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Everything posted by bobby1554

  1. Putting aside the tactical arguments as raised above, the premise that you can draw a conclusion that just because Burgess has experience in soccer physical performance management can relate to AFL, is fundamentally flawed. Soccer is mostly a non-contact sport, and the grounds are a lot smaller. I would defy anyone to argue that soccer is as physically demanding as AFL. I think the idea of not managing players through this next 3 weeks is fraught with danger
  2. And to think there were posters this week saying we should get rid of Jack Viney. Clueless, absolutely clueless
  3. Yep. And so is Joel Selwood and look how he has turned out. Difference is that Selwood has had quality players around him all his career
  4. And what exactly is his position? All very well to say he is a flanker adding a third option to two key forwards, however we do not have two key forwards! One can’t run out of sight on a dark night, and the other would rather be somewhere else. So the coaching group have no choice but to utilise his talents wherever they can, as a key forward focal point. Unfortunately for Bayley that is the position he is in at the moment. Not his fault because he does not have the physical attributes. But please enlighten me what you would do otherwise.
  5. Easy answer, just do the rest of the draw with 16 teams, leaving Brisbane and Gold Coast out. Let them take it up with their Govt
  6. Wasn’t McKenna tested earlier last week and it came up negative, then retested Friday and positive Saturday? If that’s the case and Essendon players are being tested Tuesday how can they possibly play on the weekend??
  7. He is contracted for next year? I know that doesn’t mean much any more as far as trades go, but I would say he is being made to earn his recall
  8. Right at this moment his comment is fact. Whether it remains so is entirely up to Jake. We wait and see.
  9. Cannot see where goals are going to come from. Unless this is a low scoring game we are in trouble
  10. Yep, problem is he has a couple of them
  11. Now that I could believe! Don’t use the knees in the ............position
  12. “Resting Up”....seriously? So out of 38 players he is the only one who has to be “rested” due to training load? I think you will find there is a bit more to the story than that
  13. Nothing has changed from last year. Turnovers, short kicks to opposition. Unfunctional forward line.
  14. $81 for the 2020 Brownlow was enough for me to part company with $10. A “poor mans Dustin Martin”?, I don’t think so
  15. Can someone enlighten me on what the go is with Tomlinson? Is he, or has he been, injured, getting over surgery?
  16. Is it just me, or are others concerned that we have just drafted 3 young men from interstate? We lost Jesse Hogan because of the go home factor, so why would these guys be any different? We have seen Geelong lose Kelly for the same reason, Dangerfield left Adelaide. Probably countless others. Hope I am wrong, but the warning signs are there
  17. We did very well. Addressed the lack of outside speed with Langdon (and don’t forget we have Baker developing into this role), Tomlinson is a bit of a wild card, but we gave up nothing for him. And we have picks 3 and 8 in a quality draft.
  18. So we lose a player and 3 draft picks to get 2 draft picks.....what am I missing here???
  19. Good, would not have been money well spent
  20. If he comes anywhere near HQ (wherever that is!) in the next couple of weeks, kindly escort him to Flinders Street to catch the next train to Moorabbin
  21. Yes, and Mumford questioning him after the siren. Decisions like that should be reversed as the consequence is massive. Richmond go into the break with a bit of momentum due to umpire mistake
  22. Unsighted after half time, when the game was on the line. Major pass for me. Let’s not waste money on this guy past his use by date.
  23. 13 disposals today, 9 of which were uncontested. Never looked looked like impacting the game, along with Stephenson, which was a major reason Collingwood only had 3 goals till three quarter time. GWS mopped up time and time again. His days are numbered.
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