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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. EH am I detecting a hipster?
  2. Easy mate, sometimes I don't even read my own posts On your numbered points 1) - I think there is a finer line here than you and Nut are admitting. Perhaps Abbott is doing what he said he wouldn't. I don't think it is that clear cut. He is advocating what should be Liberal party values. People are comparing it to Rudd who was leaking to destroy Gillard. Abbott is openly endorsing policies he believes are good for the party he is a hero of. It is bad for Turnbull but it is about policy. Turnbull can respond by producing better policy. Rudd / Gillard was never about policy it was about personality and who was the biggest victim. 2) The party handled the destabilisation when Turnbull undermined Abbott. Abbott may or may not get him back but the party can handle it. It is bigger than the individual. Particularly, individuals that stand for nothing. 3) Agree he is trying to get rid of the PM. But I believe he is creating a platform for someone else to cripple Turnbull with. I'm not pretending the entire Lib supporter base is as far right as Abbott. But he has a supporter base. Turnbull is hated by conservative like me because he is too far left and hated by lefties because he is beholden to the right. He stands for nothing. Abbott's comments are unhelpful in the short term because nobody wants another PM but they are for the greater good.
  3. 1) One of the problems with the Labor party is their elected members are not always allowed a conscience vote. No point voting for my local candidate if he can't voice his opinion and has no sway. 2) We've agreed on this previously but again we know what Abbott stands for. I have NFI what Turnbull stands for. None of these issues need a conscience vote, they should be obvious to the Liberal party. If you said why didn't Abbott advocate all this when he was PM I would agree with you. Ex-leaders get a bad wrap. I'd much rather hear what Paul Keating, John Howard, Costello (should've been), Bob Hawke, Julia Gillard have to say over some celebrity, abc host or shock jock.
  4. WJ - would it be fair to say you have a man crush on MF? He blends feel good background stories and football knowledge like no other. Your linking to him is normally the only reason I have the pleasure of reading them.
  5. Let's not forget we played them in a blizzard and 2 of their goals came from 50m penalties. 50m penalties are so much more severe in the AFLW because they generally only kick half the distance of the men.
  6. Party disloyalty? Abbott epitomises conservative values. Whilst he is loyal to those values he is loyal to the party. If he came and and said Climate Change is out of control we should put a tax on carbon dioxide or let's bring back compulsory unionism then he would be disloyal to the party and cause. On your other point I'm happy for every backbencher to come up with a 5 point plan. I don't care if it contradicts or is in union with their own Government. At least the electorate will know what they stand for. When Penny Wong was publicly pushing for marriage equality on the Gillard Government front bench at a time the Gillard Government policy was for marriage to remain between a man and a women were Nut and Choke viciously opposed to her opinion that was out of step with the Government?
  7. That is the case for the Liberal front benchers. Not so for the back bench.
  8. So Nut give me the name of 1 politician that you like. And tell me is it acceptable if they have a different opinion to their leader? It's amazing people on here are arguing against transparency.
  9. I've finally been given a study by Hart et al showing an increased mortality rate for drinkers. Of the 1,833 non drinkers in the study, 834 of them smoked. WTF? I know some teetotallers but I don't know any that smoke. Was does in the 70's but that seems incredible to me.
  10. Abbott has more chance of uniting the party than Turnbull. I'd love him to become leader again but he couldn't win unless he was up against Shorten. I don't think the next PM will come from any of Turnbull, Shorten or Abbott.
  11. Nut assume we both agree as an elected member of parliament he can have an opinion and it does not need to be identical to his leader? i.e he can think for himself. So where we disagree is what he does with his opinion. As far as I can see he has 3 options: 1) He can snipe and leak and voice his opinions behind closed doors 2) He can vocalize his opinion openly, be held to account for it, and live by it 3) He can keep it to himself in which case he should quit parliament I think he is doing number 2. Perhaps he should do number 3. Kevin Rudd did number 1.
  12. I can understand penalty rates in many circumstances but I dislike penalty rates on Sundays. They are great for those that get them. Not so great for the rest of the economy. I have a close friend running a small business that is struggling to make ends meet. He employs people but can't afford to pay himself. He has tried to get weekend work outside of his business and been told on numerous occasions that weekends were to "reward" the regular workers. He would gladly work for the standard wage but penalty rates are preventing him getting a gig because the Mon- Fri workers are getting them.
  13. Firstly, Abbott is not changing the party direction (except from sinking ship) he is only advocating what is obvious. Secondly, Turnbull had every opportunity to place one of the greatest politicians in Liberal party history on the front bench. He didn't and Abbott is therefore entitled to say what he wants from the back bench
  14. Mouth guards are about as useful as helmets. If you cop a decent blow to the gob with a mouthguard you will probanly lose the lot of pearly whites. Can't breathe properly with them either.
  15. Jack Watts should probably rotate between high half forward and then run back explosively towards goal. Kick straight and train well. Haha Salem is a beauty has polish and agression. Can he read the play? I don't know either way but if he can he will be a weapon.
  16. Is destabilising the current leader by endorsing core values of the party he once lead sniping though? I don't think so. Every prospective leader tries to destabilise their party. It is the way politics works. Dog eat dog. Turnbull destabilised Abbott by apealling to the abc and fairfax crowd. They are not his parties traditional supporter base. That is why he is in free fall now. They wont vote for him.
  17. Give me one flag to watch with my dad and sister who I have gone with every single week since before Jim Stynes ran over the mark. Just one and I will be happy. My daughter now comes with us.
  18. Not every age bracket can have or need a revolution. Unfortunately, every leftist student thinks they can have and need one.
  19. Nothing would surprise me. I have a friend of a friend (how the best demonland rumours start) who has a solar panel installation business. I've met him a handful of times but point of story is he swears that people request solar panels be installed on their roof to face the street rather than the direction to catch the most sun light. They want the neighbours to see them.
  20. I'll bet tattoo removal technology improves more rapidly than solar power over the next decade.
  21. Do my donations betting on Melbourne give me a tax excemp status? We've pretty much sucked since I have been of a legal gambling age (I wasn't born in 65)
  22. The ABC charter legislates that it needs to be politically impartial. i don't agree with Manus Island and find immigration to be both a complex and confronting issue. We need border security but I am a humanitarian and have deep sympathy for anyone suffering as a result of our border control. Yet Governments can change this difficult situation. If there is a Government decision I disagree with so be it. The elected Government have the right to do what they were elected for. The difference is there can be no platform for political persuasion on the ABC. Yet is is so far left it stinks. I don't agree with a majority of Government spending but the ABC needs an overhaul.
  23. Shame it's not at the G Rjay. I live very close by and went to listen to guns n roses last week just outside in Yarra park. Ended up just walking straight in and seeing 3/4 of the concert. No ticket needed.
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