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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Okay, fine. I'll be the one do do it. This is a stupid idea and a waste of time! Why don't we just focus on winning games!! We are a joke!!! No wonder we tanked!!!!
  2. I don't hate it, but surely there enough better options.
  3. From the looks of your avatar, you don't need it.
  4. What does this saying even mean?
  5. I'm well aware of how bloody amazing it is; it's just that it looks strange.
  6. Getting into a gym would be nice, but Maxy also needs to run around the block a few times to get his endurance up. He is absolutely spent halfway through a game playing as a main ruckman.
  7. I knew it. You are a devious moleman operating out of a secret underground lair. And your seemingly nonsensical posts are in fact a concerted plot to rule the world by spreading confusion and discord amongst otherwise unsuspecting humans like myself.
  8. Is it just me or do the bones of the human foot look absolutely bizarre? If there's ever been proof of evolution, it's the human foot. No god would be insane enough to create such a thing intentionally.
  9. But he's a high draft pick who hasn't lived up to expectations. I thought you hated them.
  10. It's crap like this that keeps happening to us that makes me want to strangle anyone who says we don't need draft assistance to make us competitive. In case that sentence was too full of double negatives, let me spell it out for you: H E L P
  11. I'm probably Dean Terlich's biggest fan, but last night was by far his worst game of the year. His opponents regularly kick bags against him, and he has virtually ceased winning one on ones over the past few weeks. We have to remember though that he is a first year player, and the year is long long long for all but the best first year players.
  12. That's the only half-way sane thing you've written in days, WYL!
  13. Same thing with Liam Jurrah. He could have been a 50 goal a year small forward (which is actually how he plays).
  14. Can't you and the club both be a joke? Isn't that possible?
  15. What a red-hot source that is. Hell, I could have told him that.
  16. His skin looks weird though. It's like it's green or something. Either he's secretly the Hulk, or he's a Vulcan from way back when those guys were slightly green.
  17. What is this "England" you speak of? Are they a footy side perchance?
  18. That is surprisingly comforting to know.
  19. We conceded about 70 points from turnovers. That is why we lost. In fact, it's why we lose every week.
  20. We conceded about 70 points from turnovers. That is why we lost. In fact, it's why we lose every week.
  21. I think about four or five years ago Ben Rutten was interviewed and said he was pretty much the only player that entire year to have played 100% game time. That was a very long time ago in footy terms.
  22. I've said this before, but statistics are like people. If you get enough of the right ones in a room together, you can solve any problem.
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