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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. He looked really good in some of the match simulations a bit over a month ago. Very clean hands in close. Seems to have dropped off the map?
  2. Nut - I'm not saying anyone said the Podesta emails were fake news. Just pointing out how so many Democrats blame fake news for the loss yet the loss was in large due to the most real news you can get. However, illegal. I know there is much more to it but I do see an irony there. Was just trying to point that out. On your second point there is enough evidence and counter evidence to argue any point in the hacking. It probably was the Russians. The security agencies are pointing their finger that way but then the CIA seems to have a leak within and that leak shows they can hack and leave other countries fingerprints on it. As I understand the DOJ have still have yet to confirm or deny a wiretap on Trump. They were very quick to say there was nothing to see here about Clintons illegal home server. I smell a rat.
  3. Weid from all reports in the rehab group. I think Spencer plays. Position is his to lose but he has earnt it.
  4. Most of the good content on SEN comes from crocmedia owned by Hutchy. SEN is dying and Hutchy will buy SEN too when it hits rock bottom.
  5. I haven't studied the rising star rules but I am looking forward to Daisy winning the inaugural Daisy Pearce medal.
  6. The Melbourne Football Club created this great game and we are at the forefront of the women's league. Let's go Daisy let's go Dees.
  7. I'll be waiting for the G. I hate Etihad and won't go there again.
  8. Podesta's emails were as real as they come. That was my point blaming "fake news" was funny. The hacking is alledged to be by the Russians. Julian Assange who leaked it swears it wasn't, not that i trust him. There is no proof it was the Russians just as there is no proof Trump had his "wire tapped".
  9. Do they put players in rehab to balance the workload? If not what happened to Weid?
  10. Pretty strong forward line at casey this week with Garlett, Kent and Watts.
  11. I mist admit i find it funny when people blame "fake news" for the democrats loss. The Podesta emails crushed them and are about as real news as you can get.
  12. I went to moomba and enjoyed it. My immediate concerns and thoughts though are about wikleaks and Julian Assange. If Bitter but Optimistic was lockedup up in the Ecuadorian embassy i would buy shares in tissues
  13. Voss or Macloed. Its a tough choice...
  14. At the moment Weiderman isn't a full forward either. He floats across the front of the goals without providing commanding leads like a Dunstall. If he is going to float like that I'd rather a bigger body like Spencer who is more likely to clunk the mark or make sure as hell they don't. Weiderman is clearly better than Spencer when the ball hits the ground but that is not the primary role of the position. Defensively I'd prefer Spencer. He is more aggressive and without having a stop watch on either I'd say faster. There is no question in the long term Weiderman is our preferred option. Round 1 I would lean towards Spencer. We obviously can't play both. Perhaps we wont play either.
  15. Are you serious? Anybody can recruit a big brute of a bloke who is aggressive and fast. It is much harder to teach them where to run or as you put it be in the right place at the right time.
  16. $51 was available for me and I didn't have a massive go. I tried to put a bet on and the screen sat there thinking for ages and they eventually let me have $20 on it and wouldn't allow the rest of the bet. Then I noticed the odds had been adjusted.
  17. not anymore. I tried for the $51 and they wouldn't take my bet and then moved him in to $15.
  18. I guess the other thing to question about the zone is are other clubs doing similar? We get upset when Tommy Mac is committed to another opposition mid size player and another smaller back has to go to a "tall" opposition. Mismatches happen all the time in zones. If other clubs are doing similar maybe playing the two rucks and having Spencer / Gawn resting in the forward line creates mismatches or at least prevents other teams playing how they want to.
  19. I wouldn't play Spencer and Weed in the same side at Etihad. One (or both) of them goes for run. I'd be tempted to give Spencer the nod over Weed. Agreed Spencer diminishes Gawn's role but in round 1 I am not concerned. It is a long race.
  20. Your skills suck and it went out of bounds is already covered, it just can't bounce first. Agree with other posters that the players who let themselves get tackled over the line to avoid both deliberate and holding the ball is a far worse crime than some of the "deliberate" out of bounds decisions last night.
  21. DeeSpencer I like a lot of your other observations but this is just ridiculous. 1) The fact he made the effort to collect it and not just run over the boundary with it or shepherd it out demonstrates 100% he was trying to keep it in. 2) You're somehow guessing his mood and then suggesting if he "nailed" the handball it wouldn't have gone out of bounds and therefore no free kick. It is a deliberate out of bounds rule and has nothing to do with precision (or mood).
  22. Last night was a JLT cup game at an unusual shaped and sized oval against a side used to playing there and who are a legitimate top 4 and premiership contender. Our zone, press and diamond defence need to work first and foremost at the MCG. Last night was not a good indicator of its effectiveness by any measure. It is incredibly frustrating to watch when the opposition get goals over the back from pressing up to high or when they dissect us with precision when we are standing in a diamond and the opposition have loose players. But it doesn't matter how frustrating it is visually, if it is an effective game plan where the rewards outweigh the risks it is well worth it. Time will tell but I have a feeling we are in for a roller coaster ride.
  23. Does anyone else think Oliver is really good value at $34 for most brownlow votes of any Melbourne player? Max Gawn and Viney obvious dangers but $34 seems pretty good to me?
  24. The Bernie one was ridiculous he could have just let the ball go out in the first place but tried to keep it in play. whilst on umpiring that free kick Spencer got for a knee in the back in a marking contest was unusual. But the best bit about it was the umpires signal, he looked like karate kid. That can't be an official signal and had to be made up on the spot.
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