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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. Yeh lets punish the guy who was simultaneously being lent on to lose and being undermined by Schwab and Connolly. Sounds fair!
  2. Sad but true. Although C grade is still to high. There was a tipping point thread going around and I've started to wonder why I have such an intense interest in a corrupted sport, run by corporate egomaniacs, advertised by banks, fast food joints and crap TV. Not to mention my team lurches from one shambles to another. If I didn't laugh at the absurdity of my support I'd probably cry. When did it become so fine and acceptable to be morally bankrupt? The corporate world that we feed off has not done the world or us any favours.I realise now there is an end point and it may be soon if we are stripped of draft picks and cash we surely cant do without. Sorry about the off track ramblings but do I really care if my kids give this rabble a miss?
  3. What for doing her job and exposing us for the fools we clearly are. Connolly.....Oh my lord!!
  4. Gardner's Presidency was as lacklustre as any I've witnessed. If he set out to achieve what he did then he set the bar to low, otherwise he just plain failed. Did he think his comments were going to help the club you tell us he loves so much.
  5. If he really cared for the club rather than his own self interest he would never have publicly stated what he did about the tanking issue. That's the problem with our leadership for years on end. People running their own agenda rather than running a football club/million dollar business. It existed under Gardner and it exists now. it's why we're seen us a joke and why the ultimate prize is so far away. Oh and it's also because of people like yourself pouring your vitriol upon us.
  6. Are you really this naive? As I stated earlier we have incompetents running the club. At least at the end of this they will be gone for ever.
  7. Poorly I would guess. If officials from our club confirm Connolly' s meeting (oh my that was beyond stupid) then the AFL need to act. The club better stand up and fight this all the way. We can't afford to lose picks this year or next. Can you imagine if we lost pick 4 and then our first rounders next year. It doesn't bear thinking about. When this is over some resignations need to occur
  8. To get around it, cut and paste the title in your search engine and then click on the article and it appears in full.
  9. I suppose you think Gardiner was right in his little dig at the club. Talk about fark wit
  10. I'm not going anywhere yet. The debt was removed by a tin rattle rather than astute management. Connolly got removed from his position for being unable to do it. Any other organisation would have removed him, we chose to shunt him to a PR job away from all things football. Pretty clear we did that because he can't be used in any important roll as today as shown all too clearly Our current sponsors are paying bargain prices because of managements inability to attract and keep a quality major sponsor. It will be interesting just how long the money lasts with the way we spend it and our lack of success in increasing revenue. Astute people my [censored] ass, amateurs of the highest order
  11. I'm no troll I just don't have faith that those 3 are upto the job of leading this club back to the top. Schwab was basically sacked prior to 186, he put us in bed with a poor quality major sponsor who we then removed, He and Connolly treated Bailey as a muppet. None of them have come out on the front foot over the tanking claims because they organised a meeting, called it the vault, broadcast the obvious to all in the room. Now if thats not utter incompetance then what is.The club is still struggling financially save a tin rattle. Our membership numbers are poor and the football community treat us like a joke. It took intervention from a reluctant Lyon to once again select our coach. I'm sorry if my opinion of them differs from yours but I don't have confidence in them and I'll bet I'm not alone there
  12. Neither Schwab nor Mclardy should be at the club now. Connolly should walk as well. This club is still run by amateurs at the top.
  13. we'll land one. Got a feeling its already in motion, in that the club will know the type of player it still needs. Nothing better than watching Essendon fall over......well, there is Collingwood and Carlton A joy to watch
  14. All I ask is you give it one more year before you leave. Let 2013 be the year when you watch Richmond but follow Melbourne. Then if you're still unhappy you're free to go.
  15. Goddard was way too expensive. The Bummers gave him a 4 year contract on big bucks. Desperation from Hird. Rodan and Byrnes cost us bugger all and are their to help grow the young. 2 very different scenarios
  16. Was the club supposed to come out and say "We're keeping Morton, Gysberts and Martin because no other club is prepared to offer anything but rubbish picks. They are not part of the plan, none are combatants in the true sense of the word. Some may think these and the delistings were hard decisions for the club. They weren't, Neeld and Craig are operating on a simple formula. Hard. tough, big and strong and preferably from a culture of excellence. Personally I think WC got shafted on pick 88. I just hope we use pick 4 well and keep clearing out the chaff in years to come.
  17. The club didn't just get a couple of good coaches in Neeld and Craig it got a couple of cohuna's. and now it's swinging them around.
  18. He clearly doesn't like those that are refuse to get the hard ball, have poor disposal, who's Huff is all puff, haven't developed, won't play his brand of footy and Jared rivers.
  19. I wonder who will remind them of this comment when Hogan and Dawes start crashing packs. Don't forget that this club can no longer afford to be shti. Look at Sydney as an example. Falling to the bottom was never a good idea.
  20. It's about cleaning out players who aren't part of neeld's plan. Moloney - was and remains a flat track bully. name me one game when the chips were down when he stood up. The Huff was all puff Rivers - I was a fan but I don't think we'll miss him. The top teams have big forwards and he wasn't a big backman. Morton and gysberts - Personally I don't give a shti how they go at there next clubs, it's irrelevant. Neeld wants hard bodies with good disposal. Neither have it so why the hell would we keep them. it's easy to say someone will become a good player at their new club but don't forget how pathetic they were trying to play hard, contested football, I'd rate our draft period a B-
  21. His first 2 years were very promising. Injuries aside he simply doesn't like physical contact He makes Dunn look tough Happy for Neeld to make the call on him
  22. Bagging Cale Morton the footballer is surely ok on a football forum. Bagging Cale Morton the bloke needs to be backed up with facts or left off.
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