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Everything posted by Chook

  1. I can't see Nic Nat. Your thread is invalid. But seriously, I'm excited to see what this year brings. I hope we'll be a surprise packet, but as always I'm sure that prize will go to some other team from some other town.
  2. If depression were just a function of how crappy a person's life was, then you'd expect the suicide rates of 3rd world countries to by sky high. Not so.
  3. I too have got some personal close up experience. You've perhaps been unlucky to have experienced the worst of it, but don't let that colour your perception. My first-hand experiences have been less problematic. Drugs (all drugs) are risky, I'll grant you. But I'd be hesitant to put such a blanket condemnation against all drugs (or even recreational drugs). Some drugs save lives, others prevent pain, and still others inspire brilliant works of art. Not all of these are legal. How is that right? Even so, I rarely drink and I don't take drugs. I think it's safer that way, but I don't begrudge people who wish to try. As an example, some people take synthetic dopamine (which is produced naturally in the body). Taken in small amounts (ie recreationally), dopamine mimics the natural relaxing effect of the stuff your own body produces. Take a lot of it and you'll have some problems, but take a little and there's no negative side effects.
  4. That would be a little unfair. 2 vs 22. Although with Nic Nat in the side, I'll be RangeRover would be betting his house on a Fiji victory.
  5. While that's true, footy is often referred to as a "results-oriented business." On that basis, I can understand a leniency towards relatively harmless "recreational drugs." On the other hand, I can't fathom the overuse of alcohol by football players. Alcohol has a far greater negative impact on performance than a great number of illegal recreational drugs, and yet it's condoned to a far greater degree than even the most harmless illegal drug. This attitude implies that avoiding personal harm is not the first priority here, when clearly it should be. It's inconsistent; and if there's one thing I hate, it's inconsistency.
  6. "Two years ago the clubs tried to get the boys off alcohol and they all turned to the drugs..." I'm sorry, but what the Hell does he think alcohol is? I'm all for freedom to choose what you put into your body, but don't delude yourself about the nature of your vices.
  7. Even though I don't watch it, I'm glad to know it's still going to be on TV.
  8. Is it his fault the only word your dumb arse knows is "red"?
  9. Only Lynden Dunn could cop an elbow to the head and be blamed for it.
  10. Thank god. Last year his kicking was atrocious, culminating in what I reckon was one of the worst performances of all time by a Melbourne player against Port Adelaide in Darwin.
  11. And if you win one without 2 and 3, the win will mean so much less.
  12. The only things I care about when it comes to Melbourne are 1) winning games, 2) having a good jumper, and 3) being called the Demons. Anything else is completely uninteresting to me.
  13. Why would this upset a few at AFL house?
  14. One positive thing came out of that video: Whoever that makeup artist was, she could give Pia Miller a run for her money.
  15. Please! Saul Goodman never got caught.
  16. Why? Cause some nuff nuff (no disrespect intended) said he looked like he was just focusing on getting things done, not "training the house down?"
  17. Next time your apartment leads 21 blokes out onto a footy field, let me know.
  18. Number Two seems spot on for this post.
  19. You want to find out what our captain is worth, but you don't want trade him? Do you have any concept of loyalty and morale? Doing something like that to your captain would destroy the much-vaunted "culture" you've been talking about for months.
  20. Tanking is all relative, though. If you intentionally play to maximise your chances of winning the next game and you do this repeatedly over the course of a few seasons, you have tanked your premiership chances.
  21. Why would he need so much sugar in his coffee?
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