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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. What you say is correct but Daniher also has to wear the legacy of playing favourites and refusing to push them out of their comfort zones as well as being a terrible game day coach with no plan B.
  2. . Agree 100% DL - the crap the senior players were allowed to get away with in Danihers latter years (in particular White, Yze, Robbo, Bruce & Green edit: and Johnstone, Davey etc as you pointed out) set the standard for where this club is currently at.
  3. What about the players who refuse to run until they puke and who choose not to put their all in physically every second they're on the ground (whether consciously or subconsciously). Talent is one thing but effort is another which can be executed regardless of talent.
  4. So he's another of these "flanker" types that we have an over abundance of who can't run through the middle.
  5. Some players would see that as a reason to leave - others would see it as a challenge to overcome. He is a part of the club and can help drive its culture instead of ditching it because it's all too hard.
  6. Haha jeezus christ, I feel so sorry for the poor kid trying to find his place in the world while pocketing several hundred thousand dollars a year to do so. Give me a spell....
  7. Exactly, to be quite honest Fiztpatrick has shown more in the last 2 months than Watts has in the last 5 years. Would rather have him as a back-up forward/ruck than Watts skirting the packs.
  8. This club has been "understanding" for too long, this is football and if you want to win you need to be ruthless not understanding and making excuses. Even if he wants to stay I'd [censored] him around at trade week for whoever will give us the best deal, doesn't matter who they are. He's done nothing in his career to feel like he should be able to pick and choose whether he'll play for us or which club he'll go to and for how much. Focus on making yourself a good player first and then the rest will take care of itself.
  9. Oh please - the South Melbourne dimmy's wouldn't want to sully their reputation by being associated with the MFC.
  10. How abou he gives us 5 good reasons to keep him? Been around for 5 years and done [censored]-all except embarrass the jumper with his weak pea-hearted efforts. Can [censored] off back to basketball as far as I'm concerned where he won't be in fear of copping a bruise.
  11. After the way this club has been run since about forever, excuse us if we don't just accept that it's all been sorted behind the scenes and she'll be right mate.
  12. If they are not investigated by Haddad and Clothier like we were on the back of this I'm just about ready to give away the game (AFL anyway). I realise that will hurt MFC more than it hurts the AFL but it just an absolute disgrace that this admission/perception can be made/stated and nothing is done compared to what we had to go through.
  13. Turning a blind eye, playing favourites and selectively applying their rules is what damages their reputation.
  14. Haha pretty sure they are/were all the same person.
  15. If we hire a coach for any reason other than he is the best choice to coach the team to success, we will have already failed. The team starts winning and the supporters, members, sponsors and wider football community will all "buy-in".
  16. Like when Scott Thompson fled home and we got....Brent Moloney? I do agree with the rest of your post though.
  17. Not paranoid mate - the skies not falling but being able to hang onto him, especially if he is half the player he is being talked up to be - is a real concern for us over the next season or so. Anyone who doesn't think it is a risk are just playing the ostrich.
  18. And who was up forward? Gawn seemed to be the main target with Watts in the first quarter also. Neither of them are strong pack marks and once the ball hit the ground GWS ran it out with ease because neither of them can chase to save themselves. I said back in 2011 when Bailey was still coach but we have the biggest group of lazy and stupid players I have ever seen and nothing has changed.
  19. David Misson has been there for 2 years now yet they don't look to run any better (either gut-running to make options for teammates or running out quarters and games) than before he got there.
  20. I'm the same mate, not even angry or upset anymore just bored and don't really care about the club. If people like you and me who would've had bled for the club previously don't even really care anymore and our kids are deserting the club, what hope is there? My son is only a few months old so not old enough to know what horror I have inflicted on him yet by making him an MFC member but if things don't turn around in a few years I have no doubt he will support his mum's team (Geelong) if he even cares at all and who could blame him really? There's losing and then there's just a complete embarrassment and lack of hope.
  21. 1) Yes but it seems more often than not it is us, not just the last couple but the last 50 years and the last 7 in particular 2) Who? Sounds like you know something we don't 3) I think you're being pretty kind with some of those guys, most will be lucky to be on a list next year or do better than just be poor AFL players
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