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Everything posted by layzie

  1. My thoughts as well. Matty Scarlett rated him very highly when he was coaching at the Dogs. Would look at if the price was right.
  2. I'm glad Mark came out and said what he did. It was a massive hellstorm and really needed a call for calm. Good on him.
  3. Pretty much. It’s been the same for a long long time.
  4. Bummer, another soldier down. Have a good recovery and be raring to go in 2019!
  5. A lot of people here seem to still want Gaff at MFC. And that’s cool. I’m however just feeling a bit uneasy about it right now. I’m sure that will change in time and by the end of the season I’ll probably want him again but I just think about the ramifications this could have on Gaff’s state of mind in the game, how Gus would feel if he were brought into the fold and also the media circus that might gather round our club. I’ve been so happy to not be involved in too many of those lately and kind of want to keep it that way. Happy to admit I might be overreacting here and like I said I might have a different view in a few weeks but his is just how I feel right now. Sorry if it’s not popular
  6. It wasn’t by choice trust me.
  7. Hogan is is fair enough. I know there were some good games from mids but Clarry had to be in surely.
  8. I have the utmost respect for the guy, when Leigh speaks I listen. But I was pretty put out by what he said about this to be frank. Saying that this will have a longer term effect on Gaff than it will Brayshaw is just plain ignorant in my opinion. You can't be making that comment if you have not been in the victim's position, not to mention when the victim has had his face re-arranged and might never be the same. He could have all sorts of long term mental effects in future that Leigh would have no idea about. I respect him showing sympathy for Gaff in this tough time but few know what Brayshaw is going through.
  9. Pretty much spot on with that analysis. Not to mention they had the ball handling skills of a goldfish.
  10. At least they’re enjoying their footy.
  11. If you still want to make a donation get on board! The go fund me page is open till Friday. https://www.gofundme.com/jarrod-lyle-day
  12. Of course North will get the mention. Them and their massive ‘war chest’
  13. I really can’t see the connection here. I’m assuming I’m one of the other posters who ‘condoned’ this and if not then I apologise. Since when is questioning motive suddenly condoning this behaviour? I’ve heard 3 people in the media tonight say the same thing in that he probably didn’t mean to have the impact that he did and I doubt they are going to get hung out like us! It doesn’t change things much, if it does it might save him from being labeled a total thug but that’s about it. I’ve said the following numerous times in the forum today as well: Andrew has made a monumental mistake and will have a long way to go to win back trust. These mistakes are not forgotten easily.
  14. Don’t get me wrong I think that’s a good attitude but I remember people having a go at the level headed people on here last year and telling us to enjoy it. The fact that it didn’t work out too well, I just couldn’t relate to that false joy sorry. Will believe when I see it!
  15. His work rate is brilliant. He's in the side for now but I do feel he'll have to add something a little extra to stay long term.
  16. As soon as I saw the match stats, I was waiting for something stupid like this to happen..
  17. Be thankful Andrew Gaff took the attention off us this week. As terrible as it was...
  18. I'm saying no. However this might be the closest I've been to seeing the other side of it. I think in regards to the offending player's safety getting Gaff out of the game completely is probably a good move. Emotions run high after these incidents and Freo players were looking to line him up, the general mood becomes bitter and its a terrible look for the game. However that is the only aspect I'm interested in. I remain a no because I have no faith whatsoever in umpires officiating this. To say that we'll "only have it for extreme situations" is excellent in theory. But it throws another can of worms at an already expanding can that is the AFL rulebook and. Once we open the pandora's box on send offs how long is it before we see mistakes made and players being sent off for what was probably just a report and a 3 week suspension. Guaranteed someone will muddy the boundaries and send offs will just become another thing that we'll debate over bad and good assessments and decisions, not to mention the umpires won't even see it half the time. Suspend them more, fine them more do whatever you have to do except this.
  19. I was happy with AVB's return. Was quite rusty but that's to be expected. Has the smarts, knew where to be. Happy to keep him in there for now.
  20. There is no doubt this will have a lasting effect on Gaff's image. To say that it won't do anything is just wrong. Can he come back from it, yes he can absolutely. But this will not be forgotten overnight. Regardless of the fact that we are linked with him I like Gaff. He seems like a good young bloke from a good family and attended the same school as myself so I'm confident he's been brought up with good values. Unfortunately it counts for very little here, he has made a monumental mistake here that he is going to have to live with. In the age of YouTube people will pull out that footage in years time and go straight back to that reference point. He can get back from this but he has many rivers to cross to win the trust back. Some mistakes in life aren't easily forgotten.
  21. Fair enough. Make no mistake these things do not and absolutely should not happen in footy. Period. I don’t think Gaff is a thug, but he’s made a monumental mistake and won’t move past it easily.
  22. Did either of us say that? In no way am I letting the guy off I’m simply commenting on the method of the strike. I am not defending him, nor do I think he’ll get less than 7 weeks.
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