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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. I'm tired watching dishonest football..............Lyon would sort that out immediately! Would be more than happy if he got the job.
  2. I'd say the only one to responsible for making Brad Green the sub is the man himself! Perform as a captain, and to the standard of play we have seen from him previously, and he isn't the sub, simple as that! Over to you Brad!
  3. Beautifully summed up! I defy anyone to show me an example of a player on the list who has performed at a consistent level week in week out this year. The issue of consistency is the groups failing, not Colin's alone!
  4. Yeah, let's find another player on the list have 29 touches and 5 goals in any game this year much less the last two!
  5. 29 touches and 5 goals........any further comments??? His crime of inconsistency is the staple diet of the MFC. No champion since Flower, yet his is crucified and considered trade bait for not being one. Wake up people!
  6. It is so hard to know as a mug supporter from the outside looking in. Clarko looks great with flag to his name, and the ability to change his game plan to move with the times, and bring new kids in that work within that structure. But he could so easily have been booted this year had the Hawks not fired as they have. And the stats on Eade above are interesting..........again only perception, but game plan wise, he appears to be a little behind the top coaches at present. Having said that, Eade is no dill, and would see what is happening around him, and I'm sure he could make the necessary adjustments to suit the modern trend. He was a vastly different coach at the Dogs to when he left the Swans, and I think he would be different again were he to end up as our coach. Clarko would be great, but I think Eade could still be a good outcome.
  7. You're right........another nothing article!
  8. He's actually pretty stiff to get the boot from the Dogs. They've been average this year, but at the same time, they've had some real injury problems too. We could do worse...........I'm just not sure the Dogs game style appeared to be up with the modern pressing style.
  9. Comes into serious calculations now as an experienced coach that is available. Yes or no for Eade.
  10. What is this rubbish? I'm well aware it is only a request........read my earlier posts. Members are entitled to understand the complete picture when the club is coming to the membership base again and asking for further donations. There's more to the discussion than your simplistic approach of "if you don't want to give, then don't give". Donations are not a sustainable revenue source for the club, and it would have been a better sell if the club could outline the series of activities it was undertaking in getting the club back to standing on its own feet, as opposed to just requesting more money. As I always do, I'll contribute, but a little more context to the request is needed from the club in my opinion.
  11. Absolutely not! Having said that, he couldn't be any worse than some already on the list from a playing perspective.
  12. Some very good points there, and certainly the recent news about the FD issues with Schwab really hurt the positive perception around the club. Supporters are expected to tip in again and show their ongoing passion, but certain individuals can't even keep their egos in check, and get along for the betterment of the club..........it's very frustrating.
  13. I'm not knocking the club for doing it and I am sure they absolutely would have thought long and hard about going back to the supporters again after the contributions made to wipe the debt. It would be good to know though when the club expects to be able to stand on it's own two feet.........that we cannot pay 100% of the salary cap says we are still some way off that, and that is despite record membership this year. I can certainly see merit in making sure the funds are available to keep the talent on the list, and have no problem tipping in again, to assist. But at the same time it would be nice to know the whole picture and longer term plan IMO.
  14. It's got nothing at all to do with being indignant, and more to do with commercial reality. You cannot expect the club to survive solely on the back of supporter donations forever...............that's not a business, it's a charity.
  15. You're absolutely right Danny..............I have no problem supporting the club, and throwing in extra where I can when the call comes, particularly from Jimmy, but how many times can the club keep going back to the well. After wiping the debt and having a clean slate, what are the next stages in the business plan to reach ongoing sustainability, because supporter donations are great, but are not sustainable long term. Club expenses continue to go up, and we are still a long way behind in many areas compared to bigger clubs. I'll keep giving, but it is an absolutely fair question to ask the club what it is they are doing from a management perspective to sure up the financial viability of the club into the future........donations are only band aids.
  16. Yeah, there are certainly a few who only agree to play the game on their terms which is so frustrating to watch. Can't believe having already had a big clean out we still have players who fail to meet the required standard as far as commitment goes. How many rebuilds do we need?
  17. No doubt about it, those missed goals really hurt when we were trying to mount a comeback. But by the same token, the atrocious 2nd second qtr dug the hole, Barts just didn't help us get out of it. I understand the frustration, but I think a few have been a bit to harsh on the man here.............no one can doubt his effort and commitment...........I have never seen him shirk any contest while playing for the red & blue, and I respect him fully for that. I think in reality it comes back to a recruiting issue, with the modern game so much less forgiving on players who don't have adequate disposal.
  18. Not quite correct, Barrett said the leadership group would be reviewed, and MAY result in Brad Green standing down as captain...........nothing concrete from Barrett at all! And the name raised as possible football director was Greg Healy as opposed to Gerard.
  19. Awesome result! So what is this money going to be used for, and how many times can we keep going back to the well?
  20. Nice pick up from the kid scoring a voucher on the back of B/S! Sandilands is locked in until 2014 with the Dockers: http://thewall.com.au/topics/29419-sandilands-extends-contract-with-dockers
  21. I think the general perception is that his senior coaching days are over, and mainly on the back of the considerable changes in the game since he finished with Carlton..............don't ask me to name names, because I can't.........but I get the impression that's the current "vibe" on Pagan. It could be a bigger risk if he doesn't bring an approach and game style that can compete effectively with the top clubs, and perhaps the risk is slightly reduced by taking a current assistant from one of the top clubs. Your point about changing the culture is spot on though,and certainly as far as setting standards with the playing group goes, he could add a lot.
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