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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Got an SM58 myself, still one of the most durable performing mics. You could drive a car over it and it will be fine.
  2. Nice all round dynamic that one, great for instruments.
  3. I'm so glad I threw that out there for the other audiophiles! Definitely SM57's for the coaches, timeless mic! Give the journos a Blue Yeti to fight over 😝
  4. Will this be at Gosch's? I might even head down if it is!
  5. Would be annoying if we were rushing to get him back and this happened ad a result.
  6. Wreck it Ralph us the worst segment on television.
  7. I can clarify that JUH is a dead set legend!
  8. That game was no oil painting
  9. How many times did Cameron claim a mark well over the line? That oscar was practically on his mantle.
  10. I just like anything that throws shade at that show.
  11. Riley Garcia stinking up the joint
  12. Two stupid moments from the Dogs
  13. Never mind next goal, next meaningful possession wins
  14. Someone's gonna win tonight!
  15. I hope that costs them the game
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