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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Need I remind you that we're the Demons? If that doesn't give you a good idea, I don't know what will.
  2. What does it say about my opinion of our coach that I read that as "the Wrath of Neeld."
  3. As an equal member of an 18 team competition, and in the interest of (token) fairness, surely we can count on one Friday night game every year. To get zero is absolutely insulting and represents more than simple commercial realities.
  4. That was last year. If it was such a big deal, then why did we get a Friday night game this year?
  5. Many Friday night games is a privelege. None is an insult.
  6. In a 23 round season with 18 teams, one team not featuring in even one Friday night game is hardly fair. In fact, it is the very definition of unfair.
  7. They both gave us the same number of Premierships, so what's the diff?
  8. I don't. Because if he doesn't, it will mean he hasn't earned it.
  9. I just hope it's "left field" in the Jeremy Howe sense, not in the Lucas Cook sense. No more Prendergast gambles for me thanks.
  10. Yep. You heard me. I'll be taking him at No. 4
  11. Any real Breaking Bad fan would know it's actually called "Saul Goodman and Associates" . . . [censored]!
  12. Judging by what appears to be official policy, he'll probably get a cushy media gig - the greater the conflict of interest the better.
  13. After the QB game against Collingwood this year, Cale was pounded from pillar to post by everyone on this board. I honestly thought his game was really not that bad. Regardless, the coaches chose not to play him the next week, or the next, or the next. Then he got injured and didn't play again, even for Casey. I was shown to be out of sync with what the FD thought, but I did notice a new problem that just happened to arise after Morton went out of the team. We were slow, slow, slow, and had absolutely no spread from the contest. Coincidence? I don't think so, but clearly I'm on a different page than most of you (and the FD, for what it's worth) when it comes to Cale Morton.
  14. At least you didn't give up much by not being a Richmond supporter.
  15. You can't stereotype anyone though, so obviously you can't stereotype people with lots of tattoos. Mitch Clark and Nathan Jones have got lots of tattoos. So what? They seem like great people.I just think that tattooing so many things on you that it gets to the point that you'd practically tattoo your shopping list for the day seems a little overboard - for no other reason than it makes the really important tattoos seem less special.
  16. Needs to not be injured for a little while to really show his ware. I rate his toughness and generally good skills. He'll not be a star by any means, but I think he can stick in the team.
  17. In addition to the plentiful highlights videos we get to see of every potential draftee, they should make "lowlights packages" showcasing some of their worst errors and brainfades. This might give a little bit more perspective of what the increased pressure of AFL might bring out.
  18. If you do anything too much, it loses meaning. One tattoo says something. A hundred tattoos says something else entirely.
  19. Jesus Christ! What's with all the tattoos these days? Hasn't anyone ever heard of a pen? I hear that works pretty well for writing signatures too.
  20. This raises an interesting concern. Players leaving unsuccessful clubs to experience success (perhaps at lower wages) will give their old club (which probably needs all the help it can get) crappy picks, while players leaving successful clubs (usually lured by money) will give their old club (which already is ahead of the pack) even more of a head start.Worrying.
  21. That sound great. As far as I'm concerned, anything Davey offers us in 2013 will just be pure icing. I don't expect him to play more than a few games.
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