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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. Well he did nurse us through 13 years of horrible football
  2. Maybe we could play Carlton and Essendon as home games at the G for a change. That'd tip another 250000 into the coffers. The whole game is bent to push money to the rich. It's the same model all corporates use whilst bemoaning handouts to the poor. The worlds a wacky place.
  3. The club's being crying out for quality big forwards since Neitz.. Having picked up Clark, Dawes and Hogan if you're not a little excited then you must barrack for Melbou...............oh well.
  4. Great to hear about Rodan. I was surprised we recruited him but from reports he'll come with some really good leadership qualities.
  5. All it would need was for a group of hardy souls to start a petition. At each game at the MCG take signatures of those who don't want the music (I'm yet to meet 1 person, young or old) who enjoys it. The problem being it would take a long time to gather that many signatures
  6. Your real strength comes from your core and your mind. They will have Jack working a lot on his core strength. This is what will give him the strength to compete but it won't show on his biceps. Then there is his mind which also needs to believe in his ability to use his body to compete. Bulk means little without vote strength.
  7. There's a few rats chewing at this carcass. After a week of this I'm inclined to agree with Ben Hur that either the smoking gun doesn't exist or it won't be found. It's been a [censored] week for the club but I'm beginning to feel that we're going to walk away from this minus a couple of employees and an AFL orchestrated "Fine" that will be imposed with a few stern words to show them puffing their chests. The [censored] that should follow us getting booked on this is something the AFL's don't want. Too many fat snouts at the trough. Corporates rarely if ever punish their own, it's way too intertwined. I've lost what little respect I had left for the Age and have been appalled at the journalism of Caroline Wilson. I honestly thought she was better than that. Her last few have us guilty, convicted and sentenced without barely a mention of the 6 or so other clubs that have done this. It's not journalism it's a form of kangaroo court. I think my "tipping point" just became a blur again. To borrow a phrase from others Go Demons Unleash hell
  8. I'm the opposite. In my heart I know the club was wrong to lose. It has done far more harm than good. One only has to look at Sydney to see what a committed group and club can do with average draft picks. The debacle that was tanking has severely divided the club once again. I can't see the winners in this. I'm not saying the club shouldn't fight the AFL on this, of course it should. What I am saying that my interest in football has waned in the last 2 years. A tipping point I never thought existed is now apparent. However it has more to do with the rampant corporatism of everyone and everything than it does with the club I grew up loving since day dot.
  9. Wow, the club appears farked whether the AFL punish us or not. So many egos, agendas, divisions, factions, not to mention incompetent people ruining our football club. From where I sit as a supporter I watched as Jim Stynes came in and attempted to breathe some life into a tired and broke organisation. He certainly galvanised the supporter base, something which previous boards had clearly failed at. I believe the reason he bought in those known to him is because he trusted them. Something that has clearly been in short supply around this club. We will never know what would have happened to this club now and in the future if Jim had not got cancer. It must break the hearts of those close to him to watch this unfold. I think it's time we all pulled our heads in,, I just hope those responsible for this current mess can swallow their pride, do what is right and move on. Personally I hope the AFL will help us secure a CEO such as Brian Cook who can quietly go about restoring some credibility to this club. Not to mention a President who doesn't have an agenda for anything other than the MFC. Here's hoping.
  10. You're no less temperamental than your last incarnation. I think you'll find my presumptions are the facts.
  11. I think it's a reasonable presumption that Bailey was told to lose matches. I also think its a reasonable presumption that he was being lent on by Connolly and Schwab. If so its just another reason they should be gone and Mclardy should step aside. (shite I'm starting to sound like Hazy, this club's really doing my head in)
  12. Garbage. Neeld is no one's puppet. He removed the players in question because they had, as a group, clearly failed. Schwab had nothing to do with it
  13. Currently I want my money back.
  14. Your boss tells you do do something clearly unethical as part of your job. You do it whilst 2 of your bosses minions lean on you to do the task whilst they undermine your position. You then do the said task and people say you did it poorly. Bailey is clearly caught up in this but laying the blame with him or criticizing how he lost games hardly seems fair and reasonable Did I mention it might even be farcical.
  15. Farcical is telling 10 people at the club to tank ala Connolly and Schwab. Farcical is undermining a paid employee. Farcical was the lead up and post Geelong debacle.Farcical is the AFL's handling of the whole issue. Bailey was told to lose. He did it. Complaining how he lost it hardly seems fair.and reasonable.
  16. Its nothing to do with Wilson. It was our MFC that broke the rules with so much stupidity that it's going to hang for an offence no other club has even been seriously accused of.
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