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Everything posted by Chook

  1. I think Biffen was saying that because some Japanese participated in genocide and mass murder, some elderly Australians are unwilling to associate with any Japanese person.I'm not sure Biffen was comparing what Scully did to mass murder; rather that a negative experience can fundamentally alter a person's attitude towards a group (or in this case an individual).
  2. Anyone who's mad that he left for more money has no support from me, but anyone who believes that the way Scully left was wrong has absolutely got every right to hold that against him. If you ask me, lying is not inherently wrong, but unnecessary lying is; and furthermore, it is a sign of a deep-seated lack of morals.A "fine young man" Scully is not.
  3. His knee doesn't have to fall apart for that money to go to waste.
  4. Is that because the ice sucks or because it's a crime to put any ice in beer whatsoever.
  5. Recently I've noticed quite a few people have begun to lose their faith in the club (all over again), so I thought this video deserved a timely bump. All credit to DemonMuzza for creating such a great tribute to the team we love. Go Dees! [media=]
  6. They say you should never judge a book by its cover, but I think it's telling that a photograph of Jimmy without his hair (yet smiling broadly) was chosen to grace the cover.
  7. I've always wondered what was poking out the sides of his footy jumper. Now I know.
  8. The irony of that comment is that you made a thinly veiled dig at stuie, thus proving his point.
  9. I'm only explaining why I didn't think it was ironic. I almost posted at the end of my last comment that "you might think this is just a semantic difference." Clearly you do and I don't blame you for that. Irony is a tricky thing to pin down. Perhaps your definition of irony is better than mine. Perhaps it's not. I don't suppose it matters either way.
  10. But you said that was the accepted method for Africa. It isn't, therefore it's not ironic. For something to be ironic it has to be truthful. If you had said "the accepted accepted method for HIV treatment in some parts of Africa is to sleep with a virgin," then it would be ironic.It's like me saying "the correct treatment for a broken leg is to jump up and down on it." If that were true, my statement would be ironic. Since it's not true, it's just moronic.
  11. You're mistaking optimism for false hope. I don't think they're the same thing.
  12. Of course I do. I don't think that was irony.
  13. Eureka moments are never perfect. Isaac Newton had to get hit on the head with an apple, and Archimedes had to get hot water all over his nice floor before his discovery.
  14. That's like saying the accepted method for enforcing the law in Australia is to spear someone in the leg.
  15. Wouldn't it have been fantastic to be farewelling Green, Bruce and Captain McDonald all together at the end of this year. Who knows what may have happened if the latter two had remained. Perhaps our development issues wouldn't have been so pronounced and Dean Bailey may even have still been here. Regardless, to see McDonald at GWS, Green besmirched by the failed one-year captaincy gig and Bruce rotting at Box Hill is a very sad sight when you imagine what a great send-off they could have received.
  16. So it looks like they finally stopped "Considering" Jack Watts and decided to just "Test" him instead.
  17. For that golden thirty minutes, I thought something had finally clicked. Alas! it was all for naught and Newton's "eureka moment" was never to be.
  18. Garland's game was at least as bad as the one that saw Morton banished to the VFL never to return. He was absolutely shocking and deserves to be dropped.
  19. IN: McKenzie, Sellar, Watts. OUT: Couch, Garland, Bail.
  20. It's quite amazing how you manage to strike a perfect 50/50 split between insightful and moronic, bb. It's like there are a million monkeys typing behind that computer screen at all times. Sometimes you hit gold, sometimes you don't.
  21. By wearing protective clothing and rigorously cleaning themselves before and after touching their patients.
  22. It's this kind of thinking that makes old folks pine for the halcyon days of their youth. Time heals all wounds, but it also makes people forgetful as Hell.
  23. Feel free to go hurling blood, spit and semen all over the place and see how far that gets you if you have no problem with what Howe allegedly did. People should keep their bodily fluids to themselves.
  24. If I were David King for a day, I'd consider retiring from all media gigs and start working as a fry cook, because that's all I'd be qualified to do.
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