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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. Great stuff Dees, and congrats to both players.................lets get the footy started!!!!
  2. I generally listen to SEN or MTR and don't recall hearing them on there.
  3. Congrats on the opportunity Tom! Sounds like he has really worked hard to earn this chance, and will give it all he has!
  4. Brett Lovett..........what a star he was!
  5. Spot on..............I posted this in the No T$ No B$ thread by accident: Someone called SEN during Ox's show, and went on about how much of a quality kid Scully is, and how his family has had to deal with a lot, and they are taking up an opportunity too good to refuse etc. I'm tired of hearing how much of a quality kid he apparently is. Quality kids don't stand up and tell straight out lies, whether it's for self interest or not. Quality kids stand by the decisions they make, and the ensuing consequences. Quality kids don't allow their mates to continue to back and support them, while knowing the truth is the complete opposite. Quality parents don't instruct their kids to lie. Quality parents don't piggy back or cash in on the opportunities presented to their son. What the Scully's do is entirely up to them, but the "quality" tag that continues to be mentioned with Scully is inaccurate. He may be a quality footballer, but quality kid..........questionable!
  6. Good luck to Wonna, but the absolute right call was made in cutting him loose! Apart from some early excitement, and brilliance, he hasn't really delivered much, and certainly no consistency. I can't see this one biting us in the future.
  7. It's terrific Brad has taken this approach, and isn't going to put his self interest ahead of the team and club.
  8. I love the way the truth finally gets out in the end. Earlier comments are spot on............when you're trying to build a winning team and culture, this kind of attitude just doesn't fit. The Scully's have to live their lives the way they see fit...............................they have clearly seen this whole situation as a massive cash grabbing exercise, and they have elected to wring every last dollar out of it.......that's their choice. Regardless of the money on offer, I personally could never imagine instructing my son in the same position to lie, and act in a dishonest manner, in particular to a club that had shown him absolute respect and support from the day he walked in the door. That's probably the most difficult thing to fathom. And the other thing that still continues to perplex me completely is just how many eggs GWS has been prepared to put into the Scully basket. They better pray this kid is a star!
  9. We'll all eventually meet the same fate, but the thought of leaving young kids behind must be the hardest thing I would imagine...........almost like you were letting them down or somehow failing them by not being there. He's a pretty amazing man Jim Stynes, and you can't help but admire his courage.
  10. Saw this come through on Twitter last night............................... http://www.nonfictionfoods.com.au/ Might have to ditch the pie and chips at the footy for some quality Jimbo muesli!
  11. Playing just 9 games this year would have probably have seen him gone from the MFC too, especially with a new coach coming in.
  12. Maric delisted by the Dees according to Sam Edmund on Twitter.
  13. The Bombers CEO Ian Robson makes me laugh. He drew comparison to us picking up Clark with a pick 12 as means to justify what they were offering to Caddy as fair. Clark was uncontracted, wanted to go home to a two team town, where only one of the teams was really interested in getting him, and that team was offering a pick later pick than ours. We simply had to convince the player to come to us, and our pick was superior...............if anything pick 12 for Clark is a steal compared to the Ottens trade a few years ago. Caddy wants to come back to Melbourne, is contracted, but wants to deal with the Bombers exclusively...................is it any wonder the Suns did what they did? If Caddy really wanted to come home, he would have said to the Suns deal with any Melbourne club to get me home, then the Bombers would have found out straight away there offer was junk. The Bombers have taken the Suns for fools, and in the process have confirmed that they are indeed the foolish ones. In 12 months time it won't probably matter as they can potentially pick him up for nothing, but it's still great to see them crash and burn like this.
  14. Bombers are shockers for putting up trash for quality! The mediation was the Bombers putting the spin on it to their fans that they did everything possible to land Caddy. Pick 19 and either a broken down KPF or average at best 2nd or 3rd string defender..............that must have been so enticing for the Suns considering Caddy was a pick 7 in a strong draft, and according to Terry Wallace would be around a pick 4 in this years draft. Absolute fools!
  15. That's harsh..........................but I had to laugh!
  16. The extra money paid to Clark is simply a "go home factor" buyout. And who else was seriously available to fill this kind of role for us....................Setanta O'Hailpin? I'm just damn impressed by the clubs approach to getting Clark..........how many other clubs out there would have simply put Clark in the "he wants to go home, we are no chance" category? This is simply some sharp work from the Dees here, and should be roundly applauded.
  17. You have to back the coach in here, and at the end of it all, Bate is contracted, and if the club decides it wants to work with him for another year under a new coaching regime / system, then so be it. Unless the Dogs were prepared to pay overs, and it was a deal too good to say no to, then they are within their rights to do so. Maybe Neeld thought players were getting games ahead of Bate when they shouldn't have been, or Bate wasn't being used in the right manner, who knows.
  18. Good luck Matty Warnock................always saw him try his best for the MFC, and you can't ask anymore of that from a player!
  19. Been reading Bomber Blitz................priceless reading the panic over Caddy..................I hope like hell they miss out on him!
  20. Absolutely! I had a Dawks fan at work say on Friday "why are they wasting their time chasing him, he wants to go home.......they're dreaming!" Look forward to seeing him tomorrow! Great gets Dees!
  21. Spot on! The club cops it for everything, and now because we spent a few dollars extra to get a key player for our team structure. Did they think a free steak sandwich was going to get the deal done?
  22. Unbelievable!!!!!! It's as though ever since that 186 point loss at Geelong the line in the sand has well and truly been drawn. That day could end up being a defining moment in the clubs history! Go Dees!
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