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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. The names 'Petracca' and 'Jetta' are addictive to little humans.
  2. I force my 4 year old boy to love the Demons. If he doesn't, I don't feed him. Believe me, it works.
  3. I was a big fan of his recruitment. Thought he was a bargain. Hibberd too. I was right. I'm Ron Burgundy. Stay classy Demonland.
  4. I agree. I expect Watts and Goodwin would like to see Watts recapture his earlier season form. He's playing badly. That's hugely disappointing, obviously. The club dropped Garlett last year. And he's a gun. He's one of the first named on the team sheet this year. Players have form slumps, not always because they're not trying though. Goodwin just dropped Salem. He's also a gun. Not a word said in that article about Goodwin's view on Salem. He's hard at it. Why was he dropped? Josh Kelly and Marcus Bontempelli (same draft) are dominating and wouldn't get dropped for such important games. I don't disagree with elements of the article, but it's a fairly obvious angle and I expect there's a bit more to Watts and Salem being dropped for this game. In short, we absolutely need to win this game, and we can't carry any players who aren't in form.
  5. Please don't report 'facts' like this. The Trump apologists here don't like it. Doesn't sit well with their confirmation bias settings.
  6. I think this is the best post I have ever read on this site. Thank you QD.
  7. I agree - Tyson is Scott Thompson mk 2. We won't be losing that player to the Crows (again). That said, we need to get Lever. And that won't be free of some pain.
  8. And a fine for something completely innocuous and wholly unrelated to the incident in the same game. Eg, for swearing to himself after missing a set shot, or farting.
  9. Glad we have Goodwin. He's absolutely perfect for us.
  10. Or Clarkson, for those whose sensibilities may be offended by any reference to Sheedy.
  11. Agree. It was absolutely the right decision, even though I too didn't agree with it at the time. Goodwin. He is going to be our Sheedy.
  12. The narrow losses that we absolutely should've won earlier this season are the games that still haunt me, eg, Freo. Beating a team by 70 instead of, say, 40 is perhaps frustrating, but it's not remotely on the same page as dropping 4 points, particularly in a tight season.
  13. ANB is now a really good player. I reckon Goodwin can take all the credit for this. He seems to have invested in his development. Some people seem to forget that ANB was an elite junior and was seen to be a lock for a top 25 selection. That we got him at pick 40 was a surprise to many, and he's now displaying the attributes that many thought he would at AFL level. Stretch is another player in this category IMO.
  14. This is brilliant. It's this stuff that makes me love footy and this club in particular. Good onya Flash.
  15. I will reserve my loudest cheer for Jack Watts if and when we win a premiership and he gets presented with his medallion.
  16. Jnrmac, I agree with everything you have stated but I don't agree that the MRP is biased. I just think it's hopeless and woefully inconsistent, and that we have been on the wrong side of every single inconsistency. I actually agree with ProDee on the issue of calling out 'bias'. I don't believe it is. In fact, I'm not quite sure why he was seeking to use my post as the vehicle for making his point. I simply think that, where the inconsistency is so manifestly clear and patently unfair, we should stick up for ourselves and seek to have the sanction downgraded to the appropriate level. And eliminate all the inaccurate discussion in the media about the MFC playing anything but hard, contested football. Vince actually received 3 weeks for his hit on Betts (reduced to 2 with an early plea - Betts said 2 wasn't even deserved). Vince also got fined for attacking the ball later in the game, an incident which absolutely should've been 'play on', something which has been confirmed by several non-MFC players and commentators since the incident. I would like the club to highlight this and, as you have rightly said IMO, stick up for our players.
  17. Just watched a replay of Wed's AFL 360. Betts said it didn't deserve 2 weeks. McClure and King then stated unequivocally that they love the toughness of the leaders of the club who are playing on the edge. No criticism of Bernie at all. In fact, they defended Melbourne's new hard nosed leaders. I'd like to club to adopt the same approach on certain of these incidents. Plainly there's a difference between whinging and sticking up for oneself. I have not ever advocated whinging - not remotely. So, nope - there's nothing weak in my mentality. The weak people around here are in fact the old, unathletic, cantankerous snipers who talk tough behind the safety of their keyboards. I'd love to see such strident and critical views expressed face to face in the pub sometime. It'd make me laugh. Out loud. They'd be running to the safety of the MRP.
  18. Not so sure about that - might be that he plays off half back given that Smith and Wagner have been omitted. Really pleased that he's been included though - really hope he kills it. Partially makes up for the disappointment of Vince and Jones being out.
  19. It's the inconsistency that needs to be highlighted. And, in this regard, Melbourne needs to start standing up for itself a bit more. I expect certain more arrogant, better funded clubs would be a lot more vocal about it in similar circumstances. Schofield got nudda just the other week for a very similar stupid, undisciplined act. And I still don't get why Vince got fined for for the bump - it's absolutely ludicrous.
  20. I agree. Sure, it was a silly, undisclipled act, but there was literally nothing in it. 3 weeks! I feel like I'm in Hillsong community reading some of the comments here. It's bloody footy and no one was hurt, not even remotely. For years ALL of us have been bemoaning the choir boy types the MFC has selected, and now we have some heart on sleeve, head over the ball types, and people are bagging them out: Lewis, Vince, Bugg, Hogan Oliver. I wouldn't trade any of them, or their hard nosed mentality. And fwiw, we're consistently getting the most extreme case penalties in respect of each 'undisciplined' act, where every other club seems to be receiving super soft sanctions. At some stage, rather than apologise and acknowledge another 'regrettable' incident, I think we should make a statement and tell the MRP and the competition to get knicked. Plainly, we are not a team full of snipers and IMO we're allowing ourselves to be characterised as such.
  21. Unbelievable. It's one of the best goals I have ever seen. It was a completely deliberate and ridiculously well executed kick, to be contrasted with the arsey shots we see each week of the year. People obviously vote along club lines.
  22. I actually think the club should contest this.
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