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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Cam Pedersen is a worse footballer than me. I don't play football.
  2. If there's anyone out there who's thinking that we might be better off losing today, I'd like to just suggest that you go and punch yourself in the face right now.
  3. Some big-time Melbourne insider from what I recall. He usually comes up with some pretty good stuff.
  4. ...be found dead the next day, floating in a pool of my own bitter tears.
  5. Let me guess. You picked the number 4 because that'll be how old he is before we win another game?
  6. Liam Jurrah stuffed himself up. The fact that we couldn't stop it doesn't make us to blame.
  7. Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Fresh Fish!
  8. If you say you don't like something that inherently implies you don't like another thing, then you obviously also don't like the second thing as well.
  9. "I don't like dogs" "I don't like people who have dogs" Either way, you're probably not going to let any dog owners over to your house. It's the same thing; the same result.
  10. There's plenty of "can't" in our team. What this football club needs is less "can't"
  11. Etihad's a toilet, you say? So does that mean I can contest my public urination charge?
  12. If you come second against drug cheats, you've earned it.
  13. Chook


    I woke up for this shite? Seriously? I'm going back to bed.
  14. Today is the day of the game; the game is on today. Hence the title. Duh. So ... is anyone else very interested to see how Cam Pedersen will go today against his old team? The guy is 26 and is in the first year of a THREE YEAR CONTRACT (I know, right?). He is in his prime, and should be a leader on the field. This is his chance to make something of himself. Let's hope he can. And ... Go!
  15. This thread is much better than the "Please resign, Jack Watts" threads that have cropped up numerous times over the past few years.
  16. Actually, I love him; he's running 3rd in my B+F predictions. Nevertheless, his defensive weaknesses have started to hurt us more than his offensive flair helps us.
  17. If you ask me, Andrew Dimetriou is of Jeff Kennett's "ilk."
  18. I'm not super disappointed with that, to be honest. In my opinion, his recent form warrants being dropped anyway. He's had a stand out year, but he has obviously been tiring over the last few weeks.
  19. When Mark Neeld became our senior coach, in my mind everything became Dean Bailey's fault. Now that Mark Neeld is gone, I see people making exactly the same mistake.
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