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Everything posted by bobby1554

  1. General soreness from doing what?
  2. Nothing has changed from last year. Turnovers, short kicks to opposition. Unfunctional forward line.
  3. $81 for the 2020 Brownlow was enough for me to part company with $10. A “poor mans Dustin Martin”?, I don’t think so
  4. Can someone enlighten me on what the go is with Tomlinson? Is he, or has he been, injured, getting over surgery?
  5. Is it just me, or are others concerned that we have just drafted 3 young men from interstate? We lost Jesse Hogan because of the go home factor, so why would these guys be any different? We have seen Geelong lose Kelly for the same reason, Dangerfield left Adelaide. Probably countless others. Hope I am wrong, but the warning signs are there
  6. We did very well. Addressed the lack of outside speed with Langdon (and don’t forget we have Baker developing into this role), Tomlinson is a bit of a wild card, but we gave up nothing for him. And we have picks 3 and 8 in a quality draft.
  7. So we lose a player and 3 draft picks to get 2 draft picks.....what am I missing here???
  8. Good, would not have been money well spent
  9. If he comes anywhere near HQ (wherever that is!) in the next couple of weeks, kindly escort him to Flinders Street to catch the next train to Moorabbin
  10. Yes, and Mumford questioning him after the siren. Decisions like that should be reversed as the consequence is massive. Richmond go into the break with a bit of momentum due to umpire mistake
  11. Unsighted after half time, when the game was on the line. Major pass for me. Let’s not waste money on this guy past his use by date.
  12. 13 disposals today, 9 of which were uncontested. Never looked looked like impacting the game, along with Stephenson, which was a major reason Collingwood only had 3 goals till three quarter time. GWS mopped up time and time again. His days are numbered.
  13. Joel Smith
  14. Or not paying overs for Jones and Frost
  15. Jesus H Christ, he has bought a farm and has decided to change his career path. All of you negative nellies suggesting there is some plot to rid people in roles at club, get a grip. Christ, if the club came out and said they had found a cure for cancer there would be some of you putting a negative spin on that!
  16. Geez it will be nice watching Collingwood lose another grand final
  17. A break from what? They don’t need a break, they need a rocket up their clackers
  18. I like your posts and ideas by the way
  19. And yet TMac and Weed were instrumental in us winning 2 finals last year. I think I will roll with it
  20. Depression for me. Earlier in the year, I had packed away in a box the members ticket, 2 jerseys (one which my daughters bought me for Xmas last year), bomber jacket and scarf, and now stored on top of the wardrobe. Threw in the bin the calendar, car stickers and 2 guest passes. Have not attended a game since the first St Kilda loss. Will not renew my dedicated demon package next year. Such a waste.
  21. Essendon, the Bulldogs of 2016. Hit with the lucky stick. Get your money on folks
  22. Well I suppose he is about to get the chance to show what he has, being our key forward for the next few weeks. Let’s reserve judgement till then shall we.
  23. Yes, amazing isn’t it. So what was 6-6-6 supposed to achieve?
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