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Everything posted by Chook

  1. I've come to the conclusion that the MFC is the ultimate troll. It's got us all hooked, and is now proceeding to screw with our minds on a weekly basis just for the fun of it.
  2. What are you suggesting we do? Make him an offer he can't refuse?
  3. Sexist. What if she's a brain surgeon?
  4. Don't you mean Chri's Dawe's?
  5. No more best mates WYL. You should know that by now.
  6. Didn't that guy just F-off to Brisbane?
  7. You don't know what you're talking about. I'll admit that he has poor kicking skills, but he was surely in our best players earlier in the year. "Awesome" at Melbourne doesn't mean the same thing as "awesome" at Geelong, so I can understand you having problems with that word. But if you don't think Jack Grimes was one of our very best players this year before getting injured, then why don't you tell me who was.
  8. When 150 years old you reach, look as good you will not.
  9. Excuses are reasons that no-one asked you to give them. "Why are you fat?" "I can't control myself around food." That's a reason. "Don't judge me because I'm fat. I just can't control myself around food." That's an excuse.
  10. The kid's not human. That's not a complement.
  11. Yep. People forget he was awesome until that Carlton game.
  12. It is a player's right to hold off negotiations on his contract until such time as he sees fit to sign it. If you call that "holding the club to ransom," then that's fine.
  13. Actually, on that logic we're all gonna die real soon.
  14. If it were an animal, you'd give it to a capable owner who actually knows how to take care of it. That may or may not be happening right now, but who honestly knows anymore?
  15. As I've said before, the goals from turnover stat is the reason we lose every week. Seriously, every single margin is almost exactly equal to the amount by which we lose the gft stat.
  16. Please kindly punch yourself in the face.
  17. The funny thing is that our players look at our club and go "This place is unprofessional. I want out." And all the other clubs just look at our players and go "Man are they unprofessional. Why should we pick them up?" And anyone who does get picked up goes "Holy crap. I had a good thing going at Melbourne. If only I'd shut my mouth and worked a little harder, I wouldn't be on the verge of getting delisted by Hawthorn/Collingwood/Richmond."
  18. Good effort from the boys today. It was a game of two halves, and in the end the better team won. Yeah nah, if we just keep pluggin' away we'll get the four points, the choccies and the bickies. But credit to the Giants. They came to play and got the better of us. Big Wattsy was good up forward, and Pedo chased the little guys all day, but just couldn't get on top of 'em. Maybe next week. One week at a time, after all. BANG!!!
  19. Leading our B+F before getting his shoulder torn off. He has been a shadow of his former self since coming back, but with another pre-season he'll be back to his best.
  20. This is beyond embarassing just to watch. Imagine what it would be like for the players. Oh wait. They don't care, so why would they be embarrassed?
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