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Everything posted by Demonstone

  1. Depends how you look at at it, hardtack. Given that it is apparent they won't be playing after August, I would hope that their season will be somewhat shorter than our own.
  2. Here's hoping he becomes such a good player that is widely recognised to the extent that people realise his surname is spelled Jordon and not Jordan. I know, I know, it's a forlorn hope.
  3. Nil illegitimi carborundum, Nasher.
  4. Are Roost If Far and Dee Zee the same poster or is it just coincidence that they have the exact same avatar and posted one after the other?
  5. Geez, fair suck of the sauce bottle there, Stretch. I know the coach gets all of the blame when we lose and none of the credit when we win, but it's a bit rich to pot him after a win!
  6. Must have a good coach if we can still win when we are as terrible as the matchday thread would suggest.
  7. Would have / should have etc is correct. It's often abbreviated to would've / should've which clearly confuses some people as it then sounds like would of / should of. You can block me as well if you like but you'd still be wrong.
  8. A huge manatee? Nah faulty, just observing that it wasn't only The Lone Numpty potting a debutant.
  9. I was confused because you alluded to "17 on the field". As far as the new sub rule goes, I've yet to hear a convincing argument in favour of it and I believe it to be totally unnecessary and yet another example of the AFL feeling the urge to tinker with the game.
  10. It's not just this thread, Ernest. There have been some horrible things posted on this site about our coach.
  11. Which has been liked by three other posters so far.
  12. I don't get your point, SWYL. If a team of 22 loses a player to a match-ending injury, they would still have 18 on the field but the bench would reduce from four to three. Ergo, the load is spread among 21 players.
  13. If posters are being this nasty and vicious towards Simon Goodwin before we've even played a game, one shudders to think what new level of vitriol they have in reserve if things don't go well this season.
  14. One of the many quirks of our wonderful English language is that one who is down may be described as being "flat as a tack" but a person who is clever can also be said to be as "sharp as a tack". What does that all mean? Well, it's a tack so there must be a point. I suppose it depends upon which end the tack you're referring to.
  15. Viney hasn't played fewer than 10 games in any of his eight seasons. Strange comment!
  16. I believe it would be subject to a doctor's report and that the 12-day break would also apply as outlined in the concussion sub rules. It's not as if the AFL would do anything silly is it?
  17. Media reports suggest than the sub may be used for any type of injury that rules a player out of the rest of the match. AFL expected to make an announcement about this today.
  18. I hope it's not disrespectful to say I thought he had passed away years ago. Doug was a true legend of Aussie music and a singer with an incredible voice.
  19. Makes you wonder about the nature of his relationship with Oliver Oyl.
  20. No matter what Max or any player says, words will never please everybody. Winning games of football, on the other hand ...
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