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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Liked his game last night. Wasn’t all smooth sailing but I really liked his attack on the ball and kicks to our advantage. I’m sure if he keeps working his butt off the rewards will come.
  2. Oh yeah for sure. It’s as if many of them have crawled out of the garbage to attend a football match. And they complain about everything as well, I’ve seen some of them boo after a win.
  3. That’s fair enough, I’ve personally never had an issue with them. Port fans on the other hand..
  4. Come on Dockers, salvage everything you can
  5. Very dangerous % booster for the Hawks.
  6. Gee it would take something pretty special from here.
  7. layzie


    Come on all you fight fans come back! Dillashaw and Garbrandt soon who are your tips?
  8. layzie


    Massive signings. NFC West is gonna be electric!
  9. Thanks for the tip, I was just sitting through that monstrosity like a putz
  10. Just like any other week, get the job done and go again Dees.
  11. It would be very hard to fully repay what this guy has done for our club. People certainly weren’t bashing the door down to come here. So stoked that he gets to this 100 game milestone for us and knowing that his kids will have the option. Love ya Bernie! Keep smiling! ?
  12. What about Luke Darcy? That guy has to be the most inaccurate caller going round.
  13. Still feeling the same way today. Yeah the last quarter and the 10 scoring shots is a worry but we stay alive another week and that is all the matters. Great win boys!
  14. A few slipped tackles last night yes, but personally seen enough to give him another shot. Who could come in for him? Bugg?
  15. Maybe a tiny bit overhyped. It you gotta admit that what he’s good at he does very well. A vital cog right now
  16. The thing that gets me about this is the timing. Never a more irrelevant time for him to speak about anything relating to us.
  17. Absolutely love this guy. Has so much poise and kicks well every time. I also liked him as the sweeper thought he was really important in that role. the best thing about Fritsch is that even when he has a slightly quieter game (last night could be seen as one of those) he still has input and still offers value.
  18. Yep totally with you. Tipped the Doggies, let’s hope they have a blinder and send these floppers packing.
  19. It really is. Whether we want to admit it or not the gap between our best and worst is still big.
  20. Great question. If it’s not Hogan and Watts two years ago we could be going back to Neita and Robbo!
  21. Yep, not one mention of it at all. At least the people here who were there could fill us in.
  22. It’s so great to see! I really feel like he’s back to that first year where he was just a total animal at contests. I never would have blamed him for going into his shell slightly after the history he’s had. Tyson played his part. A decent 100th
  23. It’s really great to see they are doing something like this. The stakes are high and it might take some serious sacrifice to get us over the line. These boys are dead serious!
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