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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. i saw him today with his arm in a sling. Asked him how his finger was and he said "getting there brudda". Confirm he was smiling.
  2. Greene is an absolute idiot and hangs around with d1ckheads. Can't kick further than 35m and butchers it all the time. No for me and I don't rate Howe.
  3. I'll be happy to be proved wrong. Couldn't stand the corrupt unions to run the country through their pawn Shorten.
  4. I was being a bit facetious saying Abbott is (was) the champion of same sex marriage. He was the only PM who has given it a chance though up until Turnbull who will apparently keep the same stance. I do agree with your analysis of the position.
  5. My argument isn't invalid because you "will likely" vote Liberal again.
  6. So much hate. Abbott sure isn't the worst PM in history the 3 before him have that sewn up. Kevin 07 / Gillard / Rudd. Like him or hate him as you do, he did what he campaigned and was elected to do. Stop the boats, abolish the carbon tax and abolish the mining tax. Any fair minded person can see that a PM who does what he/she was elected to do is on the right track. If Shorten campaigns to block the FTA with China and wins a mandate at the election I will think it is crazy but expect him to do it when he takes office.
  7. You take pleasure in other peoples misfortune / misery? Says more about you than Ben Hur or RobbieF,
  8. Malcolm Turnbull is an embarrassment to the Liberals. They will lose in a landslide. The only people who like him are those who don't and wont vote Liberal anyway.
  9. The problem with the players that rely almost exclusively on their ability to hit a target lace out is everybody has off days and you become a liability if your skill set is precise kicking and it is off. Think Jack Watts. When you are a hard nut and are having an off day you still smash blokes and contribute.
  10. Carlton players are dominating everywhere except at Carlton. Mitch Robinson ties for b&f at Brisbane, Eddie Betts and Waite dominating finals and Garlett was a revelation in our forward line. Buckley has come in and cleaned out the "rat pack" MM had much success with at Collingwood and MM goes to Carlton and gets rid of the same brilliant but troubled type of player he has previously had success with.
  11. Tyson will bounce back next year and Salem will be there abouts as well.
  12. Losing Salem and Kent for long periods really hurt us. I know we have very limited depth so all injuries sting but these two really have unique skill sets and important roles.
  13. Jones was a much more penetrating kick than Viney is and Jone's problem was always trying to do too much. Viney can spray a kick when he is under no pressure. I see more of a similarity with Tyson getting caught all the time and a young Jones except Tyson is ahead of where Jones was at the same age / games. Viney reminds me of a young Todd Viney except a much more reliable kick
  14. Joeboy you really nalied it but I would add the following: Garlett - much needed spark Stretch -performed above expectations Jetta - always plays role Howe - forgive my cynicism
  15. Give me Tyson playing above himself over Watts playing beneath himself any day.
  16. Currie will be a number 1 ruckman at another club next year. Almost won the JJ Liston last night from his first 9 games before injury ruined his year.
  17. In the mid season review Roos had him as the most consistent player. Not alot changed in the second half. Garland has played in the backline on smalls, talls and resting mids in the worst side of the last decade. He can hold his head high over that time. You can't have a team off 22 leaders so I can't understand why lack of "leadership" is being held against him. I'll be very surprised if Garland wants to leave or if Melbourne want to offload him. Expect him to be in our best 22 next year.
  18. Daniel Currie on North's list (ruckman behind Goldstein) was leading on 11 after 9 games then got injured and only played 1 more full game for the season. AFL listed players who are borderline AFL standard should be dominating in this comp. Really starting to worry about Toump.
  19. Still has time on his side. I'm starting to worry about the Cockatoo-Collins brothers though.
  20. I heard time and time again that Stefan's problem wasn't Stefan but somebody close to him. Change of scenery was best for all particularly Stefan on and off the field.
  21. Isn't it refreshing to see a political party take a stand against corruption. Federal Labor should take note.
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