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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. Many people are seemingly very susceptible to fake news.
  2. Yep, the first incident was stupid but harmless. Perhaps it should've been fine territory. The second incident should've been play on. Report was ridiculous. That he got 2 weeks is red hot. That many of you are patronising/bagging Bernie is in my opinion worse. He shut down Sloan super effectively on the night and is a required player and loyal servant for this club. Can't believe some of the commentary here. It's unfortunate to say the least.
  3. Every credible observer in the AFL would agree with you, as would Goodwin and his entire coaching team, and all of the players on the list. To suggest that Lewis has been anything but a great pick up for this club is simply pig-headed.
  4. It also suggests to me that, despite what Goodwin said about playing in Darwin (with his responsible senior coach's hat on), that playing in Darwin is not remotely commensurate with playing at the G. For us, at least. It's plainly not a 'home' game that we derive any benefit from other than financially. The results over the years speak for themselves. Given that there are more Crows and Port supporters up there than MFC fans, we don't even get the benefit of the crowd. It might be that this fixture costs us getting into the 8 or a higher spot within the 8. I'd like to know the financials on missing a final or two as compared with selling this fixture, given that were no longer a struggling bottom 2 club. I just hope we use the financial gain from selling this fixture this year to land Lever at the end of the year, so that we possibly get some benefit from dropping an otherwise very gettable 4 points. I love PJ by the way ...
  5. It's certainly a tough gig posting on Demonland. I suppose it's fortunate that so many Demons' supporters are such hard men. PS. I just find '[censored] for tat' personal posts between certain posters annoying to read, nothing more.
  6. He did say at the end of the interview that he 'trusted' ... 'the club' etc. He was slightly equivocal but I'm not sure you could say he's leaving on the strength of that interview - he seemed to be putting his scent out there a little though. Fingers crossed, I would absolutely love to land this guy - might be the fill-up we need to avoid the inevitable Premiership hangover we may otherwise suffer next year.
  7. Let's not give this any oxygen. The Carlton guy was plainly some simpleton masquerading as a tough guy behind the safety of the fence. He should be banned for a few games. And that should be the end of it.
  8. He has to be close to AA selection. Surely.
  9. I find it hard to think of a more memorable single moment in all my time supporting this club. There was something genuinely magical in that passage of play. Thanks for posting Brendan - need to save this thread forever.
  10. It's a decent article and is probably reasonably accurate. Whenever I see the name Mick Malthouse though, I always think 'thanks for Jeffy' - he's simply the best present this club has had in a very long time.
  11. But for the opening bounce, where I'd have Lewis stand right next to Cripps and have him utter the words: "I'm on you ALL DAY tough guy."
  12. I feel very sorry for Trengove but the reality is that we're trying to win games. I back Goodwin's judgement on this. I'm sure he has all the time in the world for Trengove, but the season's on the line and we simply have to field the best possible team in the circumstances. He knows the system/game plan and he is best able to determine who is most capable at executing it. Unfortunately it seems Trengove is not the next cab off the rank in this respect. I'd have Vince and Lewis follow Gawn around the park all day.
  13. Not really. How else do you explain the bloke's following?
  14. Mark Robinson is genuinely thick. Unfortunately the average Australian really relates to that though.
  15. I really hope so. What are the chances he'll be lining up on Mills?
  16. Bugg should've been rubbed for a long time. And he has been. But, despite some of the views expressed on this thread and in the media, it seems unlikely that he intended to knock Mills out, or indeed punch him in the head at all. That said, he delivered the perfect KO punch. I suspect had he wanted to deliver that punch, he would'nt have been able to. Luck went against Mills. And Bugg. And, for this, Bugg's been rubbed out for a long time. Rightly so too. His actions since he delivered that freak punch however have been commendable and have demonstrated true integrity IMO. I like the guy. He's become the face of cowardly thuggery in sport, and, quite frankly, he's not that guy. Not even remotely.
  17. I have not read one comment here in which a poster has tried to 'justify' what Bugg did.
  18. I just watched this. He strikes me as a quality individual who has genuine remorse and who is absolutely standing up for his actions. In short, he's not shirking this at all. Not remotely. Really glad the club recruited this bloke. Hope he trains the house down over the next 6 weeks and immediately makes a positive impact upon his return.
  19. And no character references from the PM. Or the Queen. Or someone else of little relevance to the incident at all.
  20. I really like Bugg. He will be missed on the ground. But not nearly as much as Viney and Jones whose absences really concern me. At least the 'bruise free' football era has well and truly been put to bed.
  21. Had Kent in our best 22 at the start of the season. Surely he's got to be close to selection. Same with JKH. Agree with Jaded though - given that three of our inside mids are injured (Jones, Viney and Tyson), why give Trengove an extra year if he's not in the mix to be called up now? This could be the stuff of Hollywood though: against all odds, Trengove eventually gets the nod and grasps his opportunity such that he once again becomes a required player.
  22. As an aside, BT's tirade following the incident was bloody pathetic. As if that bogon has any standing to comment on 'unclassy' acts. He should listen to some audio of himself sometime soon and then immediately retire. I don't want his voice trespassing in my house anymore. Bugg apologised and has shown genuine remorse. Plainly he regrets the incident. In fact, he has displayed a lot of class since the spur of the moment, stupid act. I already liked the bloke, but his actions since the incident have reaffirmed my view of him - he is a top clubman and he is genuinely invested in this club. I hope he uses the break to work on his set shot kicking skills.
  23. I really like Bugg. Silly act obviously, which he no doubt regrets - but he plays on the edge and he represents the new era for this club. He's hard at it and he's always present and willing to step up for his team-mates. In fact, I love the bloke.
  24. The first half of the season was characterised by several competitive losses that we should have won. Since the second half of the Suns' game, it has been characterised by several epic wins, a couple of which we might easily not have won. There is clear belief in the team now. Nothing bonds a squad more tightly than these sensational team-oriented wins. I reckon injuries going forward hold the key. We're good enough now.
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