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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Whether or not it's a good idea I just don't see Goody swinging the magnets around like this. Apart from throwing Oscar Mac up forward and then Petty in the final which may not have even been his call it's hard to remember a regular team member popping up in a random position.
  2. Every time I come back to this I give up within 2.5 seconds.
  3. I'm barracking for the story as much as anything. Even if he was at another club it will be nice to see there is still a place for the talented character footballer in a regimented conveyor belt world.
  4. Looking forward to a normal EPL season next year. The stop-start nature of this season (one hiatus unforeseen of course) has made it hard to get any continuity even as a fan.
  5. I get it Praha, not a huge F1 fan either but it's an annual event and a spectacle. At least people are getting out of the house and boosting the economy I say! I will also be at the G though.
  6. And lot of people thought Jones was stiff not to get a medal. Sheesh imagine if JJ didn't.
  7. V8 Supercars maybe but hi-tech European speedsters with names like Ferrari and Mercedes could be a worry.
  8. Spot on. Why have a manufacturered rivalry when you can have a fully fledged old school SANFL rivalry.
  9. But what if in two years JVR and Jefferson were ready to rip the comp apart?
  10. We've got somewhat of a plan, developing JVR and Jefferson.
  11. One question for you Young Blood: JJ or Rivers, who do you least want to lose?
  12. I thought you meant Lever should replace Viney as VC in general.
  13. Viney is the VC. End of story.
  14. I've been tried to remind myself of this every second that I've thought about footy this week. It's a long season.
  15. Pressure, pressure and more pressure. Take risks with the ball movement, if they score on us who cares just bring the pressure and go again.
  16. If Smith comes in over JVR I'll be pretty disappointed. The time is right for a debut and I'd rather be blooding now than later.
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