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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. Neeld may not be the coach we need longterm but he is certainly the coach we had to have after the debacle of the last 5 years
  2. Idiot The club has done everything in it's power to support Liam. Liam has left because he is facing some very serious life issues. He wants to be with his family and footy has to take a back seat for awhile. I for one thank him for everything he has bought out of the club and wish him all the best for his future.
  3. Can someone explain to me why anyone cares if Gysberts gets the boot. He can't crack into the 2012 model Melbourne Team. Bad recruiting is bad recruiting. Keeping him just rubs salt into the gaping axe wound that is our list
  4. Jesse Hogan Jesse Hogan Jesse Hogan Just got a report from a friend in WA who said and I quote "Hogan is to Melbourne what you all thought Jack Watts would be, a true CHF" He also said the following "Alongside Clark you might just have a top 4 forward line" "Neeld will fix your club" "Melbourne is a joke"
  5. I've never seen him play but if he's on our list he's got little chance of making it if history is any guide. For his own sake he should leave
  6. It is a little disturbing no one at the club even rang Ross Lyon. But I guess we've never been known for our professionalism which is why Gary Lyon gets called in every time we start to disintegrate. I guess it's lucky he's around.
  7. When players like Grimes, Trengove, Clark and Jones are putting in for the coach you know the club's on the right track. When the likes of Moloney, Cook, possibly Gysberts and Petterd aren't up for it the bar has finally been set high enough. If you can't notice the difference between those sets of players then I can't help
  8. let's hope next year it looks like this Blease Clark Howe Sylvia Watts Tapsott Not in the ballpark but it's all we've got
  9. I liked Charles Jakovich G Lovett Tingay Schwarz Lyon Now that was a forward line to get you to the footy
  10. The reason these guys struggled is they don't possess the burning desire to be the best. That is what Neeld is looking for in his players. Don't blame the coach for the players lack of accountability blame the individuals. Moloney was never more than a plodder, Petterd's played 3 good games for the club, Morton was a terrible pick and Jurrah's had the year from hell. He's the only one I'm sad to see go. He could've been anything. As for Cook and Gysberts, well who cares? We have been average for so long it's ridiculous. This is the first time I remember a coach having the balls to [censored] off the deadwood and I f or one will back him for the next 24 months.
  11. and we can bring back the flag raising at home games, now that'd get them
  12. Finally a coach who isn't afraid of swinging the axe. How deep will he go?
  13. Add Dunn and I think we'd be on the right track.
  14. Offer him the same as Clark. At 25 he's coming into his prime as a big man. With him and Clark and 3 new midfielders from the pointy end of the draft we'd be well on our way
  15. I just listed the players who could make the top 10 that is all. Pick one of the many schoolkids on here before talking to me young fella.
  16. The least we can do after the year he's had is take him at his word. If he and the club says he's coming back then that's whats happening until we hear otherwise. Good luck Liam you are a pleasure to watch play and I for one am looking forward to seeing you in the red and blue.
  17. Rivers Howe Jones Strauss Blease McDonald Clark Watts Grimes Trengove Jamar Frawley Garland Jurrah
  18. Am I right in seeing him hold the top of the ball with one hand whilst about to kick it on the run.
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