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Everything posted by praha

  1. I think Schwab is working in the best interest of the club as a whole, as a business, and this seems to have compromised the team's ability to progress on-field. If this issue shows us anything, it's that sometimes the business side of a club needs to take priority. That's clearly what's happened here, and I'm conflicted if I'm in favour. But I trust Stynes and Lyon, and they both believe it was the best thing moving forward. I believe they think it was the best decision for the survival of the club. Schwab really has done wonders with the brand.
  2. I believe it. I think the concern goes to how the club is dealing with player management on on-field progression, alongside progression of the club brand. From what I understand -- I don't have sources -- the club has been working overtime to expand its brand and get the club out there in the public eye. What this has led to is an even bigger hole when it comes to player development and management, a hole that has been present for 50 years. Creating the brand has been especially hard as the club has been anything but the pinnacle of success over the years. The whole situation finally lost balance last week, and the players lost faith in the club. A brand can be built on its own around a successful club, but the brand had to come first in this case. But that's obviously led to a revolt. I've also heard that a certain player broke down when speaking to Bailey, questioning the direction of the club and where it went so wrong. I think the club had to make a decision: Do we side with the coach and stop the progression of the brand Or stick with the brand and go in a new direction on-field? That ultimately led to Bailey's sacking and Schwab's reappointment. I think that's all very clear tbh. I think the club has failed at a fundamental level, and disastrously at that. A real failure of communication, transparency and commitment.
  3. I am convinced that no player is safe. If Sylvia wants to go, he can, but we will need to trade him. If Scully goes, it will be indicative of major issues at the club, all but proving issues surrounding Schwab's position at the club.
  4. I like Eddie. He has the passion and urgency that is desperately needed at the club. Stynes can only do so much. He's a business man and I admire him for turning Collingwood into what they are. I can put aside my support for Melbourne and admit that. He's doing what any loyal, dedicated, hard-blooded President would do. It's completely within his right to say these things.
  5. I'm sorry, but he's right. We are as bruise-free as you can get. There's no getting around that. Cale Morton.
  6. Melbourne is in crisis Melbourne lost by 186 points Melbourne sacked Dean Bailey Players aren't happy Collingwood is on top of the ladder I didn't watch the show, but I'm assuming that was the jist of it.
  7. Now I know Llyoyd is probably the last person we should be looking to for advice, but he made some very good comments this morning on SEN. Mentioned the indifference at Essendon over the last few years, but that no matter how tense things were, the club would never go out and lose by 180+ points. He said that even if there was an issue, and if the players really did support Dean, they'd have played FOR him, because they must have known his head was on the chopping board. So, this put things into perspective for me, and one would expect a team to respond in the same way Lloyd has suggested. For a team that says it supports its coach, to lose by 31 goals is just not right, but the team is far better than that (let's be honest: Geelong is not 31 goals ahead of anyone, nor is any other team). This makes me think of a few things: 1. How bad must things really be behind closed doors for the players to respond so.....carelessly, and on the game day? 2. There is clearly something a lot deeper: It was 186 points. Something causes that. It's not the 70s anymore. No team is 31-goals worse than any other team in the comp. 3. What level is the leadership at if a team with that sort of mentality -- one of angst towards management -- is willing to just play like that. 4. There must be very, VERY little respect for the jumper and club if such issues are causing a player revolt on gameday, even if that revolve is subconsciously and unintentional.
  8. I'm not sure... I think there is a very fundamental break-down at the club's core. The people with power obviously don't care enough about winning, or just don't know how to get there. That's indicative through the response of the players. I'd look at hiring someone with experience and grunt. There's absolutely no way I'd hire someone inexperienced. I'd even look to the VFL if I had to. I'd also look at rebuilding again. To think we've gone through how many drafts and we still don't have a Franklin/Roughhead type is beyond me, while the likes of Hurley and Darling continue to rip it up.
  9. No thanks. A media personality with a bit of grunt, but isn't a coach, nor is he someone that would be of particular use. I think he acknowledges this and that's why he'll probably never return to the club.
  10. What I'm saying is that, if you point the fingers at the players, what the players do is indicative of what the coach directs. The gameplan, the urgency, the passion, the commitment, the fire. All of that starts with the coach. You can't expect a playing group to just get up and play on game day. That's the point of the coach: to coach the team to victory. If the team isn't winning, you look at the coach, as you would any company that is struggling. I mean, if a business is struggling, do you look at the employees or the boss?
  11. lol spot on! Sums up this club, really. Thinks it's better than what it is, and as soon as you say something bad about it: "OMG YOU RICHMOND SUPPORTER YOU!" Club has been anything but the pinnacle of success.
  12. That list lost by 186 points. Someone has to be held accountable. If it's not the coach, why do we even have head coaches then?
  13. I don't share the same sympathies as some. Someone has to be held accountable, and Bailey was on a very good salary to do a job. His job was to coach this team to success, and ultimately a 186-point loss is just simply not good enough. His sacking is justified imo. There's no rational or irrational decision in this case. When this happens, you don't do nothing. You make someone accountable.
  14. I'd have thought the media manager would have the same opinion. I don't think the players speaking to the media in this capacity is very beneficial anymore, because they've had to do it so often this season.
  15. I guess the sun rose and set without anyone even noticing?
  16. "MELBOURNE defender Jared Rivers has admitted the Demons didn't care at times during the shattering, record-breaking loss to Geelong at Skilled Stadium on Saturday." Talk is so cheap from this team. The price of talk from this team has dropped quicker than America's cash reserves.
  17. Is everyone hating on a supporting because he's angry that he pays a membership and never gets anything back? Lol, typical. I'm with you, OP.
  18. Bailey is and always has been playing him out of position. The kid has no idea what he's supposed to be doing. That's been evident since his first game.
  19. Schwab? Didn't this guy essentially re-create us? Re-create our brand? He can't face the sack. He has the passion and urgency that is severely lacking. He gave me faith that we were on the right track. I put blame on the coaching staff, and the culture in general.
  20. They lost by 184 points in today's game. Unacceptable. No excuses if he coaches next week. No excuses.
  21. I agree. The club has failed at a fundamental level for 50 years. That said, it is a coache's responsibility to instill fury, anger, passion and commitment. Urgency as well. They don't exist. Oh, and North Melbourne says hello. Because they're been the pinnacle of a high-spending football department... To think this club as 12 flags, plays at the MCG, is 150+ years old, it sickens me that we are where we are. It's as if every single person that has ever been in control at the club has been a moron. It took the club 50 years to realise it didn't have a supporters stronghold. Still doesn't. Club has a shockingly placed "store" at the MCG -- who the hell goes there on a non-game day? Why isn't the store in the city. You know, our namesake city? Two of the biggest losses of all time. I could go on and on.
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