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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Well for a start we are an awsome team and will win multiple flags at the greatest ground in the world, as opposed to playing at some two bit ground in the middle of nowhere NSW in front of 5,000 spectators (if lucky) every second week. Apart from that, I can't for the life of me answer that question, other than the fact that two of his mates from BGS are there as well.
  2. Plus us taking Hogan as a Priority pick in the mini draft, ahead/instead of Kelly.
  3. If you look at the way Neita walks it's always on the balls of his feet, I was trying to work out what it was that made him bounce and noticed that it was this, have a look at an old video one day. Glad to have Neita back at the club in this capacity, he is a great guy and as some have said, he's so humble and reluctant to talk about himself.
  4. What other form is there in the pre season? If you have two players that are of, roughly, equal ability and one is training really well and the other is coasting through, or is not competing as well, which one gets the nod in the first game. Let's remember, after that, the incumbent has the advantage unless his form falters.
  5. I'm not condoning his personal use of peptides, but it doesn't say in there, or anywhere that I've read that he was involved in the administration of drugs to the players.
  6. This is a forum, some will agree with you some will not, that could be a once off, or all the time, but the nature of a forum is that everyone has an opinion. I'm not that sensitive that I have to argue with everyone that disagrees with me, it's simply not that important and I can't assume that I'm always right. If you feel the need to respond to every poster that differs from you, then good on you, but you have to also expect that that applies in reverse and those that differ to you have the same right of reply. Me, I just get on with it, my skins not that thin that I have to take umbrage over every comment that refutes my opinion, I'd suggest that you think about doing the same. This forum gets clogged up with petty, back and forth posts that do nothing for the site, try letting someone else have the last word, maybe you'll find it doesn't hurt as much as you thought it might.
  7. Interesting, I have been getting calls from a Daniel who has been pushing tickets for the past players association and I've fobbed him off a bit because I'm not even remotely interested in the prize on offer. I've always bought a few tickets but this year I just didn't feel inclined so it is interesting to see that there may be two different raffles. Have you been in touch with the club to see which is the club sanctioned one?
  8. I think that's precisely what STMJ was saying to you.
  9. I've equivocated over Spence for several years now, first of all I thought he would be ok then I thought maybe not, then he played a couple of reasonable games and I jumped back on board again but after a while I figured that he just didn't have it. He's been on the list for what seems a thousand years and has played 30 odd games, this year must be make or break and I hope he turns it round like the Russian did. At least this year he has trained well and given himself a chance to get a game or two, not like previous years where he's been behind the 8 ball before the season starts.
  10. Good to hear that, because he's now part of the furniture and we have so many new players around we hear little about Bern, I'm stoked that he's training well and that he and Nat and AVB have all moved up a notch. They are every bit as important as the new, young guns and will be integral to our season's results.
  11. http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/pc-adelaide-crows--simon-goodwin Some pretty good stats there.
  12. Gee he was hard to miss, a very good footballer who was surrounded by other very good footballer, but he was a stand out for mine.
  13. I hate seeing other sides have epic battles and real rivalries and when they come off the ground, they have nothing left, I hate it because it simply doesn't apply to us. We have no sides that really hate us, like Collingwood/Essendon, Hawthorn/Essendon, Crows/Port etc. we no longer have any respect from other clubs and I hope that Simon Goodwin will reignite them and turn us in to a side to be feared and hated. I want to see our players come off the ground every week spent, because they've given their all. If he can do that then he will be known as a good coach.
  14. Absolutely great news, love Roughy, my favourite other club player. Never thought he'd play again, so to not only play but be appointed captain is just sensational, good luck for the future.
  15. I doubt that Lewis will need freshening up, he is a professional footballer so the adjustment should be simple for him, he will adapt to the new game plan like all pro's do. I think he will be happy to have Bernie around him, to share the load of the anti social football side of things and vice versa.
  16. Dante


    My view is that Melbourne wanted Howe out, like they did with his best mate Chip and that whilst they might not have won the trade, as some say, they got what they wanted. BenKen can play good football, his biggest problem is consistency, when he's good he's really good, but he doesn't back it up and if he can he will hold his spot, I hope he can, he's aggressive and has all the tools for a small forward.
  17. It just seems as if there is this constant discussion/criticism about/of JT when the same doesn't apply to the other players. As soon as someone asks how he is going, the usual suspects jump in with the, too slow, not good enough, even the ones who haven't seen him train. I forgive Pickett because he's obsessive compulsive and once he gets a set for or against someone (Juice Newton) he just can't help himself, but some who haven't seen him train shouldn't just assume he hasn't picked up on his pace.
  18. Correct, it seems that as soon as someone asks how he is going at training, nothing else, just how is he going, there is an avalanche of criticism about his speed. Everyone says they wish him well, then they have a go at his lack of speed and some reason why he shouldn't be here. There are plenty of players that have a flaw, but it seems as if the only one that receives any consistent attention is JT. To be fair, no one will know until he plays in a match proper, if he is too slow for the game, so why don't we hold back until then, he's on the list, suck it up and wait and see.
  19. I second that, he's a top bloke and if he was coming in now I'm sure the outcome would be different. I look back on the Daniher era and wonder how well we would have gone with the players we had, if they were playing with the club the way it is today. God we've wasted some talent over the last 50 years and destroyed some careers along the way.
  20. I think we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves here, we have a promising list but suggesting that it's that good that we can start trading out some of our "just below best players", is really stretching it a bit With regard to Salem, he will be a top line player if he can get his "condition" under control, the game toward the end of the year against Geelong proved just how good he will be, he has got it all and to suggest he will be on the trade block is silly. They need to get the thyroid condition to a manageable position and as long as they can he will be a jet.
  21. I'm just glad the whole thing is over and done with, we can all get on with it and H can do something he really wants to do, whatever that is Dawes was not exactly a star for us but he gave it his all, H never seemed to get going and would have struggled to get a game, I guess we are about $1m better off.
  22. Excellent news, I thought he would never play again and I'm so glad he's clear and can. One of my favourite players outside the Dees, he's just a really good competitor and he's fought the good fight.
  23. Good decision by Jack to decline a Rookie spot, he has just put up with the last season playing seconds and I'm sure he doesn't need another. Hope he remains a Dee's supporter and that we see him at the games this year, it would be good if he could have some sort of mentoring role at the club. Thanks Jack for all you did for us in the dark days.
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