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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. You need to start listening to your old man. He is absolutely correct. Those two losses irk the hell out of me.
  2. I'd like to see someone flatten Howe. In the first quarter, perhaps even before the opening bounce.
  3. We have some massive outs too. It baffles me that the media has not made more of the fact that we've played much of the season without a dedicated ruckman and our number one forward.
  4. I don't think that's the point Nasher. I don't expect he would have. I think the issue is that he was universally considered worthy of a very high draft pick, and is now considered one of the best players in the league, and BP didn't properly consider him at all. He went pick 3 and we had the first two picks. Not speaking to him wreaks of arrogance and, with the benefit of hindsight, absolute incompetence/negligence.
  5. It's a genuine shame. I actually think he's still a good football player but a return to AFL seems less likely by the week. At the very least, it seems highly unlikely he'll ever become an elite AFL midfielder now. Interesting that Roos tried to get pick 12 for him from Richmond in order to land Lever. Perhaps he changed his view slightly after getting to know the list as the senior coach. He was however definitely a bloody good player in his first 2-3 years at the club.
  6. I think Roos/Swans would've picked Martin had they had pick one, not pick six (which they used on Rohan). Not to have even bothered to interview Martin is a real feather in BP's cap being a professional recruiter and having picks 1 and 2 in that draft.
  7. Still puts his head over the ball - err, bomb.
  8. Get Lever and our spine is absolutely elite. And it will be for a very long time. Roos loved this guy - despite being a great head coach, I've always thought he would've been a great recruiter. Getting this bloke is a no brainer - it's a pity we couldn't get the pick from Richmond that would've landed Lever at the club in his draft year. That the Crows apparently want to sign him for another 5 years says it all really.
  9. And, for much of the season, playing in a midfield as the clearance guy with no dedicated ruckman.
  10. The QB game this year is going to be a belter. We simply have to win it, given that we play the Dogs at Etihad the following week and West Coast at Subi the week after that. Surely we'll get 70,000 plus for it.
  11. Just read this. Surprisingly accurate assessment of things other than he failed to mention the loss of Joel Smith, whose absence has hurt.
  12. As much as we've been cruelled by injuries to super important players, we absolutely would've won the Freo game had Lewis not been suspended. His composure and leadership in the last 2 minutes of that game would've ensured victory. I'm disappointed we're not 7-3, possibly even 8-2, but, in the circumstances of the season thus far, I'm relieved we're 5-5 (including having put on the best performance in a decade in the game against the Crows).
  13. Bugg is also very good in the forward line. His defensive pressure and ability to find space is outstanding. If only his set shot kicking wasn't the worst in the league ...
  14. My comment was a bit tongue in cheek. I actually don't expect they'll meet in the local RSL for a beer after the game. Essentially I'm worried that their talls will destroy our backs. And that it'll reinforce that we need someone like Sam May going forward.
  15. I'm predicting that Josh Mahoney will be seeking to talk to Sam May and his management after the game. Potentially urgently.
  16. This is the first game this year where I've felt we didn't 'deserve' to win it. Not cruelled by injuries, suspensions etc - just did not bring the requisite effort and intensity over 4 quarters. In short, I think the Roos deserved to win the game. They were the better team over 4 quarters. That said, this is the second game against the Roos in two years in which the umpires have absolutely impacted the result. The game against North last year in Tasmania was similarly appalling. If the AFL is fair dinkum about umpiring standards and the integrity of the game, they should declare that this is one game in which the umpiring was simply not AFL standard and steps have been taken to redress the issue, eg, education, VFL for a while etc. They just can't sweep a game in which umpiring standards were plainly so inept (and one sided) beneath the carpet.
  17. Cunnington and Higgins should both have been rubbed. The MRP failed to do so - simply pathetic application of the rules by them. It was a bad look. Hence, the AFL's statement to remind everyone of the 'rules' including the inept individuals on the MRP. Dead set, a half wit at the pub would get these decisions correct more often than the MRP.
  18. I have really rated Kent previously, but ANB has offered and delivered so much more than him in all the games he has played this season. Need plenty of defensive pressure in the forward 50 now. Can't carry Kent if he's not delivering that. He was a complete passenger on Sunday - I reckon match review in front of the squad yesterday would've been super awkward for him to sit through. Time to bring back ANB. Or Harmes.
  19. No issue with Salem getting a week, but how Higgins and Cunnington (and Thomson previously) escaped suspension serves to demonstrate the inconsistency in the application of rules. That's what annoys everyone.
  20. Pretty hard to win a game with no ruckman playing against Goldstein and three biased umpires.
  21. I immediately voted 'no way' principally because of our injury list and because we've dropped so many games that we should've won, which means we're currently out of the eight with a tough run of games ahead of us and key personnel still missing. Then I read this thread and reflected on our win against Adelaide. To beat Adelaide, and in the manner in which we did, with so many key players out and in a hostile environment, means we can beat anyone, anywhere. We owned the Crows. Simply dismantled them. With only 21 players for a lot of the game. We make the 8 and we have a good run with injuries in September, and yep - we can win the flag. Plainly, we can match every other side in the comp.
  22. He will. Took balls of steel to overlook him for Oliver at the time. Absolutely correct decision though. Superb judgement call by JT.
  23. Jason Taylor has really earnt his pay cheque on this one. Parish was a lock for us at pick 4 in that draft. His credentials were superb.
  24. Hibberd plays like a man possessed. An absolutely sensational pick up for us. Pick up of the year in fact. We look potent coming out of defence now, especially with Hunt loitering nearby as well.
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