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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. You clearly read different draft info to me. He was in most media's top 10 at the time and to think Cook will outdo him is like sitting around for 7 years waiting for the likes of Bate and Dunn to become footballers
  2. If I even bothered to go to the footy at the moment i would jeer Morton, just as i would jeer any player who fails to understand the fundamentals of the game. The sad thing is he'll still be playing his insipid brand of football for us in 5 years time. DELIST NOW TO AVOiD FURTHER PAIN
  3. Rather than prolong the pain let's just delist him and reload for next year. I'm betting the club could pick up a player in the top 80 that has as much chance of becoming a player as Cook. Jack Darling says Hi Melbourne you suckers!!
  4. The only reason you'd sign this lightweight is because 1. No one else wants the job 2. You don't have the connections nor the ability to attract a better candidate Sadly for us it's both with Mclardy rapt the helm
  5. Give pick 1 up the ninth placed team and pick 10 to the team finishing 18 Tanking over unless you tank to miss finals
  6. Paul Gardner is clearly a self serving [censored] of the highest order. I look forward to seeing him at the football........next year
  7. Right oh, right oh, I'm in!! Shiit be a Melbourne follower is hard these days
  8. We'd get lots of publicity. Isn't any publicity good publicity?
  9. an explanation for why we signed Jamar to a 3 year contract an explanation as to why Schwab still works at the club and the name of our new President Oh and a fit Mitch Clark
  10. Stand Firm on what. The hatches are broken, the drum needs a new skin and we're standing neck deep in our own [censored]. We just spent 6 years playing rubbish football and collecting prized picks only to seriously underspend on the football department, who were the very people deciding on who to pick. FFS Cale Morton, Jordan Gysberts, James Strauss, Tom Scully, Sam Blease, Luke Tapscott, Jack Trengove, Adam Maric, Lucas Cook are all top picks in strong drafts. I bought into the excitement. I backed these guys to take us forward. It wasn't the first time we've been sold a [censored] sandwich by this club and I doubt it will be the last. I'm a firm believer that it's time we cut some deadwood from the top of this club. They are clearly not up to the challenge.
  11. Unfortunately he has a point Cam Schwab is all talk no action Chris Connolly is all talk no action Don Mclardy is no talk no action Let's be honest our response was as weak as expected As a small club we need a President who can stir up the passions of supporters and get them to tip in money and turn up to games and generally ram the clubs ethos down others throats. This is not Mclardy. As a small club we need a CEO who doesn't harp on about logos, make the team wear ridiculous private school boy jackets, help cause poisionous divisions within the club, tie us to a dubious sponsor and then give away sponsorship for the lowest dollar. No we need a CEO who can squeeze every last dollar out of the business to direct to the football department and generally shut up, roll up the sleeves and get the job done. This is not Cameron Schwab As a small club we can't afford to have non performing, divisive loudmouths on the payroll. Thanks Chris but goodbye. Heads rolled in the underfunded FD it's about time some heads rolled in the overplayed department.
  12. Statement from the MFC "Firstly Brock Mclean didn't leave the club because of tanking. We moved him on because Carlton offered us pick 11 for a slow, stupid, injury riddled player. Who were we to look a gift horse in the mouth. On the tanking issue. Their is no issue. We were a struggling team experimenting with players positions. Hell if McMahon had missed that shot on goal then last nights Sheahan beat up would never have happened. And to Paul Roos, we might be struggling currently but our club will be back just as soon as we move Schwab and Connolly on and find some professionals to run the club. Oh and we need a President who swims with his head above water."
  13. Personally I gave up on about a third of the list over the last 2 years. I am pretty sure Neeld and the rest of the coaches know who is dead wood and will be already oiling the chainsaw. If I don't see a solid clean out, some good drafting and us on the attack in trade week I will then seriously question Neeld but until then I'll reserve judgement. For those who are already calling for his sacking take a look at our current 22, we are where we should be on the ladder
  14. There is no way in hell I am paying for myself and my family (who never go and I'm an MCC member) to be MFC members next year. Say what you will but I'd much prefer to give my money to people who need it. Personally I think our list is ok but it's miles from a Premiership list and I don't trust this club to do what it takes to become a Premiership club. If we are seriously considering paying Cloke millions to play ordinary footy for us for 3 years and then spend his pre retirement playing seconds then we're more farked than I thought. I'm going to watch the better clubs play football for the rest of the season.
  15. So do you use pick 3 on a top 10 pick or do you use it on a top 3 pick?
  16. I'm with Ben Hur, we need another key forward to play alongside Clark. Problem is we need a better midfield first. Can Cook become the second forward, I doubt it but Darling could have.(sorry to go on about Darling but geez what a glaring error) Our midfield remains our achilles heel, it must be repaired first. Trengove, Jones, Viney, Grimes maybe Boak still needs someone of the quality of Martin or Cotchin to take it forward
  17. So you have no idea either
  18. Assuming we pick up Viney, one of Boak or pick 4, as well as pick 12 and a good second rounder. Let's for the sake of the exercise presume Viney is as good as we hope and either Boak or pick 4 turn out elite or close to and our pick 12 is a handy addition as well. Do we then have what it takes to develop this list to become a Premiership threat. Peronally thats all I want, I've enjoyed the ride but I crave the ultimate success. Can this list and coaching team do it?
  19. So in other words no one has any idea whether he can play or not.
  20. I'm a fan of Jetta's. Whether he can perform over the remainder of the season may well decide whether he remains on the list in 2013. Good Luck Nev
  21. OUT: Moloney, Clark, Bate IN: Couch, Martin, Cook
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