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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. I've already got Melksham pencilled in as a whipping boy. I don't to see his head shot on gyrocam.
  2. Gysberts played his first game in the guts against Geelong in their prime and went toe to toe with Abblett. His debut game was every bit as good as Olivers. We are doing things much differently now. Oliver will be a star. Taylor would never have taken Gysberts but it doesn't change the first game facts.
  3. Allow for the commentators (when you don't have it on mute) to crticise the umpires. Nothing p!sses me off more than when a dubious free kick results in a goal to the opposition. Then the commentators skip over it, don't mention it and don't show a replay. Call it for what it is. If the players make skill errors they point it out.
  4. Hawthorn will finish 9th this year. Tyrone Vickery goes across to the Hawks. Hawks sitting 0 -2 Tigers sitting 2 - 0 Coincidence?
  5. Trump can do and is doing plenty wrong in my eyes. He is a terrible person and his start to his presidency has been questionable. I just like crtitism to be fair. The media is at war with him and that in itself is intriguing. He's not beholden to them and for the most part I can't tell what is fake news or real. i didn't like the above meme perhaps I need to lighten up. When hardtack sends through a good one on the Clinton's or Obama perhaps I can have a good chuckle and stop being so grumpy.
  6. I feel for bitter but optimistic's pecker if we do. The Anthony William Watson McDonald-Tipungwut reminds me of Wonnamuri.
  7. Just as I start calling you a reasonable person... The famous saying goes there are lies and statistics. The highlighting in red above is not even within the margin of lies and statistics. It is not even pretending to compare apples with apples. It is embarrassing.
  8. Choke - of course you can post a Clinton joke. Much funnier than hardtaks Trump joke by the way. What you posted would be funny no matter Abbott, Howard, Trump etc... reading "sigh" off the autocue. It is just sensible and reasonable to look at anything in life from the opposite perspective. You can do this. I can do this. Some people are just incapable.
  9. There will be no more Jack Watts threads on demonland. [censored] after midday i'm the fool.
  10. Democrats to relocate to Casey. Hillary has heard the NBN is working so well she wants to set up a server there.
  11. In further news on April 1 Eddie has dimplomatically resigned as Collingwood president after his disaterous decision to remove a premiership coach with Nathan Buckley. Dustin Martin has agreed to negotiate a new contract with the club that has nurtured him and has an army of supporters more feral than his old man. There is also speculation that Jimmy Toumpas has challenged Brent Grgig to an arm wrestle to be held at a sell out crowd at Trump stadium sponsored by South Australian renewable ernergy corp.
  12. So you tell me you are only posting jokes about Trump because he is the current POTUS and any others would be irrelevant, yet you have over 7,000 posts and can't point to one joke you posted about Obama when he was POTUS for 8 years? And I am am irrational for pointing that out? Keep on trying.
  13. I'm not massively into renewables (I doubt that will surprise anyone who reads these pages regularly). BUT what I will tell you there is one current technology that I expect to completely blow wind and solar out of the water over the next decade and it is wave power. The sun goes down, the wind stops blowing. The waves just keep on rolling in. The newest technology sits under the water and instead of being a blight on the landscape like solar, windmills and power plants (that actually produce reliable energy). The renewable wave technology is sitting under the water and creating artificial reads that the fish like breading in and has associated marine benefits.
  14. Mate show me one joke you posted of Obama during his 8 years as POTUS and I'll apologise. Otherwise own it.
  15. It has started repairing marginally since Obama has gone but it has a long way to go and Trump needs to concentrate on leading rather than tweeting. The media will kick and squeal at everything Trump does. Abit like when George Bush used to get tongue twisted it would make news around the world and everybody would have a good laugh but when it happened to Obama no news outlet found it funny or would report it. Hardtack found some GIF of Trump and thought it worthy of posting. It wasn't funny but was posted in the name of humour. I challenged him to post a joke or something mildly funny about Obama or the Clintons and of course he couldn't or wouldn't. The leftist crowd are a herd who think things are funny if it is about someone of the right but would find the same thing unfunny if it was one of their own. Humour should be judged on the content not the subject. No matter what Trump does it wont please the leftist crowd even though plenty of his policies are what the left were championing not long long ago. America is not collapsing under Trump it was in collapse well before he hit the scene. I hope he drains the swamp.
  16. I'm stunned he said ban all muslim immigration.
  17. The point is you put a humourless joke up to deflect from the facts presented in the posts above it. The Clinton's have been completely called out for their corruption. I challenged you to put a joke up about the Clinton's or Obama and you say there is no point because you are not emotionally invested. Well you obviously are because you wont put up the joke as challenged. And you have nothing to lose because nothing could be less humorous than the last one you put up.
  18. Goodwin played under Blight and from what I understand, when Blight coached, if Abblett got the ball there were no team rules. He didn't need to centre it or look for a better option. Just make goals happen. Daniher had a brand of this with Farmer. Get it near Farmer and let him do what he wanted, to create a goal. Oliver sees ball gets ball there are no rules for him chasing the footy. Just get it and make stuff happen. Let's play to our players strengths. We need structures and team rules but the best attacking coaches are the most flexible. If Watts gets the footy near the goals have a shot. If Jayden Hunt gets it run for your life. IF the opposition is playing a press and Jeffy Garlett is lurking, bomb it long, he will out run them.
  19. No worries. Maybe find a funny interlude about the Clinton Foundation or the previous Lame Duck president? I'm all for humour. Can you find one or is that a bit too touchy for you?
  20. He wasn't slow by foot but I think he was one of those players who looked quicker because he could read where the ball was going before anyone else.
  21. In my humble opinion anything that needs a battery is not pure reliable renewable energy.
  22. You can start with my link to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and work yourself down.
  23. It's a great time for an interlude for anyone who wants to forget about the above facts and start concentrating on a new hate Trump chapter.
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