty of opposition to a PP1 but there may be some concession to a mid or after first round pick which leads me to believe the AFL may give us that so as not to [censored] off the other clubs. I'd still be shocked if we got picks 1 & 3 but stranger things have happened.
  22. Jack, Cotchin, Sloane, Crouch, Zaharakis None of these guys are going anywhere so save your bandwidth.
  23. Dont get sucked in, the AFL has given the illusion of transparency with this "structured" draw but really nothing will change. Wait until Collingwood are top 6 and Essendon, Carlton and Richmond all finish bottom 6, this new structure will go out the window just like "every team plays interstate the same amount of times over a number of years." Not to mention the fact the recent changes still open it up to manipulation and the fact the inequality in the draw is largely based on finances than on wins/losses and nothing has changed. The only fair way is to split the previous years ladder into 3 (1, 4, 7, 10, 13 & 16 in one group, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 in another and 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 in the 3rd) and play those in your group twice. Either that or just play each team once rotating H&A each year and with one trip to each of the other states.
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