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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. They still wear Pink and blue. Even our jumpers look shite
  2. He will play and he'll rack up 30 plus possessions for the winning side. He'll then wave goodbye to the 9,000 Melbourne supporters who bother to turn up to watch us slip to 0 - 12, thereby shoving our lame comments about him being a traitor right down our own throats. I for one will be gardening that day. The guys a future elite player and we all know it.
  3. I'll take the new coach at his word. On arrival he found an unfit, unprofessional group of highly rated juniors. Most of them with 2 to 3 years of serious hard work to do before they have any chance to adapt to a game that demands physical sacrifice. Remember Northey had a guy called Jamie Dursma stopping the likes of Kernahan and Brereton in finals matches. When Neeld arrived he found a guy called Jack Watts prancing around pretending to be a footballer. It's going to take time and I'll give him my support because currently he's all we have.
  4. Sylvia Bennell Moloney Petterd Davey Fitzpatrick
  5. I'd trade Moloney for a second rounder and Sylvia for a handful of peanuts. Moloney's an honest toiler but that's it and Sylvia's a peanut.
  6. I'll have to admit I'm yet to attend a game. I couldn't make the season opener nor the Stynes tribute game but after seeing most MCG games over the last 6 years I'd prefer to spend time with the family. I am however quietly optimistic that the current coaching panel can turn us into a strong combative football team. Team being the operative word.
  7. Watts has to make it for this club to have any chance of a premiership in the next 8 years. I'd say he'll be driven as hard as Neeld and co can drive him and probably harder. As I see it here's only 2 outcomes with Jack. The first is he makes it, the second is he falls by the wayside and becomes another waste of talent. I don't think the coaches will let him sit comfortably in the middle and nor they should.
  8. W have a long list of inexperienced players who may become part of a good team. Next years draft and preseason is the most important for a long long time. More years like the last 5 and we'll have less than 30,000 members and a list of players ready to leave.
  9. Hurley and Darling don't agree
  10. We don't have the collingwood gameplan. We're simply turning a weak side into a strong side. The gameplan will develop when our bodies and minds have. If we can minimise injuries and get the likes of Gysberts, Tapscott(not sold yet) Blease, Strauss, Jurrah, Sylvia and Grimes to stay on the park for the last 15 rounds the year won't have been a complete waste. We still need these young kids to develop on and off the field. We also desperately need some pace and talent in the middle, Drafts 2012 - 2013 are super important.
  11. Our list is not as bad as our current predicament leads many to believe. Neeld is not getting the players to win at all costs at this stage. He is basically continuing the preseason training into the season. The players are currently learning Contested Ball 101. He 's toughening them up. They are weak both physically and mentally and everyone knows it He'll sort the wheat from the chaff, hopefully draft some gun mids and then we'll start to see whether he can coach or not. It's not going to be as long a road as many suggest. However I suggest you pray for a bumper snow season, I know I am!
  12. They both should stand down. Schwab has clearly failed in his most important role. Attaching our club to Energy Watch has made us a bad joke and where the fook is our front of jumper sponsor. It's 2012 and we have a sponsorless jumper, not to mention those ridiculous blazers. As for Connolly, for gods sake do us all a favour and save the club your salary.
  13. Good call and only call. It's decisions like these that define organisations. Head office should take notice. Cam Schwab would want to be on the phone right now as we need a good news story soon and not a fluff piece with Davey and Neeld backslapping each other. The board needs to put Schwab on notice......again!! Where are you Don?
  14. Trained the absolute house down. Marked beautifully, ran like a gazelle, hit targets lace out, was high fiving superbly and even snagged a goal from 60 on the boundary whilst standing up in a Mitch Clark tackle after fending off Jones, Moloney and Frawley. Neeld said he hasn't seen such a good escape since jason misfud held his job earlier in the week.
  15. Ever heard of Due diligence, no, neither has Cam Schwab. Energy Watch is our fault, we were blinded by the dollars just like we were blinded by draft picks when we tanked. Still I'm backing the players to respond this weekend. If they don't then when will they?
  16. Has to be dumped. Time for some strong leadership is now. The silence from our club is deafening. That $2 mill will pale into insignificance withe the amount we will lose long term being attached to this donkey. Cam Schwab told us due diligence had been done. Time he packed his bags as well. I hope like hell the players stand up this weekend but our track record on facing adversity isn't great. Over to you Jacks! What a week in football.
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