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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. You have got to be kidding me. Stand Frawley, Garland and Rivers side by side and then tell me that they are the same size. How naive do you have to be if you look at height and weight to judge body size. Such a misinformed opinion. Ok, lets play the game your way. Frawley is 193cm and 93kg, Dunn is 192cm and 95kg. Stand them side by side, or better yet, actually see them in person close up, then tell me they are the same size. Dunn is nowhere near the same size as Frawley. But oh no, let's just use stats to justify a comparison.
  2. It's such a love-hate relationship. These are only achieved if you are passionate. We're in too deep to get out now. I often wonder if i had gone down a different path, if my dad barracked for another team and i in his footsteps (brainwashed and all), would it be the same? This club really frustrates the hell out of me sometimes. I have never been angrier than the levels that this club drives me to, but that's only because i care too damn much. If i had my time again would I support the Dees? You're goddamn right i would.
  3. Too right. Now if only the on-field performance can reflect our off-field resilience.
  4. Frawley fills on of those. I'd love to know who you think fills another. Garland, Rivers, Sellar even Martin at a stretch. None of these players are a Key Defenders butt-hole. Garland is way too lose and doesn't have the body to hold down CHB/FB, Rivers has never been either - more 3rd man up (Garland would replace him), Sellar - well and Martin can only play back-up ruck - a KPF/KPD he is not.
  5. The question is a really hard one to answer. Given our current predicament you could make a case for having either Talia or Gysberts. Both have been injury prone and both haven't done much on the AFL scene. We are lacking another quality KPD to help Frawley - is Talia that? Not yet. We are also lacking quality mids that thrive in a contested situation that can also dispose of it properly. Is Gysberts that? Not yet. Either way, if we chose one or the other, we'd be hoping that their respective qualities would help in our problem areas.
  6. In terms of sponsorship now, what would be the preference, given we have both the front and back now vacant? Just one main sponsor on both the front and back, or a FOJ sponsor and a BOJ sponsor? Besides the obvious "which ever gets us the most $" which would be preferred. Given China Southern seemed to have pulled out, might they come back if they were offered the whole jumper?
  7. Given all that has happened to the MFC recently, there's a thought that continues to go through my head. Through adversity you develop resilience. We all know who believed this, but not even he could have thought anything like this could happen all in the space of 3 months. This whole saga will redefine who we are as a club. People often wonder what our club stands for. What we are witnessing right now, is a club forging new culture.
  8. If the club had any clue how to do a proper background check, they wouldn't need to look at a facebook page now would they. Surely this Pollis's character would have come out if we were thorough.But alas, we have let another one deceive us. We couldn't find it in Scully, now we couldn't find it in Pollis. The question has to be asked, are the people running our club the best candidates? We sure have our problems at the moment don't we. And we aim to become an elite club, LOL.
  9. That's all well and good, but $ is what keeps a football club alive. Without money, you aren't going to survive. I'm sure there were a lot of proud Fitzroy supporters out there too.
  10. If that is the case, then it highlights how poorly the MFC looked into this clown. Talk about failure at doing due diligence. The media throng were right onto it at the PC, and rightly so. How could we have failed so miserably to not do our homework on this? Maybe we saw the $ offered and forgot to do anything else. Wouldn't surprise, because we had nothing in terms of sponsors at that time, just like right now. Not the MFC's fault, but someone needs to be held accountable. Overlooking Stuart Fox is now starting to look as bad as overlooking Darling for Cook.
  11. No one could see this coming, not even CS. However, for the past 2 months now, he's has been continually saying that we will take our time looking for the 2nd sponsor because of our deal with EW. Effectively, Cam has not been working as hard as he could have to secure the 2nd one, because he has relied and used EW to fall back on. Now we have no major sponsors, through no fault of CS of course, but because of his laid back approach, we are well back in trying to land 1 sponsor, let alone 2. I recently posted saying that CS will no doubt soon come out with a new special guernsey to take the heat off us not having a second sponsor. I had no idea that it would be to announce no sponsors and a guernsey that is blank. If he comes out and starts talking about how having nothing on the guernsey is traditional etc, then he has lost it. The longer we now go with nothing in terms of major sponsors, the more amateurish the club will look. Not because of what has come out today, but because we have been down this path before, only 3 years ago. CS used EW as a scapegoat to explain/reason why we don't have and don't need to be in a hurry to find a 2nd one. It just highlights the negatives of CS, which atm are far outweighing the positives of having him on as CEO. Cam won't be around come the end of the year.
  12. Unfortunately, I don't think i could say it any better than this.
  13. I agree Trident. It's nice to be kept up to date with injuries and how the players are tracking. Much better than the usual injury page with estimated weeks out. Good progress being made in relation to keeping supporters informed.
  14. Now we have this http://www.melbourne...21/default.aspx Meesa thinks Aaron is about to get some more $ rolling in, courtesy of channel 10, Whately and all who claim/insinuate him to be the shooter on the grassy knoll.
  15. So we have AFL360 saying that it is a senior mfc indigenous player, Gerard Whately saying it is Davey, and 3AW saying it is a former MFC player.
  16. i think many are just afraid at admitting that we need to undergo another mini re-build. Not the likes of 08/09, but one all the same. "we're perpetually re-building" they think. Well, time for home-truths. What DB and Co were planning wasn't working, in fact it seems like it's done more damage than good. I want to see my team in the finals again. What i don't want to see, is for us to be a finals regular but only good enough for semi's. Building on what we have now would just be covering up the cracks. We need to re-lay some of the foundations. If we want to be a serious threat, we need to do things right. It's funny how the right way is usually the harder way. I'm young enough to feel like i have a good chance at witnessing a premiership, my 51 year old dad however, is this close to just not giving a damn. All the same and with due respect to him, taking the easier option and believing what we have is enough with a few bells and whistles, will ultimately have us end up right where we started. Do it right. If it takes a little bit longer, then so be it. Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.
  17. Ok. We all know who our senior indigenous player is. What if he comes out and vehemently denies such an allegation? Channel 10 might very well become our FOJ sponsor with the amount of $ they might need pay up to cover defamation.
  18. Are you kidding me? Those boos, particularly at 3/4 time were definitely for the woeful performance put on by the players. Sure the umpiring wasn't great, but they did not cost us the game, we did that all on our own. The players were booed and rightfully so. Do these guys realise that their earning average is roughly 4 times that of the average Australians? They have it so good, and seem intent on putting in half-arsed efforts. If they were in an everyday normal job, many would have been given the arse. Too many have had it too good, for too long. I don't care if Neeld does get half the list off-side, at least he is trying to worm out those who don't deserve to be there.
  19. And to those who are wondering what CS is doing with his time, i'm sure he will announce the release of a new, limited edition guernsey sometime soon.
  20. The problem is not only our midfield, though it is the most glaringly obvious problem. We lack another quality KPD (if Frawley goes down we are farked. Garland isn't a KPD, an continually refuses to man up, though that goes for the whole team yeasterday), we lack another KPF (unless Watts decides to come on this year). The midfield - we lack everything. No skill, no poise and no pace. We'll have 4 highish picks come end of year. Viney is obviously one of them (and thank christ we are guaranteed him). Do we go all out for mids (not just dower one's)? Do we trade players with some currency who won't be around for a serious premiership tilt (struggling to find any)? Do we try and bring in quality players (who would want to come to the MFC)?
  21. CS really has his work cut out for him now. Imagine trying to attract a sponsor after such a performance.
  22. seriously, where will the improvement come from? My best guess is this years draft. WIth the draft meant to be strong, and what now looks like some high picks (2 top 10 picks, 1 mid teen pick, and a low 20's pick), throw in that we will probably trade for some more draft picks or decent players, our best chance to improve is at the end of this years off-season. Throw in a recruiter who has half a clue and we might go alright. Sure we don't have one, but i reckon it's better than BP and his look to the future philosophy.
  23. we can make as little or as many changes as we please, it will have zero affect on the end result at Subi. Imagine the carnage that is going to happen. *Shudders*.
  24. We simply don't have the cattle to play Neeld's gameplan the way he wants. Now a 1st year coach doesn't come in and get rid of 10-12 players right away, they give a year to have a look at the list. Massive changes will happen to the list come end of year. Another rebuild........ffs. It also goes to show how poor the recruiting was from BP and the tail end of CAC. A long year ahead, you bet. A long year i could take, if the players were giving their all, but what they put out today was pathetic. Look past the fact that it was the first game after Jimmy's passing, i question whether the majority of our players have any self-respect? There's only so much a coach can do, it's up to the players to go out and execute, with this list.............i don't know, particularly with the likes of the more senior players.
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