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Everything posted by praha

  1. Yet another Daniher duster ready to go. Ba-bye!
  2. And from what I believe we were the front runner at one point. Until he actually met with the club.
  3. We lost to the bottom team. And our last 2 wins of the year were against Port and GC. How anyone can take something positive out of today is beyond me. We finished last 2 years ago. We shouldn't be losing to the bottom team. Simple.
  4. "The harsh fact is that while clubs will always blame money when they lose players, they should look at themselves and learn from their mistakes" So clearly I am not the only one that shares my above sentiments. Sometimes you need to step away from the club and look at it as an outside to see its issues.
  5. You're comparing Melbourne to winning sides. These teams can afford to lose these players. They've pretty much all proven that. With flags. Melbourne has been anything but the pinnacle of success for going on 50 years. Allowing potential stars to leave so early in their career when you've done nothing as a club is something that frustrates me. Maybe I am expecting too much? And when I say I won't sit around for 50 years waiting, I mean that I won't accept another 50 years. If Collingwood can do it, so can Melbourne. If they have more outside deals, why doesn't Melbourne? Oh, and have we forgotten about our little 186-point loss to the Cats? When the hell do teams lose like that? Pun not intended... Let's also not forgot what transpired. Players so sick and tired of the OFF-FIELD team that they can't play on-field. It was a fundamental breakdown of an epic level. And now a No.1 draft pick is walking out on a talented young side for an extra $400k when he'd already be earning $600k, meaning every.single.Collingwood.Player is resigning for salaries we all know would be slightly lower than what they would be offered from GWS. My concern has more to do as to why the club couldn't match the deal outside of the salary cap, because every other club seems to do it well. Sure, Brown left the Hawks, but the guy has played in a flag, and they actually have proven players to replace him with, not a bunch of young studs who haven't really done anything outside of a good first few games since they led their High School team to a flag. Ablett, well, same thing goes. Not good enough if he leaves. Bulldogs are the same. These guys have hardly been at the club. He hasn't done anything. We've invested in him, and it's lost so easily. I am tired of excuses and people blaming the AFL, or pointing the finger at him. Maybe I'm going loco. inb4ban
  6. I posted this on BigFooty. I expect most of you to disagree and have a go, but eh, I'm used to it on here. I'm just a realist at the end of the day: I said recently that there wasn't much differential between $1 million and $600k...when you should only be earning $150-$200k anyway. I mean, people are saying, "would you knock back $1 million?", but they're forgetting he is also knocking back $600k, which on its own accord is already 100% higher than what he'd be getting had GWS not entered the picture. If I was 20 and someone offered me what Scully has been offered, I'd think it would be, ummm, maybe disloyal, greedy to accept $1 million, because at the end of the day I'd be earning considerably more than what I'm worth anyway. It's not like he's choosing $1 million over $150k. The decision is not as hard as people are making it out to be. To be honest, if he goes to GWS, it will be more indicative of the state of the club than it would be of Scully's personality. If Pies players are knocking back bigger offers, there shouldn't be a reason as to why a Demons player can't. But there is, and we all know how much of a joke Melbourne is off-field. No one can escape that, including Melbourne supporters. He's gone, and when it's official, I'll be livid. Not with Scully, but with Melbourne. It's simply not good enough. I won't accept any excuses. How bad must the club be for a player to walk away from: The MCG Melbourne His friends His family After only 28 games and 2 years at the club, for GWS and what will be $200k more after tax, even though he'd been earning 100% more than what someone his age is probably worth if he stayed at Melbourne. It's very bad PR for Melbourne imo. It's been a shocking 2011. And it's simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Won't sit around for 50 years waiting for a flag like the old man. And I'm sick of people making up excuses for this club.
  7. The club will hire him because he's inexperienced. It's Melbourne.
  8. If he's leaving, he'll tell the world after the last game. If he waits until October, my bet is he's staying.
  9. "The one that I feel saddest about, because I’m closest to it, is Melbourne. Because they are a brand. The redlegs. I mean, it was wonderful sitting up here and watching their finals against Collingwood, Ray Gabelich running down in that goal, and bouncing and missing the ball, etc. etc. Melbourne as a football club, is iconic. And so many people have tried so hard to make it work. Ah, but there’s still a great deal to be done." Gives me goosebumps. I get more and more frustrated by this club daily. The potential. The brand. We ARE the MCG. And yet, we are NOTHING. Not good enough.
  10. No one would admit it had an affect on the players. Not even the players themselves, even if it did. The affect it has on someone subconsciously is a different matter all together. In this profession where team dynamics are so important, it most definitely would have had some collective affect on the team and club as a whole. The media coverage alone would have done that. The club has handled it superbly imo, but imagine if your mate was keeping a secret from you, and you knew about it (or at least were pretty sure about it?) It would surely damage the relationship. This is all just assumption, and I'm really just applying the basic foundations of what mateship and loyalty is all about. I'll have nothing against him taking the money and leaving, but I'll have everything against him lying about it. He's gone.
  11. I don't get that bad. For me, I have far more important and stressful things in my life (not to say you all don't) and I'm just someone that can shake my head and walk away because at the end of the day it's just a game. But yeah, I am deeply frustrated at this club now. I will not stand for another 50 years without a flag. I won't put up with that. Call me fickle, but there's only so much you're willing to commit. I can dedicate my time elsewhere if the club doesn't perform with this rebuild. This is their last chance for me.
  12. Can't do that. A club should be able to spend its money on SOMETHING. I mean, we cry poor because we have no money and can't have a department the same as Collingwood, all through our own club's complete and utter business incompetence.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if 20,000.
  14. My cousin is a Suns player so yes, I'll be going to watch Melbourne get an easy 10-goal win.
  15. Dunn, Bate, Green have limited trade worth. Jurrah, Howe, Sylvia probably not going anywhere. That leaves Petterd, who is below those guys imo. Trade him if good deal comes up. Need some bigger bodies down back imo.
  16. Are you serious or...? I'd fire him. If you can't acknowledge the ethical obligation you have to your team's preparation for a match, you are not fit for the job. You don't say stuff like that. It's stupid. A war of words never ends well.
  17. Joke will be on us if we end up paying $600,000 "for that".
  18. There's absolutely no way I'd sign an unexperienced coach if there are experience coaches available. No more excuses.
  19. I hope we don't get it. We'll get belted.
  20. I don't think so. We are no certainty to win all 3 matches. The confidence of Melbourne supporters leading into this match is troubling.
  21. I don't care if he stays or goes. But wow $600,000 is a lot of money. Knowing Melbourne, it'd come back to bight it in the bum.
  22. Sign him please. Can play until 34, just like Hall, who still performs. Get him please. Sick of always finding excuses to not draft experienced players. The current model of intense conservatism when drafting and signing players is drowning the club in mediocrity, and has for some time. Just give a bloke a go. Do it.
  23. Richmond will give us a football lesson next week.
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