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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Ball movement looks much slicker, and I think the NAB Cup should be used as a testing ground for applications to the AFL for otherwise ineligable guys like HOGAN to get special dispensation to play in the real thing. Wow! What a forward we have in Hogan.
  2. That app also has a free website you can use from your home computer or laptop. It's pretty great actually.
  3. That's what I'm hoping for. We can't let him slip through his entire career as a loose defender. He can be a defender if that's where his best spot is (which I think is the case), but no player should be so deficient in basic man on man skills that they risk opening up their own side whenever they are left without support.
  4. I noticed that the pre-match interview with the Adelaide coach after they had been soundly beaten by St Kilda featured him using the words "We were very easy to play against." It looks like Neeldy coined a good one!
  5. I hope we don't hear "Dawes is quiet as a doormouse."
  6. That's a fair point about the rotational force. I think we should call Mythbusters!
  7. This. Saying that helmets wouldn't help is like saying crumple zones are pointless in cars.
  8. That sentence took me a little longer to comprehend than I would have liked...but I eventually got it, and I agree. But the best possible result comes from taking the "winner take all" option; tipping us to win and being right. Those who tip against the Dees risk not experiencing that special brand of footy Nirvana.
  9. But it might make me a bad tipper then?
  10. Am I a bad person for not tipping Melbourne in either of our games?
  11. I think Bailey and Connolly tanked their legal defence, once again for the greater good of the Club and (arguably) the game.
  12. Some part of me suspects that Mark Neeld put a bit of pressure on the board to forget about legal action, so that we would not have this issue hanging over the players' heads for the forseeable future (as would no doubt have happened otherwise).
  13. Only a witch would say that. J'accuse!!!
  14. He's a bit of a know-it-all when it comes to the tribunal, though. I can't say I like him too much when it comes to that area of the game.
  15. So why is it that the number one complaint against newly drafted players is that they can't defend, or that they need guidance to learn how to train properly? If what you're saying were true, neither of these issues would be valid.
  16. If that were true, then surely Brock McLean would need to be punished too. Didn't he embarrass the AFL with his allegations?
  17. I think your reading comprehension needs some work. 500k -500k = $0
  18. Somebody ought to write a book about it. Oh wait...they already did.
  19. Ladies and gentlemen...your number one draft pick is now a man. Look out AFL!
  20. Beered: noun; foam that occurs on facial hair after consumption of strong lager.
  21. I hope they invited you over for turtle soup the next day.
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