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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. No doubt Zak's ignorance on live TV played into the hands of common sense and the Abbott Government but that's not the point it gave Abbott a chance to address the bias against them at Q&A and the ABC.
  2. I'm not sure what the problem is with saying you are on the same team as your fellow country men. I do agree about fear politics. Climate Change is coming watch out...
  3. P-man I'll agree the deaths have been relocated and change my stance on the issue if you can show me the evidence that these unfortunate people were fleeing persecution and Australia was the closest destination for their welfare. I also don't understand the hate for "team Australia". Are you arguing some of our citizens aren't on our team?
  4. Hardtack- over what period do you classify as long term? I've explained extensively in the climate change thread that the climate has warmed since the little ice age.
  5. Maybe you should start a Ben Her hatred thread, What is the point of your post?
  6. Of course you won't show me anything. Facts or evidence aren't really your thing. But keep posting meaningless links all you like.
  7. Show me one scientist or expert who predicted a 17 year hiatus in warming, whilst carbon emissions increased. A hiutus which is recognised by the IPCC. If you can't point me to one I will show you who is ignorant.
  8. You might need to re-read what I posted.I mock the ABC for defending people's right to be bigoted now because they sure as hell didn't support George Brandis. Where were the ABC on Andrew Bolt's freedom of speech and the peoples ability to decide for themselves?And the reality is the terrorist sympathiser that was gifted a question on prime time television by the ABC has had no restriction on his speech. He is perfectly entitled to write on twitter, Facebook etc... As far as I am aware none of the racist, sexist or hateful speech he has written has seen him locked up or had a court ordered removal. Whereas Andrew Bolt has had a court ordered removal. Did you defend his right to speak?
  9. Peter Reith who enforced productivity on the warfs 4 governments ago ? I count Kevin 07 twice.
  10. It has a twofold effect for me.1) I don't like people dying at sea. Perhaps I don't personally benefit but I don't like people dying. 2) my family, friends and team Australia are much safer when we choose who to accept in our country.
  11. Abbott has made my life better by axing the carbon tax and stopping the boats. I note they were both promises from before the election. If you believe a politician is morally superior to Abbott at least say who and we can debate it.
  12. I'm not even sure what that means but at least it is not littered with capital letters. Can someone, anyone,explain to me why the climates hasn't increased with the predictions but people still believe the predictions of the people who got it wrong in the first place? If they didn't get it wrong show me the body of evidence that forecast the hiatus.
  13. Does Bill Shorten care about the workers pain? What does it matter if an entire industry work force lose their rights? As long as Shorten's union membership numbers are boosted. There is one thing worse than stripping workers rights and that is pretending to represent the workers and stripping their rights.
  14. It's stunning television watching the ABC defend that terrorist sympathizer they had on after mocking George "people have the right to be bigots" Brandis.
  15. So the link you put up finds there is no hiatus if you just adjust the temperature? Embarrassing! I'm not 100% sure climate change is a crock and I have been quite clear on that in my posts. Even if I did support the theory I think adaption would be better than trying to turn the titanic around.
  16. As a person of the centre right I have never warmed to Tony Abbott. I never thought he would become PM. I do, however, think he is the most under rated politician in my lifetime. Policies aside he has disposed of 2 PM's (one of them twice), got the opposition leader on the ropes, got the left leaning ABC ducking for cover and Malcolm Turnbull wedged because he can no longer appear on Q&A which is his most powerful platform. He is doing something right and I'll be buggered if I even know what it is.
  17. Let's talk about Victoria. 1) It is not a monopoly market 2) If it were a monopoly the great benefit of capitalism and free markets is a competitor could set up shop and compete. If they provide good content they will succeed if they provide Stalinist rubbish like The Age they will likely die 3) The Australian is by far and away the most sophisticated print journalism in the country. If you think that is playing to the lowest common denominator you probably don't understand it.
  18. Bump.Sorry bumping like Brayshaw tonight I am that excited.
  19. Bump. Same Adam has been relentless in his passion for melbourne second to none. I only hope he gets that stupid mayor of geelong in his crowd watch tonight.
  20. Funny BRFE I have been an optimist with Toumpas and still hold out hope but his decision in the first quarter to kick the ball blindly over his shoulder into play when he was 1m out from Collingwoods goal and storming towards their goal was so bad I am starting to really wonder.
  21. So you are for the people? more than 70% of the people choose to buy a Murdoch paper. Power to the people!
  22. Perhaps if the media made a bigger deal of Goode's forgiveness to the young girl we wouldn't see all the booing. I personally would have liked to see him do more. What I keep trying to say is I have booed Goodes in the past and I don't have a racist bone in my body. I tend to think the majority of those booing would fall into the same boat.
  23. Apologies to Nasher who earlier in the thread I said had written the most ignorant post I had ever read on demonland it has now been overtaken.
  24. Ok as mainstream Australia and the law of the land stand a centrist would agree with the following: Marriage is between a man and a women Carbon dioxide is a naturally occuring gas and infact plant food. We shouldn't tax it Economic refugees are illegal immigrants Let's not hijack the thread you are Stalin like left.
  25. hardtrack I was actually hoping someone would post a link to Goodes doing the right thing. I see the best in people. A lover not a hater. I would prefer to see Goodes apologise. A dual brownlow medalist who has a microphone to Australia whenever he pleases and earns more money than most of us can dream of. Are we supposed to think that his accepting of her apology is noble? Let's not forget she is 13, has had her face plastered over the news and is from a clearly lower socio-economic family. Make no mistake the television networks are to blame here more than Goodes but I would have liked to see him right what I believe he has done wrong.
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