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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. I know it is not concrete evidence. It is looking likely though. Note I didn't suggest his phone was tapped. https://heatst.com/world/exclusive-fbi-granted-fisa-warrant-covering-trump-camps-ties-to-russia/
  2. So now it appears a server in the Trump Towers was being monitored "tapped" at request of Obama and his Department of (in)Justice during the election campaign at a time everyone was screaming at Trump for saying he would set up a special team to investigate Clinton's illegal server. The irony.
  3. I'll call Garland a sneaky chance to get a high half forward role.
  4. I'm glad I'm not under that scutiny. I,ve ingested some late night souvlaki's that have left me wondering.
  5. The US Stockmarket up 3 trillion since Trump took over. The numbers don't lie.
  6. That Brisbane side is my favourite of any side any era I have seen. we are nowhere near that but for sake of it Voss -Oliver similarities are there but Oliver needs to train more like cross than Watts. Has the vision, sweeping handball and ability to be the greatest player in the league. Far from it yet. Black - I see Dom Tyson. Can get 35 posesions and you don't really notice until you see the replay and realise he was brilliant. Booming kick and dangerous around goal but inclose stuff is harder to notice. Aka - there can only be one Aka but Petracca has the pace, unpredictability and x-factor. Like aka and Dustin Martin doesn't have the tank to run on the ball all day but is more damaging forward anyway. Power - is Salem for me. Would back either to kick a goal from anywhere. Very flexible in where you can play them and a toughness not often associated with silky small players. Nigel Lappin - Stretch is our closest but doesn't have the penetrating kick. I like Stretch but he is no Lappin. What he have over Brisbane Gawn - compared to Keating, Gawn is a match winner. Can influence game with marks around the ground and tap work is poetic rather than just a thump forward. Hunt - he is our Andrew McLeod of 97 and 98. Players like this are unique. Brisbane didn't have one.
  7. Only 7 and a bit more years to go. This thread will be pretty long by then if not deleted.
  8. Great post. Tex Walker could move to GWS and Dyson Heppell could join him. They would be unstoppable.
  9. I don't want to jinx us but there a time was when we were showing promise and the injuries that crippled us were Swatrz, Lyon, Tingay etc... Our current list has serious x-factor on every iine now. We can cope with the above injuries.
  10. I don't think either are eligible at the moment. Hopefully they both return soon.
  11. Goodwin played under Blight who was the greatest advocate of fearless football. They were lucky to have Andrew Macleod off half back with blistering pace that could just take the game on. If only we had someone like that...
  12. So the poor people that can't make it and likely bought naximum tickets sell back for a higher price? And ticket whatever there name is, on sell the ticket at an inflated price? Taking a commission or charging a fee on top of the original admin fee?
  13. My first point wasn't factually incorrect. I realise Labor have a policy of being sheep outside conscience votes. I was just saying that they should all act with their conscience on every issue not just when it is permitted. Good arguments will win out. I don't care if the Liberals win or not. I prefer good policy. I'd much rather the Liberal's lose the next election but set the policy agenda bar higher rather than the Liberal's win the next election, pump out poor policy and then stand at the election booth the following election trying to vote for whoever is the least worse.
  14. On the RET we both agree to disagree but Shorten is at something like 50% by 2030 and Turnbull is at something like 25%. Turnbull has it wrong no matter which way you look at it. Abbott has only said what is obvious. If renewables are the answer Turnbull should match Shorten. If renewables are pushing up power prices and making energy less secure then Turnbull shouldn't commit to a target and focus on getting energy pricing and security right. There is no point being Malcolm in the middle and pleasing no one.
  15. I didn't realise that the two major ticket selling outlets had a reselling business? have re-read what you have both written and am shocked. I hate them already because they charge me an admin fee for printing my own tickets. Now I hate them more. excuse the ignorance guys but who owns the resale tiks they are selling?
  16. Does that surprise you? Peter Garrett's political radar is woeful. I am not a fan of left wing politics but when you are one of the greatest Australian musicians ever on the back of an agenda, if you foolishly enter politics at least stick up for the principals that gave you that platform. I have no time for the Greens but would have much more respect for Garrett if he went down that path.
  17. it's no good me reporting after the fact (but I will) that I have heard JW was pushing himself at the end of drills last pre-season. It wasn't unusual for him to run over others at the end and really push it out. This pre-season he hasn't. It's been noticed by observers but not only observations the GPS doesn't lie and I'm guessing it confirms what I have been told.
  18. Not hipster then. Not sure what category you fit it but I probably fall in it with you.
  19. One of my best mates who for way of background is Asian and an Essendon supporter. He would have gone to 2 games in the last 10 years both of them Melb v Essendon with me. He called me today and said his 5 year old niece has asked him if he would take her to the womens footy this weekend. Make no mistake this women's footy is taking off and we are the founders.
  20. Diesel had a handball from inside to outside that never missed. It wasn't the team objective to do it back then. He just got it and did it. He was the cleanest in an era handbills weren't as essential to team plans. Oliver is better at it than Diesel but it is more common now and all teams have an instruction to do it. I see Oliver more like Voss than Diesel. I guess they all have the same quality they always get the ball first. Oliver and Voss just have bigger frames.
  21. WJ - I thought you had more sway at the club. Gawn most outstanding player for Melbourne in the league for a long time but he is no Daisy.
  22. At the start of the 2016 season nobody had Hunt in the best 22. Most probably didn't even have him in Casey's best 22. Now there is not a single best 22 on Demonland without him starting on the ground. We're 20 pages in to this thread and not one has a side without Hunt. Amazingly he is being picked ahead of Jetta. We have serious depth and that is partly because we now have the right structures in place to develop talent properly.
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