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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Don't know why I bother but here goes - why would Sydney, a team in their premiership window, do that deal?? Some seem to think other teams live to do favourable trades to the MFC.
  2. We need to draft Sheed, WCE will be laughing if they're able to pick him up. Aish may have all the talent in the world but Melbourne needs to learn to stop recruiting skinny kids hoping they'll come on in a few years time. In the AFL you need hard bodies to compete otherwise your talent will get you nowhere. Look at Richmond, stopped goin after the Fiora, Tambling types and have gone for Martin, Conca and Vlastuin in the last few drafts, guys who can impact in their first season or two.
  3. I don't think Jolly has much left to offer on-field and it seems like his "outspoken" news columns created some problems for the Pies this year. Plus of all the things we need a ruckman is not one. If we did recruit him Jamar would surely be gone and probably Spencer or Gawn too but we would have to eat Jamars contract and Gawn just re-signed for 2 years. Maybe get him in as a ruck coach but as a player? I don't see it.
  4. Did you see him play last night? He may be getting to the end but I think it's stupid to just dismiss the notion that he can contribute something in 2014 outright.
  5. Can we please get him just so I can yell out at a game "KHAAAAAAAAAN!!!"
  6. There's only a few posters on there who I don't think post here that I don't mind reading. David Williamson, Allicat, TGR, gsmith that's probably it the rest of the time they just argue about rubbish that's got nothing to do with thread topics.
  7. It is actually the stupidest argument you could mount - if those players we picked were successful then we wouldn't need the priority pick anyway. The fact that previous picks haven't worked out helps our argument that the team is rubbish and needs assistance. Also just because a team has picked poorly in the past doesn't guarantee anything for the future especially as different people are now making the decisions. Fiora, Tambling, Oakley-Nicholls etc didn't prevent Richmond from picking up Cotchin, Martin, Conca and Vlastuin.
  8. Yes please. Will be good for us, wont be a game breaker but will be a solid player helping out Nate Jones and relieving some of the burden on our younger players.
  9. She's not a pathetic journo, she's a pretty good journo compared to most footy reporters however is obviously in the AFL's pocket and refuses to say much about her beloved Tiggers. She also seems to sit on information and then use that as part of her arguments without making them public, i.e. we are expected to just take her word about certain things.
  10. We might get pick 9 OR 18 (GWS have CP pick 10 as well) but no way they are going to give us both, what are you smoking?Edit: and BTW a compromise suggests we are holding something to bargain with - we have nothing and are wholly reliant on the Commission to assess whether we should get one or not. They have no need or desire to compromise with us.
  11. All those players had already decided to leave their respective clubs. None of the ones you named are going anywhere, 3 are captains and pretty certain they are all under contract. It's stupid and a waste of time to discuss it.
  12. Hogan; "I'll extend my contract when you do Roosy."
  13. Haha gold, something else for North to whinge about! "MFC get bankrolled by the AFL and steal our coaches"
  14. I said previously its ok to put the request in, it's ok to make the case and if we get the PP take it as you don't look a gift horse in the mouth. But if we don't get it we move on and do the hard work to get where we need to be. Tell me, which super midfielder do you think you'll get in a trade for pick 1? No club is going to give away a gun player for a draft pick to draft a kid who may become a gun player. I haven't seen any realistic trades yet. Our best bet would be to throw money at a free agent like Dale Thomas for instance. Welfare is ok if you need it but becoming reliant on it is doomed to failure.
  15. What a crock, it is this mentality as to why the MFC has been a rabble so long. "If it is to be, it is up to me!" There's no reason why we can't challenge for top 4 within 5 years if we get our footy department and recruiting sorted. We don't need the PP for that, one 18 year old kid won't make or break this club. For a club whose stereotype is of being from the establishment/top end of town it truly surprises me how many on here seem to think welfare is the only way to survive.
  16. I hope he gets the senior job at Brisbane - so we don't have to pay out his contract.
  17. I don't disagree with that - but I doubt you'll see it any time soon considering we are now on the AFL drip-feed for the time being anyway. That's the problem with selling your soul to the devil AFL.
  18. And Sylvia & Blease. Like it or not, those players came to our club due to PP's.
  19. We've lodged an application and are making our case but if the AFL say no what are we going to do about it? Getting the right people in place off-field such as Roos, Jackson & hopefully Bartlett and developing our players, setting up structures and developing the right culture is far more important for us than a PP. With these things sorted we will be able to nurture a kid picked in the teens or 20's into the player we want. We have Toumpas, Viney, Hogan, pick 2 & 18 already next year, we haven't got the best out of Trengove, Blease or Grimes and Clark & Dawes are yet to play in the same side together; there's still plenty there to work with.
  20. The elephant in the room is the fact that it's about time we just rolled up our sleeves and got on with it instead of whinging all the time - it's starting to sound like Shinbonerland around here not Demonland. Sure ask for a pick, make your case and argue for it and take the pick if they give it to you but if not it's not the end of the world. We can turn this ship around with or without the PP, it's not essential it's a luxury.
  21. If we get a PP I'll take it as you don't look a gift horse in the mouth but if we don't get one who cares; no point whinging and moaning just get on with the job.
  22. Yep otherwise you end up with a Molan, Smith, Cook or a Tambling instead of Franklin.
  23. 3 of the 4 you named are captains of their clubs. Why bother discussing things that will never happen? Waste of time.
  24. Pretty good of the club to put a freeze on increasing the membership prices this year as well as a thank you for the rubbish the members have had to put up with over the last 5-7 years. Good on them. Gonna ring up and find out if I'm still on the waiting list for a Legend's membership.
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